Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1215 Surrounded by Barbarians

Chapter 1215 Surrounded by Barbarians
The so-called centipede is dead but not stiff, and it is exactly the case in the countries of Baiyue.

Previously, these people and the dark Qin forces had been hiding in the dark. Now that the outbreak broke out, Daqin's arrangement in the southern border was caught off guard.

Even though he had been prepared for a long time, Ren Xiao did not hesitate to summon veterans, but he was still hit head-on.

Hundreds of Yue rebellious troops from all sides gathered in numbers, attacked more than 130 million soldiers, and directly wiped out more than 13 Daqin soldiers.

So far, the total number of veterans and recruits of the Qin army in the southern border is only 60, which is more than half of that of the chaos army.

However, after all, Ren Xiao had already prepared the layout for the war. After he reacted, the army gathered and immediately abandoned most of the passes in Baiyue, and the heavy troops stopped at Tongyun Pass in the South China Sea and Hengpu Pass in Lingnan.

The two major passes, Hengpu Pass, gathered an army of 30, guarded at every level, and did not give the rebels any chance to break through the pass.

After all, Hengpu Pass is the most important pass for Lingnan Baiyue to enter the Central Plains. As long as it is firmly grasped, it will be as difficult as heaven for the rebels to enter the Central Plains.

However, Nanyue has now been reduced to Nanhai County of Great Qin. After more than ten years of governance by Great Qin, it has already left Baiyue.

The most important point is that the Baiyue granary has already gathered in the land of South Vietnam.

As long as the food is still in the South China Sea, and the rebels from all walks of life are not allowed to get it, this is equivalent to strangling the necks of the rebels.

An army of one million is mighty, but they always need to eat, right?Can't even eat, what a shit fight?

As for the people everywhere, although under the governance of Daqin, most of them can barely eat a full meal, but that's all.

A prosperous age needs to be created slowly over time, not just one or two years, so that everyone can live comfortably.

Without Daqin's help, it would be difficult for the people here to have enough food, let alone provide food for the rebels.

In this case, the rebels did not have enough food, so they could only attack the South China Sea.

As long as the South China Sea can be defended, they can only go hungry. In the end, they will either snatch the meager food from the people, or the army of millions will fall apart in an instant.

In this case, a million troops can't grab food from all over the southern border, can they?

One by one under the banner of restoring the country, but the restoration of the country has not yet succeeded, but they burned, killed and looted the people. What will happen?
The common people are not stupid, they all know how to compare, if it is really urgent, it will only lead the rebels to a dead end.

Therefore, as long as Nanhai County and the Nanhai granary can be kept, the rebellion in the southern border will be solved sooner or later.

And Qin Jun's move instantly made the rebels understand something. Immediately, the rebels became anxious.

How could they let Qin Guo hold his neck and say what?
So, all the rebels came straight to Nanhai County.

As the saying goes, before the soldiers and horses move, the food and grass go first. In any case, before the southern border is completely taken down, capturing the food and grass is the top priority.

As a result, armies from all walks of life gathered together, and the entire Nanhai County was like a dark cloud, and the invisible pressure increased layer by layer.

Ren Xiao rushed to Tongyun Pass, where he heard the news of the arrival of the rebels from all walks of life outside, his expression gradually became solemn.

Although the Qin army is brave and good at fighting, especially these veterans summoned now.

To say they are veterans is actually just to say that they are veterans. Most of them are in their 40s and [-]s, and their combat power is at their strongest.

But even so, there are only 30 troops in Tongyun Pass.No matter how brave and good at fighting, it is two different things to be able to resist the millions of troops gathered from all walks of life.

Before he knew it, Ren Xiao fell silent, and an inexplicable crisis and pressure enveloped his heart.

For a long time, in the land of Baiyue, where the Great Qin Heijia passed, gods blocked and killed gods, and Buddhas blocked and killed Buddhas, giving Baiyue countries undeniable pressure.

Today is definitely the first time in Ren Xiao's history that he feels pressure here.


When the Battle of the Southern Border started to get on the right track, on the other side, on the battlefield of the Xiongnu, Donghu's 50 troops finally arrived, taking over from the Xiongnu army the 20 southwestern troops of the Great Qin that had been harassing the Xiongnu army.


Amid the shouts of killing, the Donghu army completely cut off the Great Qin Southwest Army and the Xiongnu army.

The Xiongnu army finally broke away from the endless entanglement of the Southwest Army, and immediately rushed straight to the Great Wall and rushed to Yanmen Pass.

And here, during the fighting, the Donghu army wiped out the small harassment army of the Great Qin Southwest Army, a total of more than [-] people, and they were completely strangled with the Great Qin Southwest Army.

"Pass my military order, the army will be divided into three parts, the left and right wings will outflank, and the central army will approach the main force of the Qin army!"

Among the Donghu army, following Nehman’s order, Donghu’s 50 troops, each with 20 troops on the left and right wings, were on the grassland, at a place called the Gelu Sheng River, and headed upstream to a place called Tianlu Mountain. Encircled and suppressed.

The Holy Gelug River brings endless vitality to this grassland, making this endless prairie exist in the boundless desert.

There is also Tianlu Mountain, named Tianlu Mountain, but in fact it is just a relatively high hill, not a mountain range.

It's just that under the Tianlu Mountain, it has a radius of hundreds of miles, and they are all named after it.

Today, the 20 troops of the Great Qin Dynasty are gathered at the foot of Tianlu Mountain.

Donghu's 50 troops arrived, and the left and right armies, 20 each, directly encircled the 20 soldiers of Daqin from the left and right sides.

It is said that there are 20 soldiers, but in fact, they have been entangled with the Huns army for several months, and have been fighting with the Huns army.

So far, the Huns' army of 80 has been harassed and killed by all kinds of harassment, and more than 20 and nearly 30 have been wiped out, leaving only more than 50.

Although the Xiongnu army has never intended to fight them head-on, the Great Qin Southwest Army also inevitably suffered casualties during the attack.

Today, of the 20 troops, there are only less than 15 left.

Once besieged, if you stand up against Donghu's 50 troops, you will undoubtedly lose.

"General, the barbarian army is divided into three groups, encircling them, getting closer and closer!"

Under the hill, the 15 troops are still practicing what should be drilled, and those who should be standing guard are still standing guard. It can be said that they should do what they should do.

A team of scouts arrived, walked up to General Lie Yang, and handed over their hands to report.

The person who reported this was the translator in the army, and most of the scouts behind him did not understand the language of Lie Yang.

"Oh, it seems that this barbarian can't wait, and wants to fight my army!"

Lie Yang was holding a piece of beef in his hand, and was cutting it off piece by piece with a dagger, stuffing it into his mouth, hearing this, he said with a sneer.

"That's right, General, the barbarians are trying to force our army to go to war. I wonder how the General will respond?"

The translator cupped his hands and said.

Now, everyone can see that if the Huns hadn't rushed to the Savior of the Central Plains, they would have gone to war with them at all costs.

Now the Xiongnu army can't let go of their hands to fight, but the Donghu army will not entangle with them, seize the opportunity, it is a decisive battle, destroy them first.

(End of this chapter)

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