Chapter 1217
"Generalissimo, our food and grass are exhausted, and the Xiongnu's supply has been missing for a long time. We can't continue fighting like this!"

That night, Donghu's army was stationed under a hill, and as soon as they stopped, all the generals came to Nehaman at the same time, and only one of them said indignantly.

"What, the supply of the Huns is still missing?"

Nehman's eyes turned cold under the mask, and he said coldly.

"That's right, Generalissimo, our soldiers at all levels are already reducing consumption, but the dry rations carried by each person can last at most two days. If there is no more supply after two days, our army will be completely out of food!"

The soldier said with a gloomy face.

"Hmph, what do the Xiongnu eat? Order the Huns everywhere, and give them two days to find a solution for me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Nihaman was furious. This lieutenant officer had started to reduce his expenses three days ago, and she knew this.

Also since then, she has forced the Huns to send supplies quickly.

But so far, the supply has not been delivered, but our own side has almost consumed it.If things go on like this, is there still a fight?Even dragging can be dragged to death by Qin Jun.


The general took the order and said: "Marshal, I will go to urge you now, but there is one thing, if it doesn't work, I'm afraid the general will have to use violence!"

Nehaman nodded and said, "No problem, anyone who dares to slack off will be killed!"

As the saying goes, before the soldiers and horses move, the food and grass go first.As the commander-in-chief of a country's army, Nehman is too aware of the importance of this food.

If you want to continue fighting, food and grass are essential.

They raided long distances and came to the territory of the Huns to fight for the Huns. As Qiren, they paid attention to speed, and it was impossible to bring a mountain of food.

Therefore, the food here can basically only be supplied by the Huns.

If the Xiongnu cannot supply as usual, not only will this battle be impossible to fight, but their guns can only be pointed at the Xiongnu.

After all, if the Huns want to survive, the Donghu must also survive, and so will the 50 army.

Otherwise, once the 50 army trapped the Huns to death, Donghu would really have no power anymore, and could only be crushed by others.

This is definitely not something that the commander-in-chief of a country can tolerate. As a last resort, all methods need to be done at any cost.


The general got Nehman's promise, turned and left without further hesitation.


The battle on the prairie was quickly sent to the hands of Yingshou in the land of Hu Dong, Jun Wuyou, Zhang Liang and others in Xianyang City through information from the Black Ice Terrace and Guantian Terrace.

In the hands of Wang Lin and others who were chasing the Xiongnu Shanyu Maodun on the road, they were also sent to the Changbai Mountain headquarters of Tianmen and the Kunlun Mountain headquarters.

"Okay... It seems that Lieyang has finally shown his edge!"

In Bihaiyuan, Ying Shou burst out laughing when he received a message from the Black Ice Platform.

"Your Majesty, you once said that this Lieyang is Xiang Yu in the southern region. He is unyielding in power, powerful and invincible. How do you think about this style of play? It's not like that at all?"

At the side, Sima Xun also saw the summons and was speechless.

"You want to say that Lie Yang's style of play is purely a rascal, right?"

Ying Shou smiled and put the summons in the brazier at the side, and it burned to ashes in an instant, and said with a smile.

"It does feel that way!"

Sima Xun didn't deny it either, because in his opinion, this wasn't a war at all, it was just a game.

He also did some research on Xiang Yu.

After all, in the anti-Qin army back then, Xiang Yu was the mainstay. He was like a broken bamboo all the way, destroying the former Qin Dynasty, and hundreds of thousands of troops were killed by him.

This combat achievement is enough for any general in the army to study Xiang Yu's style of play.

At this moment, if Lie Yang was really compared with Xiang Yu, in Sima Xun's view, it would be an insult to Xiang Yu.

"You are wrong, this person's ability is definitely not inferior to Xiang Yu's. Even if Xiang Yu is there, let Lie Yang fight with him, believe it or not, the one who wins in the end can only be Lie Yang!"

"Whether it's head-to-head, or the treacherous tactics on the battlefield, Xiang Yu is no match for him!"

Ying Shou looked far away, as if he saw Xiang Yu back then, and said with a smile.

"Oh, Your Majesty, although Xiang Yu is arrogant and conceited, one thing cannot be denied, he does have sufficient capital and ability. At least his last stand is a swan song of all ages!"

"Look at this General Lie Yang. Although he has a lot of force, he has never had any achievements."

"He was defeated in the Battle of the Great Wall, but now that the world is in chaos, he can only harass him from the sidelines. This is completely different from Xiang Yu's fighting style, and it lacks the aura of swallowing the wilderness. The two are completely different!"

"Why is it that Xiang Yu is not such a person now that His Majesty is here?"

Sima Xun was puzzled. Although Xiang Yu was once the mortal enemy of Daqin, in the end he defeated Xianyang and fell into the hands of Yingshou.

But one thing is undeniable, Xiang Yu's record and momentum are enough to make Sima Xun admire him.

He personally participated in the battle in Xianyang City back then, and he also personally saw Xiang Yu make a move.

Even a strong man like Yu Wencheng couldn't beat Xiang Yu for more than a dozen rounds.

It can be said that if there hadn't been Generalissimo Wei Liaozi's strategic planning and His Majesty the Emperor's strong crushing in that battle, it would have depended entirely on other people.

Even if one hundred thousand Qin Heijias arrive, they may not be Xiang Yu's opponent.

Looking at Lie Yang today, he didn't even dare to collide head-on with the enemy, the level of the two of them can be seen.

"You don't understand Xiang Yu too much, and you don't understand Lie Yang too much!"

"Xiang Yu, who was born in a noble family, has a noble fault, which can never be corrected. What is the arrogance of swallowing the wilderness, the arrogance of preferring death to submission, in the final analysis, it is pride, and it is a fault!"

"Being entangled in this kind of problem, even a god can't save him!"

"On the contrary, Lie Yang has the will to fight unyielding Xiang Yu, can be called the god of war, and also has his own arrogance."

"But pride is not pride. No one can suppress Xiang Yu, and I am the only one who respects everything. Even his sub-father Fan Zeng can't do anything about it!"

"On the other hand, Lie Yang fights with others and never admits defeat. This is his arrogance. But before, he didn't know the art of war, which was also his shortcoming. If the two are compared, from this point of view, Lie Yang is no match for Xiang Yu! "

"But Lieyang can become the second Xiang Yu at any time if he wants to. And after Xiang Yu is behind, Fan Zeng can't suppress his edge."

"Lieyang is different, Yinyue alone is enough for him to obey all orders!"

"Yinyue is to Lieyang, just like Fan Zeng is to Xiang Yu. Maybe Yinyue is inferior to Fan Zeng, but no matter how powerful Fan Zeng is, it is just tasteless when it comes to meeting. On the contrary, Yinyue, who is less capable, is better than Xiang Yu. , but are interdependent!"

"War is never a matter for one person. From this point of view, Xiang Yu will lose against Lie Yang!"

Ying Shou waved his hand, talking about Xiang Yu back then and Lie Yang today, and couldn't help but comment.

(End of this chapter)

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