Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1228 Partners

Chapter 1228 Partners
"Everyone, the so-called world is bustling with interests coming and going!"

"The kings come from all over the world. Of course, Your Majesty must gather everyone's strength to use for my Great Qin!"

"Of course, it's one thing for the emperor to gather everyone's strength, and it's another thing for Wuyou to gather everyone's strength!"

"At the end of the day, we both work for Daqin, but in this world, how can anyone not be angry with each other? Don't wait for everyone else to form a group, but you still fight on your own. At that time, you won't get any benefits. Isn't it a pity? ?”

"Therefore, it is inevitable to serve the Great Qin, but it is also inevitable to gather the strength of all of you to make contributions. Do you think what Wuyou said is right?"

Facing everyone's shocked and confused eyes, Jun Wuyou smiled slightly.

It was said earlier that the emperor wanted to gather everyone's strength, but in an instant, he dismantled it again.

This is said upside down, but it seems that no matter how it is turned upside down, it becomes his own reason, which makes it impossible to refute.

"Hehe, this king understands. Having said so much, Lord Jun, in the final analysis, just wants to gather the strength of everyone and hold a group for warmth."

"It seems that it is not easy for Mr. Jun to settle down in this court, otherwise, I'm afraid it won't be so troublesome!"

King Yelang laughed, after talking about it, after talking so much, he completely understood what Jun Wuyou meant.

Although they were all former kings of various countries, or descendants of royal families of various countries, the emperor did not intend to let them be some idle princes in Xianyang, but prepared to let everyone do their best.

And among them, Jun Wuyou is going to step in and directly seize this power for his own use.

To put it simply, Jun Wuyou stepped in because he wanted to be the third party in the middle.

To put it bluntly, it is an empty glove white wolf.As long as he grasps the power of the kings, he doesn't need to do anything when the time comes.

He can share the credit of the kings.

Similarly, he didn't have to do anything, he could please the emperor for no reason, and he even had an unimaginable right to speak in the court.

It has to be said that Jun Wuyou's calculation is not bad.

"That's right, Lord Jun. It seems that in the battle of Xianyang that day, Lord Jun has become the target of public criticism after all. It's just that Lord Jun wants to borrow strength now. Does it mean that in Lord Jun's opinion, we have to borrow it?"

"Even if the emperor gathers people to become powerful, and the emperor can pass the test, Mr. Jun doesn't seem to be the best partner for cooperation?"

King Dian took up the topic of King Yelang with a half-smile.

He also heard the meaning behind Jun Wuyou's words, and felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

This guy is purely taking everyone for fools. He really thinks that just a few words can make everyone serve him loyally.

Don't even look at the identities of everyone present, is he worthy of using it?
Following the words of King Dian and King Yelang, the other people below were also stunned.

Yes, even if everyone wants to hug each other to keep warm, it seems that there is no need for a useless person like Jun Wuyou to control it, right?
No one had thought of this before, and it was King Yelang and King Dian who found the key point with a thought.

In the final analysis, if virtue is not worthy, and Jun Wuyou doesn't have enough strength, why should he be the person in charge?
Not to mention the person in charge, he doesn't even have the qualifications to cooperate, does he?

Now he bears the title of an imperial envoy of the Great Qin Dynasty, but in fact he doesn't have the slightest title, not even an official position.

Apart from the token in his hand, what else can he get out of it?
Thinking about it this way, everyone suddenly realized that this Jun Wuyou was completely dispensable. Even if everyone gathered together to make contributions, there was absolutely no need for a Jun Wuyou to share the results.

The so-called hustle and bustle of the world, interests come and go, this involves interests, the people who were on Jun Wuyou's side before, looked at Jun Wuyou with a little change in their eyes.

It was as if he was one of his own people last moment, but at this moment, Jun Wuyou has become a complete outsider.

Sensing the eyes of the crowd, Jun Wuyou smiled wryly in his heart, and said to himself: "King Dian and King Yelang are indeed two old foxes, they almost ruined their achievements with a few words!"

Fortunately, I was prepared, otherwise, all the previous efforts would have been in vain.

"What the two princes said is very true. Since everyone is huddling together to keep warm, of course they all have to contribute their own warmth."

"Speaking of which, you all have your own hidden powers. Once you unleash them, Wuyou will feel ashamed and not a good partner!"

Taking a deep breath, Jun Wuyou got up and said with a smile: "But there is one thing, I wonder if the two princes have thought about it. In this world, no matter where you are, you will never be without a xenophobic heart!"

"You are the former kings of the kingdoms. Yes, this does provide you with unimaginable potential. At least if you want to mobilize the power of the Southwest, it is easy and easy."

"But precisely because of this, do you think that others can let you show your strengths with confidence?"

"It's not a good thing to say. I'm afraid that if you make some moves, the whole court will try their best to suppress it as much as possible. Dare I ask, how can you make contributions at that time?"

"Yes, Wuyou is indeed not the best partner, but Wuyou is the only partner you can get. Only Wuyou can withstand the pressure from the court for everyone."

"Only I, Wuyou, can stand up to everything and allow everyone to show their strengths and make contributions. So, think about it, is Wuyou still qualified to be this partner?"

After Jun Wuyou finished speaking, King Yelang and King Dian fell silent immediately.

The two looked at each other, and there was a dignified look in their eyes for no reason.

It has to be said that Jun Wuyou's mouth can be worth a million heroes, and with a few words, every sentence grabs the weakness of people's hearts, making it impossible to refute.

The previous sentence gathers people together to keep warm, starting from everyone's bad situation, which is irresistible.

Nowadays, some people have to accept his joining on the grounds of xenophobia and pressure.

Don't look at how the princes and uncles are living a happy life now, with no worries about food and clothing, and they don't have to do anything to enjoy the treatment of nobles.

But in the final analysis, after all, it is dependent on others.How many people in Xianyang City would regard them as their own?
Not to mention ordinary ordinary people, at least the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty never regarded them as their own.For them, that is repeated exploitation.

To put it clearly, it is xenophobia and suppression.

This is still the case now, if in the future, the territory of Great Qin continues to expand to accommodate the kings of other countries, then, once they are divided into gangs, how will they deal with themselves?

And if they want to hug each other to keep warm, how can they hug each other without anyone who can withstand the pressure?

I'm afraid that just as soon as they got together on one side, the world on the other side is already in chaos. Everyone wants to get rid of them and hurry up.Isn't this courting death?
After thinking about it, Jun Wuyou seems to be an irresistible partner.

(End of this chapter)

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