Chapter 1222

Even when dealing with his own people, Wang Lin can be ruthless, but now he has to deal with the Xiongnu and Donghu, how can he continue to be kind?

Some things should be avoided if possible. Since it is unavoidable for the sake of the overall situation, he will not be polite.

"Marshal, do you have any additions or comments on this?"

Seeing that Wang Lin agreed so happily, Yinyue raised her eyebrows slightly, but her voice softened a bit.

Although it was inconvenient for Wang Lin to run afoul of her, the princess, she performed her duties, and now that she was working in the army, she would not act recklessly.

Wang Lin can give her some face, listen to her suggestion, she has to ask Wang Lin's thoughts to make a decision.

"Your Majesty's words are serious. These words are wonderful. They will help us, Great Qin, to get out of trouble as soon as possible. How can there be no reason for the general to disrespect?"

"The last general is willing to use this to control the Xiongnu, the East and the Hu, and the world of Great Qin!"

Wang Lin clasped his fists in a generous manner, and said proudly.

"Since this is the case, we have to rely on the marshal to strategize!"

Yinyue nodded secretly, seeing Wang Lin's attitude, she was very happy.

Daqin has such a marshal, why worry about it?
After discussing the business, Yinyue didn't put on airs, and now she is in the army, enjoying herself with the lieutenant.

"Marshal, please trouble me to send an order. Today's banquet will not be held in the camp of the Chinese army. I will join forces with the brothers in the army. I will drive here on behalf of the emperor, and I will present a bowl to all brothers. I thank the soldiers of the Great Qin to serve the country loyally for the Great Qin!"

Yinyue got up, raised her jade hand lightly, and said to Wang Lin.

"The last general will replace the brothers in the army, thank you for your gift!"

Wang Lin was overjoyed, but he didn't expect the imperial concubine to be so generous.

He had summoned all the generals to hold a banquet before, but he was afraid that Yinyue would shirk, refute the face of the generals, and cause criticism.

Now Yinyue not only did not refuse, but called the army to drink together at the same table, which gave the lieutenant a great face.

In future battles, is there any reason for the soldiers in the army not to sacrifice their lives?
The contribution between people is always relative.

The soldiers below are desperate, and it is exciting to be awarded the title of an official.But since ancient times, the imperial conquests have always been more popular.

It's not to say that the king of a country can be so powerful when he drives his own troops, but even the king is working hard in the front, and he is with the brothers in the army. How can the brothers in the army not do their best?

A boost in morale is inevitable.

Now, the Emperor of Great Qin is not in the court, not in the Great Qin Dynasty, the imperial concubine takes the place of His Majesty the Emperor to drive in person, and the same is true for this wine in the army.

It can not only win people's hearts, but also boost the morale of the army. In future battles, there will be no disadvantages.


Yinyue waved her hand, and Wang Lin resigned.

Soon, 14 troops gathered in the barracks, very densely packed, covering an area of ​​several miles.

Although Wang Lin's 50 troops marched in unison, it was impossible for the 50 troops to gather together all the time and divide them into three groups, moving forward in the form of three groups from the left, middle and right.

The 14 army that Wang Lin is leading at this moment is the Chinese army.The remaining two armies.

At this moment, they are hundreds of miles away from each other, and it is impossible to gather together at the same table.

Therefore, although this banquet is huge, it can only gather 10,000+ people.

But even so, such a huge banquet is considered rare.

It's not really unprecedented, but at least apart from last New Year's Eve, when the emperor pardoned the world, there was nothing more lively than this banquet.


Soon, the news about this banquet spread, and the soldiers from all walks of life were excited.

The emperor can't drive the conquest in person, but if the concubine drives the concubine in person, why don't all the soldiers come here desperately?

In the early morning of the next day, the army continued to march, and Nan Yan had already rushed to the land of the Huns with a hundred soldiers of the first-character army, and the rest of the first-character army soldiers stayed by Wang Lin's side to listen.


Xianyang City, ten days after the war, can be described as extremely busy.

The ruins after the war need to be rested, and the families of the dead soldiers, the common people, etc. also need to be appeased. The government and the public, the officials and officials, can be described as extremely busy.

Among them, Xiao He is the busiest one.

As the Prime Minister of the Great Qin Dynasty, one person is under one person and over ten thousand people, and now the emperor is not here, he has the final say in politics, and almost all matters are pushed down to his head alone.

Here, we not only need to appease the people in the land of Yanqi who have been tormented by the flames of war, but also try to find ways to supply food, weapons and supplies to the soldiers of the former army at all times.

Today's Xianyang City is in such a state, Xianyang City, the capital of the Great Qin Kingdom, is the face of the Great Qin, how can it be left alone?
This is absolutely imminent. Xianyang must be restored to its original state as quickly as possible, so that people can see the mighty power of Great Qin.

Each of these things is enough to make people tremble and fear to carry out.

Even if there is even the slightest mistake, it will cost your head.

Now that all of them have been pushed down on Xiao He alone, one can imagine how much pressure there is.

This day is already deep, and ordinary people have already rested.Even the busy city of Xianyang has already calmed down.

However, in Xiangguo's mansion and in the study, the lights are still brightly lit.

Sitting behind the desk alone, Xiao He was immersing himself in reviewing the memorials presented by officials at all levels.

All these memorials required a decision, and he was obviously the one who made the decision.


After burying his head in hard work for an unknown amount of time, Xiao He felt his bones go limp for a while, and couldn't help stretching his body greatly, reaching out and rubbing his eyes.

Looking at the mountains of memorials that had already been approved, and the half-box of memorials that had not been approved, Xiao He had a bitter look on his face.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, your Majesty the Emperor, you are far away from Hudong, and you are at ease. After setting up Sangong, now Xiao He is the only one sitting here. You have handed over all the hard work to Xiao He!"

Xiao He muttered to himself, and couldn't help but recall the time when he first joined Yingshou.

I remember that at that time, the emperor did everything by himself, and he was very relaxed, so why should he be so tired?
Even after the emperor became the shopkeeper, at least he set up three gongs and six departments to assist, and everyone carried it together, so he was still relatively free, at least compared to now, it can be said to be much easier.

Now that it's good, he's the only one left among the three men.

In the face of such turmoil in his family and country, the following six ministers came to the scene to be busy, and all kinds of decisions were completely overwhelmed by him. He was really busy.

Smiling wryly for a while, Xiao He had no choice but to keep bowing his head and continue working.

No matter how late it is tonight, the remaining notes must be sorted out. Many things cannot be delayed, otherwise it will easily cause greater confusion.

The current Great Qin is already in turmoil, and any bad things that may happen must be killed in the cradle. This is politics, and it is also Xiao He's responsibility.

(End of this chapter)

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