Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1229 The Betrayer

Chapter 1229 The Betrayer

"Lord Jun's words are really irrefutable. It's just that today's words are the words of Lord Jun's family after all. How can I know whether Lord Jun really has enough strength to cooperate. At least let everyone see Lord Jun's strength first! "

"Otherwise, let's talk about whether we cooperate or not. We won't be able to withstand the pressure of the court in the future. The so-called huddling together for warmth may be self-defeating!"

After pondering for a long time, King Yelang finally spoke.

It has to be said that at this moment, King Yelang was also persuaded by Jun Wuyou, but he still clung to some things, and he didn't know what kind of mentality it was.

"That's right, Mr. Jun, since we want to talk about cooperation, we must have the capital we can afford, right?"

King Dian also smiled, looked at Jun Wuyou and said.

Although the people below spoke out, they looked at Jun Wuyou with a hint of oppression in their eyes.It seems to be forcing Jun Wuyou to hand over his trump cards for cooperation.

The atmosphere became tense again for a while, and whether the unity Jun Wuyou took time to build can be achieved or not depends on the present moment.

Humans are social animals, and living in groups inevitably leads to a group.The reason for forming a group often comes from the pressure of all parties and private interest connections.

Throughout the ages, there have been countless alliances.But in the final analysis, the so-called alliances are interconnected and will always be interests.

Now, what everyone wants is the benefits that Jun Wuyou can afford.

After all, where is everyone's strength placed, just by their name, they have an inherent advantage.Thousands of people in the southwest are still thinking about the old master.

"Report to the lord, the servants of the Shangshu Mansion of the Ministry of War outside ask to see you!"

When everyone was staring at Jun Wuyou, suddenly, a voice sounded, breaking the silence of the scene.

Outside the gate, a guard trotted over, stood still outside the lobby, and said respectfully.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the same time, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

But at this time, Jun Wuyou, who had been silent all this time, smiled and said: "Hahaha, don't you all want to see the power of Wuyou? Well, now the power of Wuyou is here. Wait a moment, everyone, go back when Wuyou goes. !"

With that said, Jun Wuyou got up, ignored everyone's astonished gazes, and walked straight out of the lobby.

Finally, he walked to the gate of the palace and left directly.

When everyone saw this, they had question marks on their faces. What do these mean?
If you have the ability, just say, is it necessary to run away at this time?

Of course, everyone didn't take any action, they didn't disperse because of Jun Wuyou's departure, but waited.

They wanted to see if Jun Wuyou had escaped because he couldn't cooperate, or if he really had some plans.


"My little one pays respects to the imperial envoy!"

As soon as Jun Wuyou walked out of the palace, he saw outside the palace, a servant from the Ministry of War Shangshu's mansion hurried forward, clasped his hands and saluted.

"Did you come to find me?"

Jun Wuyou stood with his hands behind his back, standing in front of the servant and asked.

"Reporting to my lord, I am here to find my lord!"

The servant hurriedly nodded.

"It was Master Tai Tu who came to the Shangshu Mansion and asked me to go back?"

Jun Wuyou spoke again, but it seemed that everything was under his control.

"That's right, Mr. Jun, it was Mr. Tai Tuo who asked Mr. Tai to go back to receive the order!"

The family member was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that Lord Jun had already appeared when he just arrived, without even revealing his purpose.

And what he said and did, it seemed that everything was under his control.

"Let's go then!"

Jun Wuyou didn't talk nonsense, turned around and walked to the side, stepped on the fast horse that the servant rode, turned the horse's head around, and rode away alone.

The curfew in Xianyang City is very late, but now it is past midnight, and no matter how late it is, the curfew will already be over.

In the streets and alleys, there is no trace of human beings, and the horse gallops wildly, but he is not afraid of hurting anyone.

Under the fast horse, Jun Wuyou quickly came to the Ministry of War Shangshu Mansion, and when he looked up, he saw all the ministers, including Xiao He from the Xiangguo Mansion.

Everyone came one after another and gathered outside the Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of War.

Zhang Liang went out to greet him personally. Everyone gathered together and was about to enter the Shangshu Mansion when they saw Jun Wuyou coming. For a moment, the smiling faces turned cold.

Everyone looked at Jun Wuyou with a hint of disdain, as if they disdain this person's dealings.

"Oh, my lords are here. It seems that Master Tai Tuo's summoning power is really great. I have just returned to Xianyang. It's midnight, and you don't even sleep, so you dare to come to welcome me!"

Jun Wuyou got off his horse, laughed loudly, and greeted the crowd with his arms folded.

"Hmph, as an imperial envoy, I don't care about people's sentiments, and try my best to serve the country, but I sing and dance in the palaces of the princes all day. In the middle of the night, I still smell of alcohol. It seems that Mr. Wuyou is having a lot of fun these days!"

A cold snort sounded, Wu Hua, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, looked at Jun Wuyou coldly, and said in a bad tone.

As a minister of the Ministry of Rites, Wu Hua can also be regarded as a great Confucian of the generation. He is usually regarded as a corporal of virtuous people, and treats people with extra courtesy.

For him to say these words, one can imagine how embarrassing Jun Wuyou's position in his heart is.

After all, no one who can achieve the status of Shangshu is not a simple person. After the Xianyang battle, everyone can see what Jun Wuyou has done.

Afterwards, although everyone understood Jun Wuyou's good intentions.But sometimes, the so-called good intentions are far-fetched and unacceptable.

Therefore, everyone and Jun Wuyou gradually alienated.It seems that she disdains dealing with Jun Wuyou, but also seems to be angry at Jun Wuyou's cruelty.

This kind of disgust and rejection does not mean that everyone looks down on so-and-so, but just a behavioral dissatisfaction.

It's like since ancient times, civil and military have rarely been concentric.The civil servants and generals seem to always be on opposite sides.

Today's Jun Wuyou, not only in the eyes of Wu Hua, but also in the eyes of Xiao He and other ministers, is a butcher, and like those generals, they are all existences who will do everything for the sake of war.

If the key is just to be the same as those generals, that's all.After all, fighting itself is the general's duty.However, Jun Wuyou was still a civil servant, so this cannot be justified.

What he did, for these civil servants, was like a betrayal of faith.

The so-called faith, Wencheng governs the world, and generals Anbang.You are a Wencheng, you don't want to find a way to govern the world, and you are going to a prosperous age, but your hands are bloody, and you do that general.If this is not betrayal, what is it?
Therefore, nowadays these civil servants, for half of the military generals, most of the time they have different ways and do not conspire with each other, but they really hate Jun Wuyou.

"That's right, I heard that for nearly half a month, Lord Wuyou has been gathering the princes and princes to sing and sing every night. Here, I would like to advise you. As an official of the court, you'd better know how to restrain yourself. Otherwise, if you make a mistake one day , If you are accused of forming a party for personal gain, or for other crimes, if you enter our Ministry of Punishment, this officer will not show mercy!"

As soon as Wu Hua, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites finished speaking, Du Tao, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, also spoke with a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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