Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1214 The Battle of the Southern Border Breaks Out

Chapter 1214 The Battle of the Southern Border Breaks Out
"Your Majesty, this Jun Wuyou is so bold that he dared to lead the rebel army to slaughter the common people. If this matter is not false, then it is courting death!"

After reading the following content, Sima Xun was shocked, looked at Ying Shou and said.

"Hmph, the so-called fight between the gods and the fish in the pond. When the two armies fight, the people suffer. What is the point of morality?"

"There is no proof, no basis, the rebel army massacred the people, what is it to do with Wuyou? Don't listen to slander!"

Ying Shou narrowed his eyes slightly, a flash of coldness flashed by, and he waved his hands.

"Your Majesty, how can such an important matter be closed hastily? I'm afraid it will be done after a thorough investigation!"

Sima Xun heard the words and said hastily.

This is a major matter, even if Jun Wuyou really did not do such a thing, it must be investigated strictly to return Jun Wuyou's innocence.

Otherwise, once the facts are confirmed, the court will not be able to explain, and neither will Jun Wuyou.

"Look at this!"

Ying Shou took out a set of folds from the table and handed it to Sima Xundao.

Sima Xun reached out to take it, opened it, frowned and said: "This is a memorial sent by Jun Wuyou. According to the memorial, he asked the people of Xianyang to evacuate as soon as possible, but was blocked by the officials!"

The corner of Ying Shou's mouth twitched slightly, and he said, "That's right, Wuyou was worried about the safety of the people and decided to evacuate the people. This is a sincere heart. How can such a sincere person do something that leads the rebels to slaughter the people?"

"In my opinion, this statement is pure nonsense. Even if someone really led the rebels to slaughter the people, it is not worry-free, it must be someone else!"

Sima Xun trembled all over, and said: "Your Majesty, the battle is imminent, whether it is to stabilize the hearts of the people in the world or the morale of the army, the people of Xianyang City cannot retreat by themselves!"

"After all, it is the capital of the country, and even the country is not sure how to defend it. How should the people of the world think? It is right for the officials to obstruct it. How can it be said that the officials have different ideas?"

Ying Shou got up, walked with his hands behind his back, and said: "I don't care if there is any disagreement. For some things, if I say no, there will be no. I have passed down an imperial decree to severely punish all the officials. If you dare to frame my imperial envoy, you will be severely punished. "

"This matter has been exposed, there is no need to discuss this matter anymore!"

Sima Xun's eyes flickered, he is not a fool.

Now that it's all said and done, why doesn't he understand what the emperor means?
After all, the emperor didn't care at all whether Jun Wuyou committed such a heinous crime, in a word, Jun Wuyou, he saved it.

"The end will understand!"

Sima Xun couldn't say much, although he didn't understand the emperor's intentions, but being loyal to the emperor, he believed that the emperor's actions must have intentions.

"Well, General, immediately order Yingyan to come, I still have a message to convey!"

The corners of Ying Shou's mouth twitched slightly, there were some things he wouldn't say, even if he died of old age, he wouldn't say them alive.

But it is necessary to do it, it is not convenient for him to do it, Jun Wuyou will do it for him, he can't blame him.

I thought before that this battle was about to be completely unfolded, but the result I wanted never appeared.

Unexpectedly, Jun Wuyou would now be able to pull the strings from it, without having to worry about it at all, it has already been done.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, this is a great evil, but is good and evil in a single thought?
There are some things, something to do, something not to do.

On that day, one imperial decree after another was passed out from this study one after another, heading straight for Xianyang.

When the kings of other families were taken captive, they were sent under the fence to survive.However, Ying Shou went in the opposite direction, turning the client into the main.

This Donghu royal court, the king of Donghu, is suppressed everywhere. On the contrary, he is doing the things of the old country in other palaces, which is really ironic.

"Hey, it's autumn, and the weather is getting colder!"

After conveying a series of imperial edicts, Ying Shou walked outside the study, feeling the cold wind.

Before I knew it, it had been four or five months since I came to this Donghu land.

During these four or five months, the war against Great Qin was gradually getting on the right track.

However, with the passage of time, this Hudong land is already getting colder faster than the Central Plains.

At this time, in the Southern Territory of Great Qin, although autumn had already entered, it was still sunny, and it was the time when the sun was scorching hot.But the land of Hudong has entered the cold autumn.

The strong wind is blowing, and the slightest coolness makes people unable to resist adding two more clothes.

"Your Majesty, there should have been a fight in the southern border. Next, it's time to pay attention to the southern battlefield!"

Sima Xun was busy, and came up from behind, holding a big cloak in his hand, gently draped it on Ying Shou, and said in a deep voice.

"It's just a group of rebels, a mob, everywhere, nothing to fear!"

Ying Shou stretched out his hand to grab the cloak, smiled coldly, but couldn't help but cast his gaze to the south.



"Drive Qin Jun away, give me Baiyue back..."

"Get rid of Qin Gou and return my homeland..."

The Battle of the Southern Territory finally started seven days after the Xianyang Battlefield ended.

The southern border was once a land of hundreds of countries, and there were many countries, such as Nanyue, Minyue, Zhejiang, Eastern Europe, Luoyue, Wuyue, Yangyue, Western Europe and other countries.

More than ten years ago, the Great Qin army arrived and unified the southern border, but it was difficult for them to emigrate and guard the border. Therefore, the Great Qin was only the ruler in name, but in fact, the countries still existed.

It wasn't until the arrival of Ying Shou that the Baiyue countries were completely conquered, and after they were unified, they were called the Southern Territory.

Today, most of the Dark Qin forces gather here.In addition, Anqin rescued Minyue Gong and Zheyue Gong from Xianyang, that is, the former Minyue King Weng Baishou and Zheyue King Lu Nan.

Immediately afterwards, they found the descendants of the kings and kings of South Vietnam, Eastern Europe, Luoyue, Wuyue, Yangyue, Western Europe, etc., and rose up, gathering millions of troops in an instant, and fighting from everywhere.

These armies from all walks of life, in the name of restoring their homeland, driving away the Qin people, and returning the banner of my Baiyue, rushed out from various places in one fell swoop, and immediately approached the land of Nanyue, and killed Nanyue where the Great Qin heavily guarded.

"Arrogant... bold..."

"These southern barbarians are really unconvinced!"

Ren Xiao, the governor of Nanhai County, was furious, and rioted in Tianyue City's governor's mansion.

In their view, this matter has nothing to do with them.

Among the captives that were taken back then, most of the royal families and military forces of various countries were assigned to do labor.

Once the period expires, these people can go back.

However, before the expiry date, these people disappeared inexplicably, reappeared, raised the banner, and got involved with Da Qin again.

Faced with such a result, it was difficult for them to accept it for a while.

"Everyone, raise your head up for me. Now that things have happened, what's the use of keeping your head down?"

Seeing that everyone below lowered their heads, Ren Xiao let out an angry roar, which immediately startled everyone below.

"Hmph, there was an escape incident in the past, a Han Xin escaped, and caused chaos in the southwest. Now it's happening again, but it's really unreasonable to mess up my Daqin!"

"Fortunately, I have already made arrangements. Since these southern barbarians want to fight, let's fight vigorously and thoroughly, so that they can no longer hold their heads up!"

Ren Xiao let out a cold snort, and his eyes were cold. Then, a series of generals came out, and he was already serious about it. At this time, all the layouts were fully unfolded.

(End of this chapter)

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