Chapter 1225
"Back to Master Taifu, Master Jun is quite busy these days, and he is still going out at the moment and has not returned!"

"In this way, Mr. Taifu, please rest in the lobby first. Zifang has sent someone to inform Mr. Jun to come. I don't think it will take long before Mr. Jun will come to meet you!"

Zhang Liang stepped forward and carefully supported Grand Tutor Uncle Sun Tong, and said softly.

Although there were many rumors secretly in the court, Zhang Liang had no intention of alienating Uncle Sun Tong at all.

According to ordinary people's opinion, Shusun Tong's previous actions were easy to arouse suspicion.

But who is Zhang Liang?It is an exaggeration to say that he has known for 500 years and has been able to deduce the secrets of heaven and calculate everything in the world for 500 years.But it is no exaggeration to say that people are recognized.

It is not a day or two to work in Daqin. Whether it is for the emperor or the officials below, he has a certain understanding of this.

Perhaps if it were an ordinary king, after seeing Shusun Tong's summoning power, he would rush to the crisis more or less, and he would inevitably be jealous.But such a thing would never happen to the current Great Qin Emperor.

First, Zhang Liang couldn't think of anyone in this world who could threaten the emperor, except for those people who could play a game with the emperor a little bit.

The so-called civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, if the emperor believed it and used it, it naturally had inexhaustible power.But the emperor was really going to be angry. In front of the emperor, he was just a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

Everyone's power is given by the emperor, if a little summoning power can threaten the emperor, it is simply a joke.

Second, how big is an emperor who dares to take the country as a bet in a game and throw it away as soon as he says it?
His vision is not at the same level as that of an ordinary king, so he is afraid of a mere Shusun Tong?
Therefore, Zhang Liang can assert that everyone can suspect Shusun Tong, but the emperor alone will never have any suspicion.

Similarly, Shu Suntong walked all the way, and on the way back to Xianyang, Zhang Liang watched all his tracks.

Others didn't dare to return to Xianyang until Shusun Tong discovered his crisis, so they dawdled on the road.

But Zhang Liang knew that it wasn't that the old man didn't dare to come back, it was just that he was explaining his funeral all the way.

As a teacher of the world, but now he is an old man who feels that time is running out. Why not go around, see the mountains and rivers of the Great Qin, and experience the time and people?
Now that he saw Shusun Tong's appearance with his own eyes, Zhang Liang didn't have any doubts about it?
He doesn't know how much the Great Qin Rebellion has hit Shusun Tong, but he knows that Shusun Tong has experienced too many things, he is old, and now he is exhausted, and time is running out.

Even if there is any suspicion, judging by the appearance in front of him, this Grand Tutor can't last long.

After he passed away, who else would dare to say the word "suspicion"?
Therefore, others may distance themselves from Shusun Tong intentionally or unintentionally, but Zhang Liang does not.

"I don't know where Lord Jun is at the moment? The old man came here on order, so don't delay!"

There were tears in Shu Suntong's eyes. He was old and his eyes were dim.The eyelids are disobedient, and they tremble wildly, which makes the eyes very uncomfortable.It hurts and hurts, and unconsciously, there will always be tears.

In the world's words, this is the eye of the wind, and it is easy to feel sad and cry.

"Teacher, don't be in a hurry. You must be tired after traveling all the way. Let's rest at the mansion first. Zifang has sent someone to inform Mr. Jun, and Mr. Jun will be here soon. Wouldn't it be better if the tutor went to find him in person?" waste time?"

Feeling the tears dripping on his arms, Zhang Liang's heart moved, and he couldn't help comforting him.

While speaking, Zhang Liang supported Shusun Tong, and walked towards the mansion while pulling him.

"Okay, Mr. Lao Zhang is here!"

Shu Suntong was indeed exhausted at the moment, he nodded upon hearing the words, and he was not polite. With Zhang Liang's support, he walked into the Shangshu Mansion step by step, and came to the lobby, where he was arranged to sit at the head by Zhang Liang.


"I said, Lord Jun, you've been on two sides for three days, either at my Yelang Palace or at the Dian Palace."

"Don't you know that the court has its own rules? You are at the risk of forming a party and privacy!"

In the middle of the night, ordinary people have already rested, but in the Yelang Palace, there are singing and dancing.

I saw Jun Wuyou, King Yelang, King Dian and King Zhao gathered at the main table.The rest of the kings are all in other seats.

Looking at Jun Wuyou who was enjoying the music and dancing with a happy face, King Yelang finally opened his mouth and asked about the dissatisfaction that had been hidden in several people's minds these days.

As soon as this remark came out, King Dian and the young King Zhao both looked at Jun Wuyou at the same time.

Several people used to be kings of foreign countries, but now they are pulled together by Jun Wuyou forcibly, drinking and having fun day after day.

Once it attracts the attention of outsiders, it's like forcing a few people to death.

"Hey, look at what the prince said, it seems that the Yelang Palace does not welcome Wuyou. Could it be that if you eat a few more mouthfuls of the prince's food, the prince will be unhappy? If this is the case, isn't it too stingy?"

Jun Wuyou laughed out loud, as soon as the words came out, the rest of the dukes and earls immediately responded.

"That's right, Lord Yelang, you are too stingy, aren't you? So, if the prince is reluctant, why not invite Mr. Jun to come to my Earl's mansion as a guest, how about I treat you all here?"

Below, a descendant of the royal family who was once a small country in the southwest, and now the Earl of Great Qin said with a smile.

"Hey, why go to your Earl's Mansion? Come to my Duke's Mansion. My salary is more than yours. You can eat and drink as you please, and you can enjoy it as you like!"

The other duke laughed.

The yelling from below kept ringing, and these princes and earls, who did not know when, actually got so close to Jun Wuyou.

It was good that they didn't talk, but this talk aroused King Yelang's dissatisfaction even more.

Similarly, King Dian also frowned slightly, and said, "Master Jun, it's not that I'm a stingy guy. The rules are like this. In all dynasties, which country's king didn't guard against the people below forming a party for personal gain?"

"Nowadays, we always gather here. As the saying goes, gathering people to form a momentum, it is inevitable that it will not come true!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone below fell silent.

If it was only King Yelang who said this, everyone could help Jun Wuyou to compare with the past, but even King Dian has spoken, if he avoids it, it will be bad.

"The two uncles are right, Mr. Jun, there are some taboos that should not be violated!"

King Zhao Tu'an made a sound, and his expression became serious.

These days, everyone can see clearly that Jun Wuyou obviously intends to win over everyone.

Didn't you see, those dukes and earls below are all talking for Jun Wuyou at this moment?

What does this mean?
It has already started to form cliques, if things go on like this, is that okay?
If a few of them are also pulled into it, then the big trouble will start.

(End of this chapter)

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