Chapter 1221
"Does Empress Yinyue want to do something early?"

"This way, it is easy to disrupt the steps!"

Wang Lin frowned slightly. He could feel Yinyue's urgency at this time, but he didn't have enough confidence in some things, so he didn't want to do it directly.

As the saying goes, if you don't make a song, you will be a blockbuster.Once he takes action, he will definitely seize the land of Donghu and Xiongnu directly and turn it into the property of Daqin.

But if the steps are disrupted, it will be a thousand times more difficult.

"I know what the marshal is thinking. It's nothing more than spreading the situation and taking down Donghu in one fell swoop, then conquering the Xiongnu, and finally taking over the southern border!"

"According to the logic, this approach is the foundation of my Great Qin's eternal life, and I should not refute it!"

"But there are some things that the Marshal has thought about?"

Due to etiquette, Wang Lin didn't dare to look around at Yinyue, and didn't even dare to look at it.

But Yinyue was different, her eyes were fixed on Wang Lin.

Yinyue has always been a smart person, and she also has this kind of experience in military and political affairs, so she quickly understood what Wang Lin was thinking.

"I don't know what the empress is talking about, please advise!"

Wang Lin cupped his hands and said solemnly.

"Marshal, you have to understand that when you fight a war, you actually fight for money. The things that burn in the flames of war are human life and money!"

"As far as the current situation is concerned, although my Daqin is not considered to be rich in treasury, it is indeed rich in granaries!"

"However, no matter how rich you are, after the chaos of this war, you still spend money like water. Wherever the Xiongnu and Donghu passed, although they didn't kill people indiscriminately, they took food and property, but eventually fell into the hands of the two countries, so that people everywhere Public grievances are everywhere, it's horrible!"

"Because of this, the treasury of my Great Qin is becoming increasingly empty, and the grain in the granary is also flowing like crazy!"

"If things go on like this, it's nothing more than that, before long, my Daqin family will be completely wiped out!"

"I wonder if the marshal agrees with this statement?"

Yinyue's voice was crisp, and as soon as she opened her mouth, she pointed out the gradual weakening of Daqin.

"Your Majesty is right, I don't have any opinions at the end!"

Of course Wang Lin could see the difficulties Daqin was facing now.

You know, now they can toss and turn, cover and kill back and forth, relying on Daqin's power to support them.

At least, with the support of the court, their food has never been reduced.No matter where the army goes, they will be well fed and equipped with the best equipment.

And their less suffering, in exchange for the crazy flow of the Great Qin State Treasury.

After all, no one wants to be such a prodigal. If given the chance, he will of course try his best to end the war first.

"It's good that the marshal understands. Since I don't have any comments, I will raise some more things!"

"Everyone in the world knows that in the Central Plains, clear water and green mountains are good geomantic treasures."

"Therefore, the Central Plains has always been prosperous, which cannot be compared with the Xiongnu Donghu outside the southern border and the north."

"Even so, my Daqin consumption is still in my eyes. It is conceivable that Donghu and Xiongnu are no exceptions?"

"If you rashly take down the Donghu and the Xiongnu at this time, there will be no benefit, and it will even cause internal friction in my Great Qin!"

"My Daqin has countless people who have been ravaged by the flames of war, and they cannot be saved. How can we take care of so many people?"

"Instead of this, it would be better if the rule of the Eastern Hu and the Xiongnu is just to take a break for the time being, first to resolve the safety of the two countries, and fight until the two countries can't hold their heads up. Next, after cleaning up the southern border, I will take Daqin to recover a little bit of vitality, and slowly discuss the situation. It shouldn't be difficult to come back, right?"

Yinyue spoke again and put forward her own thoughts.

Hearing the words, Wang Lin pondered for a while, and suddenly understood what was going on.

"So, Empress is going to..."

Wang Lin, who had kept his head down, raised his head suddenly, his eyes flashed brightly, and he looked directly at Yinyue without caring about anything else.

"It seems that the marshal has already understood what I mean!"

"That's right, when I arrive at the Huns' battlefield, the general will immediately entangle the Huns' army!"

"At that time, the army of the Xiongnu will not be able to advance half a step, nor will it be able to retreat half a step. There is nothing we can do against the Great Qin. However, this palace will recklessly attack the army and give it a heavy blow in the territory of the Xiongnu. At least the Xiongnu Empire will not be able to regain its strength for three years!"

"At that time, even if the battle to win the Huns is delayed for a year or two, there will be no problem at all!"

"In the same way, the land of Hudong can also be the same. At that time, the two countries will not be able to recover, and I, Daqin, will fight as soon as I say, so what can they do?"

Yinyue smiled lightly, and a chill flashed across her beautiful eyes, which made people feel frightened.


Wang Lin took a deep breath. He felt that he had already done enough for some things, but he didn't expect that this seemingly gentle Lady Yinyue could do better than him.

If this is really the case, then the Donghu and the Xiongnu will be roasted on the fire, and big things will happen at any time.

"How about it, Marshal thinks, what does this palace think?"

Seeing Wang Lin's color change, Yinyue said softly.

"Okay, Your Majesty has a great plan, let's do it!"

The so-called kindness does not command soldiers. Although Wang Lin is still kind sometimes, when it really comes to the time when he should not be kind, there are many things he can't do.

For example, the previous battle where Jun Wuyou confided in the rebel army in Xianyang, it seemed that Jun Wuyou was the fault of one person, but in fact, his money was also involved in it.

Although he had secretly discussed with Zhang Liang about the battlefield and many plans.

But with the appearance of Jun Wuyou, after learning of the Black Dragon Token in Jun Wuyou's hand, Wang Lin knew that the Emperor's Wenjian Founder had appeared and stood side by side with him.

Therefore, Jun Wuyou communicated with him secretly, and many of the decisions he and Zhang Liang had discussed long ago changed immediately.

Otherwise, even if Jun Wuyou held the Black Dragon Token in his hand, without Wang Lin's cooperation, things would not go so smoothly.

In the letter with Jun Wuyou, Wang Lin knew that this war was actually a warning from the emperor to the whole of Daqin.

If this warning is too serious, it will inevitably cause too much damage to Daqin, and may even destroy Daqin.

But it's too light, and it doesn't have any warning effect.

In the end, I just want Daqin to understand that if you don't hit someone, someone else will hit you.Are you willing to be beaten, or are you willing to beat someone.

However, in the Battle of Yan Qi, the Qin army won a complete victory, and Wang Lin's army moved freely, so that the people have not tasted much damage caused by the war, and the overall situation has stabilized.

At this time, if you don't take advantage of the situation, everything will come to nothing.So Jun Wuyou's plan appeared, and Wang Lin followed suit.

If the Yizi army took the lead in the battle of Xianyang that day, they would surely be able to block the rebels outside Xianyang city.

But Wang Lin cooperated with Jun Wuyou, so the appearance of the Yizi Army played with several envoys, so that the city of Xianyang was full of war, corpses littered the fields, and blood flowed like rivers.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that when Wang Lin has benevolence and righteousness, there are also times when he is ruthless.

(End of this chapter)

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