Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1226 Straight to the topic

Chapter 1226 Straight to the topic

Jun Wuyou put Jiu Jue on the table, shook his head and smiled wryly, and said: "It seems that there are some things that the three princes still feel afraid to vomit after all!"

The three kings stared at him, how can this be so uncomfortable?It's clearly dangerous, and you can't do it unless you get rid of it!

"Well, there are some things that Wuyou is thinking of telling everyone tonight. Since the three princes have already asked about it, then Wuyou will use the slope to get off the donkey and talk straight!"

"Please also evacuate all the singers and dancers below, and evacuate the servants, let's talk slowly if we have something to say!"

While speaking, Jun Wuyou no longer beat around the bush, and tended to get straight to the point.

King Yelang didn't talk nonsense when he heard the words, and with a wave of his hand, all the singers, dancers, musicians and servants were immediately dismissed.

These days, all the courtiers were busy, except for Jun Wuyou, who was carrying the imperial envoy of the Great Qin on his back.

With the emperor's order, not going to govern, not going to run the army, just spending time and drinking here all day, it's not a good thing.

He has worked hard outside, but he is comfortable here. If it were anyone, he might not like him.

At least for now, King Yelang, King Dian, and King Zhao are a little bit hard to see.

Of course, the most disrespectful thing is Jun Wuyou's act of forming a clique for personal gain.

If this matter keeps happening in their house, it will implicate them sooner or later.

They are not stupid, how can they allow the situation to continue to develop?
As those servants were all evacuated, Jun Wuyou looked at the lobby and said with a smile: "Everyone, let's talk inside!"

Saying that, Jun Wuyou stepped forward in person, pushed King Yelang's wheelchair and walked towards the lobby.

Because King Yelang can't walk and can only be used as a wheelchair, there is never a threshold in the palace of King Yelang. There is also a stone path in the middle of the stairs leading to the lobby, which is used to push the wheelchair.

Everyone followed, walked into the lobby, and sat down after looking for it. Just now, everyone looked at Jun Wuyou at the same time.

"Master Jun, you are already half a month late, let's talk straight, don't beat around the bush!"

As soon as King Dian sat down, he got straight to the point and didn't bother to continue talking nonsense.

Saying a word, the atmosphere in the lobby instantly quieted down, appearing very dignified.

Everyone's eyes were on Jun Wuyou, except for the three kings, the rest of the people were inexplicably uneasy.

The three kings were right, these people had obviously made friends with each other now.

To put it bluntly, it is to form a party for personal gain, and Jun Wuyou is the one who connects them.

However, although everyone has the intention of secretly gathering together, but after all, the power is so single that if the three kings are missing from the southwest line, its power will be greatly reduced, and it will be difficult to achieve anything.

In this way, the Three Kings have become the most important figures.Especially King Yelang and King Dian, who used to be said to be the two leaders of the two major alliances.

Without them, the power of the palaces would be lost nine out of ten, and the so-called alliance would be useless at all.

So at this moment, everyone was inexplicably nervous.

After being informed by Jun Wuyou about their interests, they did not dare to move, and could only pin their hopes on Jun Wuyou and the Three Kings.

"Okay, now that there are no outsiders, if you have something to say, just say it without worry!"

Seeing the embarrassing atmosphere in the lobby, Jun Wuyou went straight to the point, saying: "What the princes said just now is nothing more than telling Wuyou that what they did this time is suspected of forming a clique for personal gain!"

"This point, Wuyou cannot deny, or rather, Wuyou is willing to admit that it is indeed forming a party for personal gain!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the three kings changed, they never thought that Jun Wuyou would really confess so frankly.

"Your Excellency, you have to understand one thing. We are now living under the fence of others. At this time, we form a clique for personal gain. Could it be that we want to turn against customers?"

"Master Jun, if this is really the case, maybe disaster is just around the corner!"

King Yelang narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at Jun Wuyou, and warned coldly.

"Hehe, the prince's words are wrong. There are some things that I don't know whether to say or not. I said it without worry today. If the prince thinks there is something wrong, please don't take offense!"

"My lord, do you know what Wuyou had said in private to all the lords, lords, and uncles before?"

Jun Wuyou chuckled, once some topics were opened, there was no need to beat around the bush.

"What did you say?"

The king of Dian was alert.

"Hehe, the prince's voice should not be so blunt. Wuyou can tell that whether the prince of Dian or the prince of Yelang is a man of great talent, he sees things clearly and doesn't want to meddle too much in the affairs of the court!"

"But there is one thing, Wuyou still wants to remind me solemnly, now that we are no longer waiting for a meeting for a day or two, if we really want to form a party for personal gain, the two lords will probably not be so easy if they want to clean themselves up?"

"At least, the gatherings this time are all in the mansions of the two princes!"

Jun Wuyou raised his eyebrows, looked at King Yelang and King Dian and said with a half-smile.

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of the two kings were shocked.

"Jun Wuyou, are you framing us?"

King Yelang said coldly.

"Jun Wuyou, are you threatening this king?"

King Dian snorted coldly, and his tone became cold.

"The two princes misunderstood, and they did not frame or threaten them!"

Jun Wuyou waved his hand, looking like he misunderstood.

Seeing the two princes staring at him coldly and not speaking anymore, Jun Wuyou had no choice but to speak again, saying: "I wonder if the two princes have thought about some things?"

"In the final analysis, the two princes were once the kings of a country. Dare to ask, if they had a choice, would the two princes support a group of useless people and bestow high officials and nobles?"

King Yelang and King Dian's eyes flashed, they were not stupid, and they could understand what Jun Wuyou said inside and outside.

It is nothing more than to remind them that to Daqin, they are just a group of useless people who still occupy high positions and rich salaries.

"I don't know what Lord Jun wants to express!"

King Zhao was young, although he was sensible early, after all, he was not as good as the two old foxes, King Dian and King Yelang.

"Under King Zhao's order, Wuyou has no other meaning. I just want to tell everyone a thing or two, so that everyone can know my Daqin's next national policy!"

Jun Wuyou stood up, stood with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile: "I am standing upright, in the eyes of others, my national policy is to rule the world with etiquette and law, and the soldiers guard against foreign enemies."

"But I want to tell everyone that this method of rest is not my national policy of Daqin. What the emperor wants is my national policy of Daqin!"

"The emperor's vision is far and wide, and it is impossible to stay in the Central Plains forever. Now Baiyue belongs to Qin and is named Nanjing."

"The southwestern countries also belong to Qin. From this, it can be seen that the eyes of His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor have never been on the Central Plains, but on the whole world!"

"Now it seems that the Xiongnu, Donghu, and Anqin are inseparable from Daqin, and they are in a state of chaos."

(End of this chapter)

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