Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1218 The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked

Chapter 1218 The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked

Sima Xun fell silent, and didn't know whether to agree or not to the emperor's comments.

It is undeniable that Xiang Yu is indeed proud.But Sima Xun, who is also a general, knows very well that in this world, a general who is not proud is not worthy of being a general at all.

Let me ask, a general who killed thousands of miles with blood and walked up on the corpse of thousands of bones, which one is not an existence that is arrogant to the world?

At least he himself seemed calm, but the arrogance in his heart was still hard to hide.

Three thousand white horses have never been defeated in his hands. He is not proud, who can be proud?
In the same way, it is also normal for Xiang Yu to be a little arrogant from a run-down nobleman who overthrew the former Qin Dynasty with one sentence.

On the contrary, if Xiang Yu is not proud, it is really abnormal.

"Why, do you think I'm wrong?"

Seeing Sima Xun's silence, Ying Shou couldn't help laughing.

"The last will not dare!"

Sima Xun hurriedly cupped his hands and said respectfully.

"Don't say dare or not, I know, you are still holding on to the record."

"It is undeniable that Xiang Yu's giant deer battle back then wiped out Wang Li's 20 troops, defeated Zhang Han's [-] troops, and finally killed them all. It is unprecedented!"

"Of course, this is just the best record he can get!"

"Perhaps in your opinion, whether it is Zhang Han or Wang Li, the two of them are not even Xiang Yu's opponents. But in my opinion, if Zhang Han is not bound by the court, he can fight freely. Even Xiang Yu is no match for Zhang Han!"

"Don't forget, Zhang Han's subordinates are all a group of mobs, not comparable to Xiang Yu's hundred-fighting lion. But even such a mob, under Zhang Han's men, still oppressed the rebels from all walks of life. fact!"

"Similarly, back then, Xiang Yu was able to fight back and break through 30 troops. Now think about it, the Xiongnu's 80 troops were on the grasslands, and they were chased and killed by Lieyang all the way. Didn't they also lose 30?"

"This is the real record, no longer under Xiang Yu's record!"

Ying Shou sneered, perhaps in the eyes of many people, the damage that Lie Yang caused to the Hun army is purely shameless.

But Ying Shou doesn't think so, everyone has their own imperatives, if someone seizes the opportunity, if someone knocks him over, he's knocked over.

On the battlefield, soldiers never tire of cheating.Only winning or losing, everything else is just an excuse.It's just an excuse for the loser to put money on his face.

Today, the Xiongnu army suffered heavy losses at the hands of Lieyang. They can be said to be for the savior, and they have no way to entangle with Lieyang's army.

But why wasn't Zhang Han like this back then?

He can neither lose nor win.If you lose, you will die, if you win, you will die if you arouse the fear of Zhao Gao in the court.

There are also difficulties, but Xiang Yu had to contact various rebels to suppress Zhang Han.

Let's look at Lie Yang again, relying on his own strength, a 20 army fought against 80, and he still knocked out 30 to [-] for you.

Who is stronger or weaker, one can imagine.

"Your Majesty, if you say that, the general is really not convinced."

"The Lieyang battle is purely a mad dog biting people. If you catch the opportunity, you will bite it. If you don't catch the opportunity, you will run as far as you can."

"Look at Xiang Yu, that's a solid record, how can the two be in the same breath?"

Seeing that Ying Shou was boasting, and that he didn't pay attention to Xiang Yu so much while speaking, Sima Xun was a little unconvinced.

People worship the strong, but in the eyes of some people, the winner is not necessarily the strong.

At least, in Sima Xun's view, the current Lie Yang, no matter how brilliant his achievements are, is still not considered a strong man compared to Xiang Yu.

"I've said it before, on the battlefield, soldiers never tire of deceit. The battlefield is never a battlefield for one person, but a battlefield for thousands of troops!"

"The top is good at attacking and strategizing, and the bottom is good at attacking soldiers. It is a matter of military affairs. Those who are good at strategizing are always better than those who are good at attacking and defending. The commander and general are good at attacking and defending. The military counselors set the general direction. Only when the general direction is set can there be a commander. Chance that the Lord will take care of the details!"

"Xiang Yu didn't respect Fan Zeng's general direction, and fought randomly. Even if he fought best, he could only make wedding dresses for others in the end."

"On the other hand, Lieyang today is following the general direction set by Yinyue. In the battle of the Huns, he does not seek merit but seeks no faults. He does not seek to be positive, but to entangle the main force of the enemy army!"

"Previously, the 80 Hun army was unable to move forward after repeated attacks. In the end, a piece of meat was bitten off from the 80 army. It was full of scars. Now it is dragging the 50 army of the Donghu force!"

"This back and forth, that temporarily relieved the pressure on my Daqin army of more than 100 million troops."

"Do you think it is better for the current Daqin to fight strongly and lose both sides, or is it better for the current Daqin to hold an army of more than 100 million?"

Ying Shou waved his hand, and with one sentence, Lie Yang had nothing to say in an instant.

Lie Yang lowered his head, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is right. Daqin is now in peril. With the power of a million troops, it is only a moment. For Daqin, it is a respite. On the contrary, if both sides suffer, 20 Wan Dajun will be defeated in the midst of the enemy army!"

Ying Shou got up, came to the gate, felt the cold wind blowing outside, and said with a smile: "It's good that you understand, this strategy belongs to the strategy, and the overall situation belongs to the overall situation. Only the tactics that conform to the overall situation are truly perfect. Tactics."

"On the contrary, no matter how perfect the tactics are, if they can't adapt to the overall situation, they will end up fighting alone and won't succeed!"


Looking at the battle report in Changbai Ice Palace, Haotian couldn't help but sneer.

Below, everyone looked at the battle report in their hands, gnashing their teeth in anger.

"Shameless, shameless... This Qin army has always been known for being brave and good at fighting. On the battlefield, he never backed down, but now he is running around like a bereaved dog. This is not fighting, it is simply running for life!"

"That's right, this battle is nothing short of a joke. The prestige of the Qin army has been completely lost!"

There were voices of indignation, and everyone was filled with righteous indignation, feeling ashamed of the Qin army's combat style.

"Hmph, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Once the emperor and the courtiers, this Ying Shou is like this, and the soldiers under him are not much better!"

Haotian snorted coldly, as if thinking of something, his eyes were burning with anger.

When he thought of his hard work, he thought he had trapped Ying Shou, but in the end he found out that he was the one trapped, and his teeth itch with anger.

That bastard, I'm afraid he has seen enough of his own jokes.

If he hadn't finally come to his senses, that guy would have wished to drag him down to Xianyang to bow down to him.

Fortunately, although I didn't want to, I still looked happy, thinking about it makes people irritated.

"Haotian, with this way of fighting, Donghu's army has nowhere to use it. If we go down sooner or later, I'm afraid they will be dragged to death. We must find a way to deal with it!"

Finally, someone below spoke.

"How to deal with it is their business. If you can't even trap a mere 15 horses, what's the use of keeping them? Send an order to make the Xiongnu support the war at all costs!"

Haotian snorted coldly, he didn't intervene too much in how to fight, he only said a word, and fully supported the fight.

(End of this chapter)

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