Chapter 1224
"Understood, Xiao Yuan, you have to remember, this can only be said between you and me, don't speak nonsense outside!"

Xiao He pondered for a moment, then waved his hands, but he didn't know what was going on in his mind.

"Don't worry, my lord, the little one will never speak nonsense outside!"

Xiao Yuan hurriedly cupped his hands, his words were just a reminder.

Xiao He is a person who knows how to employ people, and has always been. Since he asked Xiao Yuan to be his housekeeper, he naturally has his reasons.

Xiao Yuan can be called his confidant, therefore, he will not be suspicious of Xiao Yuan's thoughts.

"It's just adults, what should I do next?"

Xiao Yuan raised his head, looked at Xiao He, and asked solemnly.

"Let's go, follow the truth and go to meet the Grand Tutor!"

The corner of Xiao He's mouth twitched slightly, he waved his sleeves, turned around and walked outside without changing his mind.

Xiao Yuan was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Xiao He to be so decisive.

"My lord, don't you have a car to drive?"

Xiao He had already made a decision, and Xiao Yuan didn't say much, so he hurriedly caught up and asked.

"No need, just take a few people with you, go to the stables and bring two horses over, just drive over there!"

Xiao He waved his hand, at this moment Shusun Tong must have rushed to the Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of War, how could he still have time to slowly prepare the car?
Soon, a group of fast horses galloped straight to the Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of War.

With the arrival of Taifu Shusuntong, not only the Xiangguo Mansion has made moves, but other ministers, such as the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, the Minister of the Ministry of Households, etc., They also rushed to the direction of the Minister of Military Affairs.

However, the city of Xianyang is so big that it will take a lot of time for each of them to rush to the Shangshu Mansion of the Ministry of War. When they get the news and rush over again, it is destined to be too late.

Tai Fu Shusun Tong came back this time, although he didn't make a big splash, but he didn't deliberately hide his whereabouts.

As long as anyone pays attention to the direction of the city gate, almost everyone knows his arrival.

Zhang Liang and Jun Wuyou also got the news at the first time in the Ministry of War Minister's Mansion.

"Hurry up, prepare quickly, and welcome the Taifu to come to the door!"

In the Mansion of the Ministry of War, Zhang Liang, the Minister of the Ministry of War, was already preparing to take a rest when he got the news, but he immediately summoned the whole mansion to greet him.

"My lord, this Master Tutor is here to pass on the decree to Lord Jun, shouldn't he be the first to inform Lord Jun?"

Beside Zhang Liang, Zhou Hai, the steward of the Shangshu Mansion, asked in a low voice.

Zhang Liang raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but look at the other courtyard arranged for Jun Wuyou not far away.

"Is he in another courtyard now?"

Zhang Liang took a deep breath, he didn't seem to be like Duo Ti Jun Wuyou, when asked at this moment, he also felt helpless.

"Reporting to my lord, Lord Wuyou left the Shangshu Mansion early this morning, and he hasn't come back yet. It seems that he is still in the direction of Wangfu Street. I don't know if he will come back tonight!"

Zhou Hai smiled wryly, everyone in the world knew that after Jun Wuyou came to Xianyang City, it was as if he had settled in the Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of War.

Everyone who wants to find Jun Wuyou will immediately come to the Ministry of War Shangshu's Mansion.

But in fact, after the Xianyang War, Jun Wuyou still nominally stayed in the Shangshu Mansion of the Ministry of War, but the time to actually come back to live and rest was very little.

Basically, it's not bad to be able to come back every two days. Most of the time, he is almost in Wangfu Street, staying in Zhuwangfu, and he doesn't know what he wants to do.

Now, as soon as the Taifu entered the city, he came straight to the Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of War. He obviously knew that Jun Wuyou lived here, but he didn't know that Jun Wuyou hadn't come back yet.

"What the hell is this Jun Wuyou planning to do? Is this really planning to be independent?"

When Zhang Liang heard this, he immediately became angry.

In the eyes of others, Jun Wuyou is just erratic and more and more reckless.

But who is Zhang Liang?Many things may not be thought of at the beginning, but as time goes by.

If he still doesn't understand the truth, he won't accompany him to be the Great Qin's military advisor and counselor.

After the Battle of Xianyang, many people were belatedly aware of Jun Wuyou's sinister deeds.So the officials gathered together, agreed with one action, and jointly signed a letter to crusade against Jun Wuyou's crime.

Although there are many things, everyone does it relatively secretly.

But who is Jun Wuyou?Holding the Black Dragon Token in your hand, how can you not use the Black Dragon Token to its fullest?
Although the Black Dragon Order can order all things in the Great Qin military and government, there is no absolute in everything, and it does not mean that the Black Dragon Order will never fail.

But one of the greatest privileges of the Black Dragon Order will never fail, and that is to mobilize the Black Ice Platform.

With Jun Wuyou holding the Black Dragon Token, he could know even the emperor's secret report in advance, let alone the secret joint report of hundreds of officials.

And it was reported through the Black Ice Platform. If Jun Wuyou didn't know anything about it, Zhang Liang couldn't do it at all.

And since the group of officials jointly signed the performance, Jun Wuyou's actions are also obvious, and the group of officials is getting further and further away.

These days, when the ministers discussed important matters, Jun Wuyou did not participate.

Jun Wuyou will not interfere with anything that happens to the ministers.

On the contrary, he hangs around Wangfu Street all day long, hangs out with the kings, that is to mingle.

This scene was too abnormal, unconsciously, it had aroused Zhang Liang's suspicion.

Knowing that Jun Wuyou hadn't come back yet, while Zhang Liang was angry, he had to admit that Jun Wuyou was probably planning to bring disaster to the court.

Although there is no evidence for this, but if things go on like this, Jun Wuyou may become the enemy of the officials.

"Sir, what should I do?"

Zhou Hai cupped his hands, looked at Zhang Liang and asked.

"Immediately send people to the palaces of the princes, find Jun Wuyou, and tell him that the imperial decree has arrived, let him come to welcome the imperial decree!"

Zhang Liang grimaced, let out a cold snort, and ordered.


Zhou Hai complied, and immediately sent people to the palaces of the princes to look for Jun Wuyou.

And not long after leaving this side, on the other side, the Taifu's driving team has arrived.

Zhang Liang lit all the lights in the mansion, and went out to greet him with hundreds of maids, servants and guards from all over the mansion.

"My subordinate Zhang Liang, I have met the Grand Tutor!"

While driving, as the curtain of the car opened, one person led Shusuntong out. As soon as he landed, Zhang Liang immediately bowed his hands, saluted, and walked forward.

I don't know when it started, but I remember that when the Taifu left Xianyang, his head was still gray.

But this time when he came back, his head was already snow-white, and his hair had turned into silver threads.Even the beard is white.

Looking at his face, he is very old.He is more than ten years older than when he left Xianyang.

Looking at his trembling body and pace, it seemed that he might fall at any time.

It was also with the support of his servants that he got out of the car just now.

"'s Mr. Zhang..."

"Master Zhang, you are too polite, this old man is not worthy of Master Zhang's visit!"

"Come here this time, bear the emperor's order, it's more important to do business first... I don't know if Mr. Imperial Envoy Jun Wuyou is at the residence right now!"

Shu Suntong chuckled, his inexplicably old, somewhat hoarse voice made people feel like an old man.

(End of this chapter)

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