Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1220 Thoughts

Chapter 1220 Thoughts
"I will see Empress Yinyue at the end!"

Early this morning, very early in the morning, Yinyue led a 230-strong army of seven soldiers traveling day and night, and arrived at Taitan early.

Wang Lin went out of the city to meet him personally, knelt down on one knee, and paid homage loudly.

Behind him, all the officers and soldiers knelt down to pay homage to the arrival of the imperial concubine Yinyue.

"Free gift!"

Yinyueyu raised her hand, handed the long sword in her hand to the soldiers of the Yizi Army, and said: "Marshal, let's go in and talk!"

Wang Lin kowtowed and got up, led the way ahead, and brought Yinyue to the Taitancheng temporary military camp.

The two entered the camp, and Yinyue evacuated everyone.

"Empress Yinyue, the general has prepared a banquet at the end, to welcome the wind and cleanse the dust for the empress, do you want to go to the table first?"

Wang Lin stood at the back, not daring to look at Yinyue's slender figure under the exhibition shelf, so he could only lower his head and cup his hands.

Although he is the commander-in-chief of an army, he comes from a scholarly family, and he attaches the most importance to etiquette, and he will never overstep what should not be overstepped.

"You don't have to... just wait a moment, we'll talk about the banquet later!"

Yinyue turned her back to Wang Lin, and was about to raise her hand to refuse to attend the table, but she suddenly changed her mind when the words came to her lips.

Now is the time when the officers and men in the army are united as one, and the emperor is not around. As the imperial concubine, she can be regarded as the imperial concubine.

If this moment comes, and she refuses the invitation from the army, it will obviously have a bad influence.

"The end will understand!"

Wang Lin cupped his hands and said, "I wonder if Empress Yinyue has any orders?"

Yinyue didn't talk nonsense, she turned around, looked at Wang Lin who was quietly bowing her head and didn't dare to look directly at him, nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Okay, I don't beat around the bush, I dare to ask the marshal, the current situation is in the marshal's eyes. How about coming?"

Wang Lin pondered for a moment, still drooping his head, cupped his hands and said: "Mrs. Hui, the current situation, the Yanqi battlefield has been won. The Xiongnu battlefield, for now, is fairly stable. The Xianyang battlefield, the victory and defeat have been divided, and the next step is Our army will fight against the Xiongnu army at Yanmen Pass!"

"Once the situation of this battle is opened, and the battle in the southern border is added, if the situation can be stabilized, the battle between our Great Qin and all parties will be completely unfolded!"

"Only when the two sides are fighting to encircle and suppress, can they entertain a defeated enemy army and establish a chance for the world!"

Yinyue nodded and said, "Is this your opinion on the current situation?"

This question is a bit strange, and I don't know whether I agree with Wang Lin's view or disagree with Wang Lin's view.

"Reporting to Empress Yinyue, this is exactly the general's view on the current situation. Could it be that empress has other opinions?"

Wang Lin replied respectfully.

"Very well, this view is exactly the same as this palace. It's just that although the situation has not been completely unfolded, but with the ability of the marshal, I believe that it must have been prepared. Here, this palace makes a request, and I don't know what to do with it." No, please also ask the marshal to tell the truth about this palace, is it possible?"

Yinyue walked to the side and sat down. She didn't have any opinion on Wang Lin's opinion.

The current situation in the world itself is like this, and Wang Lin's views are not at all different from hers.

But there are some things that she doesn't want to delay.Her gaze had unknowingly been fixed on the [-] troops on the Yandi Great Wall.

Asking again at this moment, in fact, what she wants to know more is whether Wang Lin's thoughts behind her are the same as her own.

Wang Lin was silent, thinking in his mind.

From the beginning of the war that swept across Daqin, Daqin has been passively fighting back.

The so-called I am in the open, the enemy is in the dark, this style of play is unfair to anyone.

The only thing Daqin can do is to do everything possible to open up the situation. Only when the chess pieces of both sides are placed on the chessboard can they have a chance to fight head-on.

So far, the situation in the southern border has not yet been settled, and the two armies at Yanmen Pass have not yet set up their battle formations.

At this time, anyone, as long as they can see the situation clearly and are more normal, will basically try their best to open up the final situation is the first step.

However, when Yinyue opened her mouth, she asked him if he was still prepared.

Obviously, Yinyue insisted on it, and he had other measures, and what he asked was not how to break the situation.

"Your Majesty, there are some things that the general will have some ideas about, but they haven't made a decision yet, so I don't know whether to say it or not!"

After thinking about the key point, Wang Lin finally opened his mouth and said in a deep voice.

"Marshal, I also know that the fewer people who know about this military secret, the better. Don't worry, if you reveal it at this time, God knows it, you know it, I know it, and no third person will know it."

"I just want to know the truth. How long will the Great Qin war last, and when will I be able to welcome His Majesty back to the court!"

Yinyue stared at Wang Lin, without beating around the bush at all, and went straight to the topic.

"Okay, since the empress wants to know, there is nothing the general can't say. In the final analysis of this battle, at present, the most important thing is to spread the situation and open up the battle. Only by stabilizing the universe first can we change the universe in one fell swoop!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, as long as the Battle of Yanmen Pass starts and the Battle of the Southern Border is stable, the Xiongnu's battlefield will not be hindered. The next step, the final general will immediately order the [-] troops from Yandi to drive straight in, enter the land of Hudong, and take the Donghu King's Court in one fell swoop. Hu Dong's land!"

"It's all, the inside should cooperate with the outside to destroy the 50 troops of the Donghu in the territory of the Xiongnu, and then wipe out the more than 50 troops of the Xiongnu today. In this way, the foreign troubles of our Great Qin will be relieved. The next step is to send troops south, heading straight to the southern border!"

"In this way, the Xiongnu and Donghu can be taken down in half a year at most. In about a year, the battle in the southern border can be established. Within two years, our Great Qin's internal and external troubles can be easily resolved!"

Wang Lin smiled bitterly. Some things, so far, are just his thoughts and have not been said yet.

After all, military secrets, even if a decision has been made, the fewer people who know about it, the better.

Now even the preliminary plan has not been fully finalized, so this idea has always been firmly in his heart, and it is unknown to outsiders.

Even when Yinyue asked him he hesitated to answer, but he was still unwilling to disobey the order after all.

After all, Yinyue is the master, representing the emperor's royal conquest.Furthermore, Yinyue is not a person who spreads things casually, so he still tells the truth after all.

"Sure enough, we still have to use the [-] troops!"

With a flash of Yinyue's eyes, he knew that now that the crisis in Donghu had been resolved, Wang Lin still questioned the fact that keeping a [-] army there was obviously for future use.

What Wang Lin said now coincides with her.


"Marshal, two years is too long. The matter of clearing up the internal chaos and sweeping up the external bandits should be put on the agenda and completed quickly!"

"Can this [-] troops be used in advance?"

Yinyue opened her mouth, although many of the two people's thoughts coincided with each other, but when she thought of the current chaos in Daqin and the emperor in Hudong, she still couldn't help feeling anxious after all.

(End of this chapter)

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