Chapter 1206

Amidst countless shouts of killing, thousands of yamen servants rushed out of the imperial city, a total of more than 4000 people, carrying long swords, completely collided with the countless rebels and fought together.

Xianyang City, as the capital of the Great Qin Kingdom, has the most officials here, if nothing else.

To put it bluntly, here, a random stone can hit someone who is on a salary.

These words are by no means nonsense, although the yamen servants are not considered officials, they are also members of the imperial court who receive a salary, and their original intention is still to be an official.There are also officers and soldiers, which also belong to officials.

In Xianyang City, there are many government offices, and the three public and six ministries have their own government offices, such as the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Households, and so on.

In an ordinary city, no matter how big it is, there will not be more than a thousand yamen servants, if there are hundreds, it would be great, but in Xianyang City, there are four to five thousand yamen servants in all the government offices, which is really tens of thousands.

At this moment, officers and soldiers have already died in battle, and these government servants have obviously become the last force of resistance.

It's a pity that each performs its own duties, and each has its own use.

Many of these yamen servants may be no worse than those officers and soldiers in individual battles, or even worse than them, but they are not soldiers after all.

The first collision is like an egg touching a stone, and it is instantly beaten to the ground.

The two armies fought each other, and as soon as these yamen servants rushed forward, they were directly torn apart, and countless corpses of yamen servants fell on the spot, and the dead could not die again.

In the eyes of these people, the impact of a hundred thousand troops rushing to kill was unprecedented.

What they can do is not to block the [-] troops, but to delay their steps with their own lives.

They did it, but the casualties were also heavy.


Seeing that these yamen servants caused only a handful of casualties to the enemy, but they themselves fell down frequently, Duan Hu yelled loudly, earth-shattering, and flew up, before killing the rebel army.


He swung the iron rod in his hand and instantly smashed into a large area.

This scene instantly made the yamen servants who were determined to die blush, their morale was boosted, they roared angrily, and charged even faster.

All of a sudden, these yamen servants who had been suppressed and beaten unexpectedly fought vigorously, forcibly interspersed into the enemy army, and fought desperately with the enemy army.


Seeing this scene, the Yuan brothers who hadn't made a move immediately quit.

Not far away, Gan Hong and Zhang Biao had already collided in the chaotic army, fighting back and forth, the Yuan brothers looked at each other, and they could tell that Zhang Biao was entangled.

And this section of tigers is indeed extremely brave, relying on their strength, alone, it may be difficult to compete.

Immediately, the two flew up at the same time, with the ghost-headed sword and the long sword, approaching Duan Hu, charging towards him.

Duan Hu was still moving back and forth among the chaotic army, clearing the way for the government servants, when he saw this, he swung the iron rod in his hand and pointed out, immediately the two of them fought together.

"Clang clang clang..."

Amid the clanging sound, the two surrounded Duan Hu, covering and killing him back and forth.

Both of them are top fighters, and within their encirclement, there are only a handful of people in the world who can protect themselves.But this tiger is one of them.

Faced with the back and forth of the two of them, Duan Hu was almost out of breath when surrounded by enemy troops at first.

But after a fight, the surrounding rebels emptied out, leaving an open space for the three of them.

In an instant, the situation changed. During the two people's cover-ups, Duan Hu started to move back and forth, but he counter-pressed directly.

The two were shocked, unbelievable, they didn't expect that there would be such a crouching tiger, hidden dragon in Xianyang City.

First there is Jun Wuyou, and then there is Duan Hu, they are both so powerful that it is frightening, it makes people's hearts tremble.

This final decisive battle broke out completely, and the two sides fought together. Although the three generals of the rebel army were entangled, but the strength below was placed there. A [-] army, let alone thousands of yamen servants, could not stop it.

Even though these thousands of yamen servants entered the enemy army and fought well, even with a one-to-one record, the more than 4000 yamen servants were exhausted very quickly.

On the top of the city, the officials watched the battle below to the end, but in less than half a stick of incense, those yamen servants had already been killed and injured, and the officials gritted their teeth.

"Clang clang..."

Suddenly, there was a clear sound, and the ministers drew out their swords one after another.

"My colleagues, I can't stop it anymore, what are you waiting for, it's time for us to be loyal to Great Qin, kill!"

Mo Shang, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, held a long sword, shouted loudly, turned around and headed down the city.

"That's right, colleagues, once the emperor and the courtiers, it's time to be loyal to my Great Qin!"

Situ Feng, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, seconded the proposal, holding a long sword, turned around and walked down.

"Be loyal to my Great Qin, kill!"

Hundreds of officials yelled, at this last moment, although they did not expect the hidden masters in the imperial city to attack, they could not just sit and watch the imperial city be destroyed, so hundreds of officials rushed down the city wall and killed outside the imperial city .

Later generations say that every time righteousness slaughters more dogs, most of them are scholars who are guilty, but they don't know that people change their minds.

Before and after the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, there were hundreds of schools of thought, and this period was the most brilliant period of civilization.The scholars of this era are the real scholars.

Everyone has their own ambitions. The ambition of most people is never to make money and enjoy the glory and wealth, but to govern the world, to make a name for the ages, and to live forever.

Therefore, if you count the thousands of years of China, you will find that in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States, the world was in chaos. However, when countries competed for hegemony, scholars from various countries went to serve in other countries from time to time, but the monarchs of each country would not be too defensive.

Because in this era, birth is one thing, and choice is another.But whoever chooses their own development place will often not betray.

Scholars live up to their hearts, devote themselves to the country, and serve the country.When the time to be faithful comes, they never stand behind anyone.

Such a hundred officials at that time.

More than a hundred people rushed down to the imperial city and killed the generals.

Among them, although most of them are civil servants without the power to restrain chickens, there is no shortage of masters. For example, the six ministers, among the hundreds of schools of thought, can be regarded as the heads of various schools and factions, and their strengths are all in the realm of first-class masters .

With the strength of a hundred people, this killing general actually dragged the rebels' footsteps, making it difficult for the rebels to move forward.


On the top of the city, looking at the officials who were about to go out, Xiao He also suddenly pulled out the long sword in his hand, gritted his teeth and was about to turn around and walk down the tower.

"what are you doing?"

Zhang Liang grabbed Xiao He's arm and shouted in a deep voice.

"My colleagues have already gone to battle to kill the enemy, so why don't you want me to stay here and watch?"

Xiao He had a cold face. Now that Daqin has fallen to such a point, he has no choice, let alone comfort. Apart from fighting, should he wait for the rebels to take Xianyang and then bow their heads and proclaim themselves ministers?

(End of this chapter)

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