Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1213 Joint Letter

Chapter 1213 Joint Letter
"My king Haotian, in your opinion, is this Yingshou really invulnerable? So far, I have not made a move with the power of Tianmen, so how do you know that I am not his opponent?"

The man with the devil mask was very dissatisfied. In his opinion, the most powerful force in this world is completely gathered in Tianmen, who else can't deal with it?
"Hehe, are you trying to please the widow?"

Haotian smiled, his eyes under the mask narrowed slightly, and a chill flashed across his face.

"Haotian calm down!"

Everyone below trembled at the same time, and hurriedly bowed their hands, each and every one of them was terrified.

In Tianmen, Haotian is the sky and the unique king. Whoever dares to question him will only die.

"Hey, forget it, forget it, you will never understand how powerful Ying Shou is. The widow has been waiting for hundreds of years for an opponent, if you can find out about him, then he will not be the widow's opponent!"

Suddenly, Haotian sighed, leaned on the throne, looked up at the sky, and muttered to himself: "Ying Shou, Ying Shou, you have teased me so much, if you don't give me color, how can I have the face to stand in this world? "

As he said that, Haotian suddenly lowered his head, looked at the people below, and said: "Decree, no matter what method is used to go north to the Xiongnu and Donghu in the southern part of the Central Plains, we must return it in the color of Qin, otherwise, I will be severely punished!"


When the people below heard the words, a flash of panic flashed in their eyes at the same time, and they responded in unison.

For Haotian's severe punishment, no one in this world dared to question it.

The whole world is completely controlled by Haotian.

Once, someone provoked the majesty of Haotian, and Haotian severely punished and slaughtered a whole country in a rage. Since then, no one dared to offend Haotian's majesty.

Now, Haotian has issued an ultimatum to the power of the three parties. There is no doubt that if the three parties fail to meet his requirements, the Dark Qin will dominate a series of tasks, as well as the royal family of the Xiongnu and the royal family of Donghu. I am afraid that no one can escape Haotian's anger.

This is still a relatively good result. Once it becomes more serious, I am afraid that even all countries will have to be bloodbathed.

"Go down!"

With a big wave of Haotian's hand, everyone faded away.

Soon, the news spread that Donghu and the Huns were strictly ordered to fight desperately, at all costs.The strength of the Dark Qin must be coordinated at all costs, and those who violate it will die.

At this point, the Eastern Hu Huns and the Dark Qin forces no longer dared to slack off in the slightest, and pushed forward the war with all their strength, completely burning the flames of war that swept across the Xiongnu, Eastern Hu, Great Qin, and Baiyue to the extreme.


"Hahaha, good... General, do you see that, the outcome is one hand, you don't need to pay too much attention to it. It's good news, it's always good news. If it's bad news, what's the use of worrying?"

In the land of Donghu, Donghu King's Court, and Bihaiyuan, a loud laugh resounded.

Ying Shou sat in the study and laughed, handed the secret letter and booklet to Sima Xun who was standing beside him, and said very freely.

"Your Majesty is right. It's a blessing, not a disaster. A disaster can't be avoided. The battle of Xianyang is over, and the victory is triumphant. Next, the prelude to the war in this world should also begin!"

Sima Xun took the secret letter and looked at it, Nanyan's excited expression was also on his face.

Under the attack of the power of the three parties, Daqin was able to stabilize so quickly, which is really exciting.

As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning, and the previous occupation is stable. Next, Daqin will have the opportunity to slowly stretch his fists.

It's like a person, or a lion waking up.

The first thing to do is always to open your eyes first, and then it's time to stretch your hands and feet.

Now, the situation in Daqin is barely opened, and then the situation will become much clearer.

"Yeah, the prelude to this world should also be kicked off!"

Ying Shou nodded, leaned on the seat, and said with a smile: "I think Haotian must be furious at this time!"

Sima Xun was taken aback, a little puzzled, and said, "What's your majesty's intention? Neither Tianmen nor Haotian participated in this battle."

"For His Majesty, the following battle is quietly a game, and His Majesty doesn't care if he wins or loses, so Haotian is probably the same. How could he be furious?"

Ying Shou turned his head to look at Sima Xun, and said with a smile: "You don't understand that, sometimes, winning or losing is really not that important. But it depends on how you win or lose!"

"If I want him to win, I don't care if he wins. But if I don't want him to win, but he wins, how can I not be angry?"

"In the final analysis, what Haotian wants, he can only get it if I am willing to give it to him. If I don't want to give it to him, I dare to kill him if he dares to snatch it!"

"Of course, maybe in his opinion, my thoughts are also his thoughts. How can he not be angry?"

When Sima Xun heard the words, he seemed to understand but half understood.

Sometimes, he really couldn't figure out why the emperor would put the entire Great Qin Dynasty on the gambling table without making a sound.

Speaking of it, this is a game between the emperor and Haotian, but to be more straightforward, it is a game between the two.Once there is a slight mistake, it will be a crushing defeat.

"General, you have to know that that old boy Haotian is very sinister. This battle seems important, but in fact, it is just a bait thrown by him."

"As long as I am willing, he still has a steady stream of bait behind him. As much as I want, he can eat as much as I want!"

"Speaking of which, his backhands are almost done. He only needs to feed me. When the time comes, it's time for him to draw the net!"

"According to the logic, he wouldn't care about winning or losing this battle. It's a pity that I made a move."

"He thought he was in control of the audience, and even prepared to trap me. But he didn't expect that in the end, I wasn't trapped, but he was instead!"

"Now that I've realized it, I've already lost my face, and I'm eager to get it back. But I didn't expect that, if he was not angry, he would be abnormal if he lost one after another!"

Sima Xun fell into a daze, half understanding, but Ying Shou closed his eyes, as if thinking of something, the smile on the corner of his mouth grew stronger.

"It's a pity, this old boy still can't hold his breath after all, otherwise, I still plan to let him serve under my subordinates, bowing his head to me every day. If there is a day, it will be really happy!"

"Unfortunately, it seems that there is no chance now!"

While speaking, Ying Shou sighed, very regretful.

"Your Majesty has never even seen anyone in Haotian, so how can you get it under your account?"

Sima Xun was stunned, and found that he could not keep up with the brain circuit of His Majesty the Emperor.

"Have you never seen it before? I'm afraid it's not the case at all?"

The corner of Ying Shou's mouth twitched slightly, and said sarcastically.

"By the way, Your Majesty, what's the matter with this book? How come all the ministers of the court complained to Jun Wuyou? What a heinous crime to commit!"

Suddenly, Sima Xun saw something, was startled, and shouted hastily.

He knew that Sima Xun was the emperor's imperial envoy bestowed by the emperor himself on the Black Dragon Order. Even if the officials of the Manchu court were full of ambition, they would not dare to target him.

Now they have signed a letter together, each of which looks too difficult to write down, and looking at the content behind it makes Sima Xun feel a chill in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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