Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1219 Could it be those people made the move?

Chapter 1219 Could it be those people made the move?

"Okay... First, we entangled the 80 army of the Huns, and now we entangle the 50 troops of the Donghu, okay!"

In the territory of Zhao, they chased and killed the Xiongnu Shanyu Maodun Wang Lin's army all the way, and stationed in a place called Taitan City.

After receiving the battle report from the Black Ice Terrace from the Huns' battlefield, Wang Lin couldn't help smiling and applauding loudly.

Before Lieyang's 20 army entangled the Huns' 80 army for nearly a month, it was a great relief for him.

Otherwise, let alone wipe out the 50 Huns' army, he might be surrounded if he turned around.

It was precisely because the 80 army was entangled that he was able to echo back and forth with the 40 southwest army led by Yinyue, harassing and attacking, and beat the 50 army of Maodun helpless.

Today, although Lie Yang can no longer hold back the 80 army, Lie Yang killed more than 80 to nearly 20 of the 30 army, and now there are only more than 50 left.

Looking at this side again, Wang Lin himself has an army of 14. In addition to the more than 3 troops in Lantian Camp, there are also more than [-] heroes.

These Jianghu people, after training, are more powerful than ordinary soldiers, even worse than the now destroyed Huben Army.

After another round of 40 Southwest Army, the total number of soldiers is also more than 50.

In this case, even if the Xiongnu army was killed, the two sides were evenly matched, and he, Wang Lin, would no longer have any pressure, and he could use his hands and feet to fight at will.

Of course, the premise is that Lie Yang can keep the Donghu army steady, otherwise the Donghu army will also join the battle, with an army of more than 50 fighting against more than 100 million people, Wang Lin's pressure will increase instantly.

However, judging from the current situation, Donghu's 50 army is currently hanging.If you want to get out, I'm afraid it won't be that easy.

"Generalissimo, before receiving this battle report, there is another piece of news. The former army's [-] troops were lost after all on the way to kill Maodun!"

Behind Wang Lin, looking at Wang Lin who was too lazy to smile, General Wu Ying said in a low voice.

"What's going on? Didn't I warn you again and again, no matter what, you must take down Maodun? Now the [-] army is chasing and chasing him, and he lost him?"

Wang Lin raised his eyebrows and said coldly.

"Report to Grand Marshal, it seems that things are not so simple!"

Wu Fei frowned tightly. He had been thinking about some things since he received the information, but he couldn't think of a reason.

"What do you mean?"

Wang Lin's rare good mood was swept away in an instant, and his tone became cold.

Now that there are frequent wars in the Great Qin Dynasty, if you can seize Maodun and put down the army of the Huns, it will definitely be a huge help.

Now it's really unreasonable to shoot Maodun.

Of course, he also knows that he has some responsibilities for this matter. If Mao Dun is beaten into the sworn enemy as soon as possible, and he is not given a chance to survive from desperation, Mao Dun will definitely not be able to escape.

But if the day is delayed, even if Mao Dun is let go, he will not regret it.After all, it is the land of Daqin, outside the misty ancient forest, there are people living in Daqin.

Under the war, civilian casualties are unavoidable, but if it is to destroy the Great Qin Mountains and Rivers, he will never do it.Therefore, all mistakes can only be made up for.

After all, there is no perfect good thing in the world. Now, catching up with Modun and catching him is the only big thing.

"Reporting to the Generalissimo, originally there were 3000 people in my front army, and they had already surrounded Maodun. Even if the army behind did not catch up, then Maodun was not a top-level general, not even a first-class general. It's easy for him!"

"But in the end, I don't know what happened. When the other [-] troops chasing after me felt it, they found that there was nothing on the ground except the corpses of the [-] troops. Mouton felt as if he had disappeared from the world, without any news! "

Crow flies cupped his hands with a serious look on his face.

"Oh, three thousand soldiers and horses, none left, all killed?"

When Wang Lin heard this, he was shocked immediately.

If this is the case, this matter is really not so simple.

"Could it be that there are enemy troops nearby?"

Wang Lin asked coldly.

"Reporting to Marshal, if there are Xiongnu reinforcements nearby, that's fine, but the key point is that there are no Huns reinforcements in the surrounding area for hundreds of miles."

"And on the battlefield, there is no trace of the two armies fighting. The 3000 people, I really think they died at the hands of a few people!"

Wu Fei cupped his hands again and said in a deep voice.

Speaking of this, even he himself was a little bit speechless.

An army of 3000 people does not sound like a lot, but even if the trees are felled, they will be exhausted, let alone 3000 people.

Even those top fighters possess undue courage.But in the final analysis, it is only the undeserved courage of ten thousand husbands, not the power to slaughter ten thousand people.

If you want to slaughter 3000 people, even top warriors can't do it.

Even if three or four strike together, they can wipe out three thousand troops, but not all of them can't escape.

Unless there are more than ten shots, and they are all top-level warrior-level masters, they will have a chance to block all the escape routes of the three thousand soldiers, and finally slaughter them all.

Wang Lin also thought of this point.

"What's going on? The four generals of the Xiongnu, the eighteen wolf generals, lost more than half of them to our Great Qin!"

"Nowadays, the so-called Quartet generals, there is not one left, and there are eleven wolf generals left, but there are no more than three of them who have the power of top-level generals. How can they kill so many people? And not one of them is spared?"

Wang Lin was puzzled, and asked again: "Is there really no trace of the two armies fighting?"

Wu Fei nodded, and said solemnly: "Indeed not!"

Wang Lin's eyes were gloomy, as if he had thought of something, he muttered to himself, "Could it be that group of people His Majesty said made a move?"

Thinking of this possibility, Wang Lin's face darkened in an instant, and said: "Since you can't catch up and can't find it, then don't chase and don't look for it. If you run away, run away. I'll clean it up slowly!"

Hearing this, Wu Fei cupped his hands and said, "No, I will retire!"

Wang Lin waved his hand, and after Wu Fei left, he returned to the table with a cold face, spread out the rice paper, spread it with a paperweight, and immediately wrote a message to call the Black Ice Terrace Iron Eagle Swordsman, Send it directly to Hu Dong's land.

"Report... to the Generalissimo, Lady Yinyue has rushed to Zhao's land day and night, and after three days, she will be able to join my army!"

As soon as the letter was delivered, a scout outside immediately rushed into the camp and reported it.

"Okay, pass on the order, wait for Empress Yinyue here for three days, and set off in three days!"

When Wang Lin heard this, his eyes flashed. He had already heard about the battle of Xianyang City and many news from Xianyang City.

The performance of the one-word army did not disappoint him after all.Now that Empress Yinyue is back, the battle here can be delayed for a while, so he immediately decided to rest the whole army and wait for Empress Yinyue to arrive.

(End of this chapter)

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