Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1227 What did you say

Chapter 1227 What did you say

"But Wuyou wants to tell everyone that if I, Daqin, cannot turn things around, no one present will survive."

"If my Great Qin can turn things around, the next step is to devour everything!"

"At that time, Daqin will definitely mix dragon and fish together, and all parties will submit to His Majesty the Emperor, but it doesn't mean that they will accommodate you and the three princes!"

Having said that, Jun Wuyou paused for a moment, but he saw that the people below had already shown serious expressions on their faces.

King Yelang and King Dian also understood the doubts in Jun Wuyou's words, and Queen Zhao realized something later, and seemed to understand something.

"I don't know what the Lord Jun said, what's the purpose?"

King Yelang pretended to be confused while pretending to understand. In the final analysis, it is one thing to understand, but it is another thing to be willing to do certain things.

"Hehe, it seems that Wuyou didn't make it clear enough!"

"In that case, well, let's put it more simply. Wuyou does have measures to form cliques, but it is one thing to form cliques, and another to instigate rebellion!"

"Today's Wuyou confessed everything because I wanted to appeal to all of you, but it was definitely not for the purpose of opposing Da Qin!"

"With the power of the Southwest, if we fight back at this moment, it will indeed cause a lot of damage to my Daqin, but if we want to rebel, we are still far away!"

"Worry-free gathering everyone, in the final analysis, is still serving my Daqin loyally. At the same time, it is also giving you a chance to rise to the top!"

"This statement may seem a bit ridiculous to you princes. After all, you have already been enshrined as kings, and you have already risen to the top. How can you say that you are on the top again!"

"But there is one thing, you have to understand that your so-called honoring the king is nothing more than a verbal honoring the king."

"You don't have any rights, and you don't have any power. If one day, someone attacks you, I'm afraid you won't even have the chance to fight back. So, you shouldn't object, right?"

Jun Wuyou continued talking, but King Yelang and King Dian were silent.

That's right, the two of them know their situation best.

Now they are all under the fence, if the master is not happy, they can be kicked out anytime and anywhere.

But the situation is here, what can they do?
Difficult band can still raise one's arms and shout, can't directly rebel?

Even if they want to rebel, can they escape from Xianyang now that there are frequent wars in Daqin?

Even Xianyang can't escape, so how can they rebel?

Maybe they have a chance before coming to Xianyang.But you must know that the Great Qin is not chaotic, and it is easy to wipe out the Southwest.

Otherwise, no matter how generous King Yelang is, how can he hand over the country?
Why should the king of Dian submit to others with aggrieved attitude?

After all, in the face of the general trend of the world, no one can afford to resist.

In this way, they are really dependent on others, and they can only eat by looking at people's faces.

No one can deny this.

"Master Jun is right, but in Mr. Jun's opinion, could it be that this king is so confused that he can't even see these situations clearly?"

"Since Mr. Jun can see that we are just living under someone else's fence, but now we are trying to gather a crowd. Could it be that we really want to make Master Boran furious, so that I will not even have a chance of being kicked out?"

After a long silence, King Yelang spoke.

As soon as these words came out, he immediately expressed his thoughts.

That's right, everyone is dependent on others. It is precisely because of this that it is best not to try to be contaminated with some things that should not be contaminated.

Otherwise, I am afraid that it will not count as being kicked out in the end, and it is not certain whether it will end well.

This is why several people never form cliques.

Sometimes, being quiet and honest doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

"My lord's words are wrong. It is undeniable that sometimes if you are quieter, you won't be annoying!"

"But now, you all belong to the southwest line. If one day, both the Huns and the Huns enter our Great Qin, I don't know if there will be a northeast line and a northwest line, or there will be a Saibei line!"

"At that time, these people may not be as quiet and honest as the princes. If the princes don't gather together, can it be sure that these people will let the princes ignore them?"

"It has not been long since the establishment of my Great Qin. Before that, it was peaceful and peaceful, with the monarch and his ministers united as one, and the government and the people as one. But with the turmoil now, it is inevitable that sects will be divided. As the territory of my Great Qin continues to expand in the future, this The situation will get worse!"

"Also, don't you lords forget that now my Great Qin Concubine Xue and the Empress are pregnant with dragon species one after another. This is a very good opportunity to make a move."

"I really don't need to seize this opportunity, but others will. At that time, forming cliques will also be unavoidable."

"At that time, if you want to stay out of the matter, it is pure wishful thinking!"

Jun Wuyou spoke with certainty, and when he said those words, the faces of all the people below became serious.

Including King Yelang and King Dian.

They can see through some things, but that doesn't mean they can see through all of them.Reminded by Jun Wuyou, the two of them, who already had a sense of crisis, instantly increased their sense of crisis deep in their hearts.

"Hey, that's pretty much the end of what should be said now, let's talk about another thing. Do you really think that forming a faction can threaten my Majesty the Great Qin Emperor and lead to death?"

"If this is the case, Wuyou can only tell you that it is absolutely impossible!"

"What my Great Qin needs now is power, the power of everyone. It is doubtful to be able to gather people into power, but if this power is used by my Great Qin, His Majesty the Emperor will never let you down!"

"Calculating the time, I believe that His Majesty's imperial decree will come soon. Lords, please watch, the one who will gather everyone next is not Wuyou, but Long Live the Emperor!"

With a sigh, Jun Wuyou continued.

The last words were obviously intended to dispel the grudges in everyone's hearts.

Especially to eliminate the grudges in the hearts of King Yelang, King Dian and King Zhao.

These few people were unwilling to touch the Emperor's Ni Lin, thinking that what they did was offending the Emperor's Ni Lin, but in fact, they still didn't know the Emperor well enough.

Today, Jun Wuyou will give them a big gift to let them know the emperor's choice.

"What did you say?"

When King Yelang heard this, he was startled.

"You mean the emperor wants to gather a crowd to wait?"

King Dian was also stunned, and couldn't help saying.

King Zhao is a bit confused, is this Jun Wuyou forming a faction, or the emperor forming a faction?How did you listen to this and drag the emperor in?
Although the people below have been secretly connected by Jun Wuyou to form a force, they still haven't fully understood many of Jun Wuyou's actions.

Hearing this at the moment, they were also a little dumbfounded. No matter what they listened to, it seemed that the emperor deliberately ordered it from behind.

Even the imperial decree is coming, what does it mean?
(End of this chapter)

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