Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1216 Grassland Horse Racing

Chapter 1216 Grassland Horse Racing
"Hmph... If they want to hit me, let them not hit me?"

"If you want to listen to them, just ask them to ask me to surrender!"

Lie Yang sneered, although he was also a fighting maniac, he was not a fool who was dazzled by the battle.

He always listened to his sister's words.

The general direction strategy given to her by her younger sister Yinyue was never to cause any harm to the Huns army, let alone start a tug-of-war or a decisive battle with the Huns army.

He has only one task, to disturb the Huns at all costs.

Therefore, even if he can't continue to disturb the Huns' army now, he will not rush to war.

After all, the enemy army is 50, which is an absolute force to crush one's own side.Only fools would fight this kind of battle.

"General, what should we do then?"

The translator asked with a frown.

"What else can I do? Immediately call the generals from all walks of life, return the clothes of the Huns in their hands, raise the banner of the Huns army, pat their asses and leave!"

"Everywhere you go, eat and drink, grab as much as you can, just try not to kill people!"

Lie Yang waved his hand with a nonchalant look.

On this grassland, the enemy army is still more than a hundred miles away from them. With all the connections, they come and go freely. How can they be surrounded if they want to?
If it doesn't work, retreating into the Gobi and going to another grassland can still disrupt the Hun Empire.

As for the 50 barbarian army behind, if you have the ability, you can catch up, if you can't catch up, you don't even think about a decisive battle.Procrastination will drag you to death, it depends on whether you retreat to Donghu first, or keep chasing.

It has to be said that the former Lie Yang, a first-time martial artist, has a simple mind.

But in successive battles, he gradually became shrewd.

The so-called practice makes perfect, he is familiar with the battlefield, and he also uses the rules on the battlefield.

With his order, the 15 army changed its appearance, put away the Daqin battle flag, raised the Xiongnu battle flag, and left before the Donghu army surrounded them.

When Donghu's army arrived, they found that the building was already empty.


Nehaman, who came to prepare for the decisive battle, only saw a mess on the ground when he arrived. It was all garbage left by the Qin army. As for the Qin army, he had long since disappeared.

Seeing this, Nehman immediately became furious. He thought he understood the general of the Qin army.

That Lie Yang is completely a fighting maniac, he always only rushes upwards, never retreats.

She thought that if she put on a decisive battle posture, Lie Yang would definitely fight.

Even if there are people behind him to stop him, Lie Yang will still fight decisively because he will be outside, and the king's life will not be accepted. This is Lie Yang's character.

However, the scene in front of him was completely unexpected, and Lie Yang did not fight.

The feeling of this punch on the cotton was so powerful that it had nowhere to go, which made Nihaman feel extremely uncomfortable.

After successive defeats before, the 80 troops were all killed by the Qin State.Now she is preparing to take the 15 Qin army to sacrifice the flag, how can they let them run away?

"Chasing, chase me immediately!"

Nehman coaxed his eyes, and his face under the mask was trembling with anger.

With a wave of his hand, 50 troops gathered, and the scouts in front tracked and cleared the way. Along the way, they went straight to the Great Qin Southwest Army.

However, what happened next made him even more furious.

Wherever the Qin army passed, it was simply outrageous. How many cattle, horses and sheep of the herdsmen on the grassland they saw and took away.

Qin Jun fled and robbed all the way.

The grassland herdsmen of the Xiongnu were not vegetarian either, and many people began to rebel.

But it's okay if you don't resist. Qin Jun just snatched food, cattle, horses and sheep, and ran away in a hurry.

As soon as these people resisted, Qin Jun was not polite and directly killed them.

Whoever dares to stop will die.

So, along the way, weeping everywhere, as long as there are herdsmen living, there will be dead people.Among those who died, relatives were crying on the sidelines.

As for property, food, etc., they have already been robbed.

So far, those herdsmen have been perplexed, and they have no idea who is robbing them.

Because the Qin army in front wore the clothes of the Huns army and held the battle flag of the Huns.

When they were robbed at the beginning, the herdsmen still doubted whether it was the Qin army, but after seeing the Donghu army chasing after them, all the accounts were placed on the Donghu army.

In their view, the Donghu army wanted to rob food, but was unwilling to expose it, so they wanted to cover it up by letting the former army wear Huns' clothes and hold the banner of the Huns to act.

Of course, officials from all over the Xiongnu are not fools. They know very well that it was the Qin army who robbed.

But what if they know?Could it be that this kind of thing can be explained slowly?
Therefore, the army of the Xiongnu and the southwestern army of the Great Qin Dynasty chased and fled on this grassland, having a great time, but they suffered a lot for the Huns.

As time passed, Nihaman became more and more angry. He had seen such a shameless style of play, but he had never seen such a shameless style of play.

This is not fighting at all, it is simply fleeing for life, even robbing, it is really shameless.

I don't know what's going on, the horses of the Great Qin Southwest Army are not as fast as the Donghu Army, but the East Hu Army can't catch up if they say they can't catch up. On the contrary, along the way, the Great Qin Southwest Army seems to be catching them on purpose. Same.

Seeing that they could not catch up, they immediately stationed there and waited slowly.

When they were about to catch up, the Great Qin Southwest Army continued to flee and rob.

In the end, Nehman figured out that the horses under the crotch of the southwestern army were all from the southwestern Dian Kingdom.

The horse breed of the southwestern Dian Kingdom, the Dian horse, is different from the war horses in other places.

This northern warhorse is tall and mighty, with long legs and wide strides. Once it starts, its speed is as fast as flying, which is outrageously fast.

Look at that speed, it is not an exaggeration to say that a thousand miles a day.

But in fact, let alone a thousand miles a day, these war horses can run six hundred miles a day, which is considered remarkable.

And the Dian horse is short and powerful. Compared with the war horses in the north, it is quite short.

With four short legs, when he ran, his speed was not as fast as the tall horses in the north.

However, it is this short and powerful war horse that can gallop eight hundred miles a day without any pressure.

It is undeniable that the starting speed of the Dian horse is completely inferior to that of the big horses in the north.

But the tall horse in the north will get tired after running for a period of time, and its speed will continue to slow down, so that it can't even run in the end.

Looking at the Dian horse again, the more it runs, the more vigorous it is, the more powerful it is, and the faster it runs.Long-distance raids are completely beyond the reach of northern warhorses.

Therefore, the distance between the two sides is getting farther and farther, and in the end the Qin army has to wait, otherwise the Donghu army will not be able to catch up at all.

As a result, the idea of ​​a decisive battle with the Qin army was completely vain, which made Nihaman suffocate, but he had nowhere to vent.

And just when Nehman's anger was suppressed to the extreme, misfortunes never come singly, and even more troublesome things happened to him again.

(End of this chapter)

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