Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1207 is Empress Yinyue

Chapter 1207 is Empress Yinyue

"Oh, there is a reason for all officials to be anxious, but look at him, does he look anxious at all?"

Zhang Liang shook his head, grabbed Xiao He's arm, and pointed to Jun Wuyou not far away.

Hearing this, Xiao He couldn't help looking at Jun Wuyou, and saw Jun Wuyou standing there quietly, with his hands behind his back, watching the battle situation below, like watching a play.

"What is the meaning of this person? At this time, he can still be so leisurely!"

Xiao He gritted his teeth. At this moment, he had already grown disgust towards Jun Wuyou in his mind, so he naturally couldn't understand any of Jun Wuyou's gestures.

In particular, the soldiers below were fighting bloody battles, and all the officials did not hesitate to kill him, but he still acted as if nothing had happened, which made Xiao He even more angry.

"Master Xiao still can't see it?"

"This person didn't betray Daqin, but he can still be so leisurely. The answer is obvious. Daqin can't die, the imperial city won't fall, and Xianyang can protect itself!"

Zhang Liang was speechless, this Xiao He was also considered a great talent, his ability to govern the world was unmatched by anyone.

But when it comes to war strategy, he has no idea at all, and he can't even see such an obvious problem.

"Oh, what do you mean?"

Xiao He was taken aback, Zhang Liang was a man who was good at calculating, as a great military strategist, he could calculate the outcome of every battle on the battlefield, so as to find a way to resolve it, but Xiao He couldn't, for a while, some Can't understand Zhang Liang's meaning.

Zhang Lianggang was about to say something, but he caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye. He saw that in the imperial city, at some point, figures suddenly rushed out, and thousands of people gathered.

These thousands of people all carry long swords.


Zhang Liang quickly pointed to the imperial city and said, "Did you see it?"

Xiao He turned his head quickly, and saw that thousands of people gathered quickly, the first person, dressed in golden armor and holding a phoenix wing gilded with gold, was Yu Wencheng, General of the Great Qin Dynasty.

"Everyone listens to the order, the rebels are rebelling, and dare to covet our Daqin Imperial City. You will join the general to fight today and wipe out the rebels!"

Yu Wencheng's yellow-flowered horse under his crotch shouted loudly and rushed out first.


Behind him, thousands of masters made a promise and rushed over.

Thousands of people rushed out of the imperial city, immediately rushed to the front of the two armies, avoided hundreds of officials, and fought forcefully.

These thousands of people are all masters from the Jixia Academy outside Xianyang City. They come from a hundred schools of thought. The army retreated steadily.


Looking at this scene on the top of the city, Xiao He's heart was shocked, his face showed disbelief, and he said: "There are really so many masters in the imperial city. If you make a move, even a hundred thousand troops are not their opponents?"

Zhang Liang shook his head and said with a smile: "Lord Xiao, do you really think that His Majesty the Emperor will leave without even a single step back?"

"Of course, although these 1000 people are second-hand, they seem to be taking advantage at the moment, but it's not because of how powerful they are, nor does it mean that a [-] army is vulnerable!"

"Because of street fighting, the strength of the army cannot be gathered. If fighting on the plains, no matter how powerful these thousand people are, one round is enough to annihilate their entire army!"

"And on the Xianyang battlefield, in the street fighting, the enemy's forces cannot be concentrated, and they can completely control the enemy. Therefore, it is not a problem to hold down the rebels!"

"Of course, if no reinforcements arrive, no matter how powerful these thousand people are, at most half an hour, this hundred thousand troops will be able to pile them to death!"

Xiao He's heart was shocked when he heard the words, Gang Yao spoke, but only heard countless rumbling voices coming from the other side.

"Master Zhang, look!"

Xiao He suddenly turned his head to look, and immediately saw countless troops approaching the Xicheng District, looking at them, there were tens of thousands of them at least.

"It's the army from the southern border, it's Tu Sui's army that's coming!"

Zhang Liang also looked over, and when he saw this, he laughed immediately, and said, "These people have actually entered the city, it seems that they have defeated the Huben army!"

Hearing this, Xiao He said in disbelief: "Defeating the Tiger Ben army, how is this possible?"

"The Huben army, how can it be said that it can be defeated by a mere [-] army?"

After saying these words, it is obvious that Xiao He also understands the strength of the Huben army, which is simply not something any army can compete with.

If you want to block the power of the Huben army, you need at least 30 troops to be possible.Otherwise, even with an army of [-], it would still be their turn to be slaughtered by the Huben Army.

For example, the [-] Xiongnu army that once chased and killed the Great Qin Mission was killed by the [-] Tiger and Ben army in a short period of time?

This is a legendary army, saying that it is invincible, and no one dares to oppose it.Saying that he is a heavenly soldier and general, I am afraid that everyone in the world will have to raise their hands in approval.

If it is said that an army of 8 people can defeat the Huben army, let alone Xiao He doesn't believe it, even a person without any knowledge will not believe it.

Zhang Liang frowned. He also didn't believe that the [-] Southern Army could defeat the Huben Army.

However, at this moment, he seemed to see something again, and suddenly, his eyeballs popped out.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Liang nodded slightly, with a look of sudden realization, and said: "So it is, so it is, I understand!"

Xiao He was puzzled, and said, "Master Zhang, what does this mean? What do you understand?"

Zhang Liang didn't answer, but stretched out his hand to the end of the street, and said, "Lord Xiao, look there!"

Xiao He looked puzzled, turned his head to look, his eyes froze for a moment, and shouted: "It's Empress Yinyue!"

This shock was no small matter, I saw behind the rebels, at the end of the South Street, a handsome figure galloped out and rushed into the army.

She carried a long sword in her hand, and was dressed in silver armor. She came to attack suddenly, and when she waved her hand, she had already killed more than ten enemies.

Blood splattered everywhere, staining the silver armor on her body red.

This person is none other than the Great Qin Imperial Concubine, Empress Yinyue.


A sword swung out of an open space, and Yinyue's long sword pointed straight at the void, roaring angrily.

Behind her, war horses were galloping, and an army of more than 200 people rushed out immediately, rushing into the rebel army, gods blocked and killed gods, Buddhas blocked and killed Buddhas.

These people all held a long spear, sweeping away thousands of troops, no one could stop them.All enemies standing in front of them were swept away.

Looking at that posture, it is simply not fighting, but harvesting wheat.

On the spacious street, countless rebels turned their guns and killed them. However, the more than 200 people cooperated seamlessly, and they came and went at an extremely fast speed.

The rebel army began to fall in large numbers in front of them, while their horses continued to gallop, leaving only a sea of ​​corpses and blood in the places they passed.

"Who are these people? Why are they so powerful? They are so much stronger than the number one in the imperial city!"

Xiao He was dumbfounded, there were only two hundred people coming, they were like a million brothers.

Killing the enemy is like sweeping snow and cutting wheat, it is not comparable to the thousands of people killed in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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