Chapter 1233
"Hey, Mr. Zhang has not said a word from the beginning to the end. I don't know what you think about this matter!"

After everyone left, Shu Suntong sat down again, but looked at Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang's eyes flickered, and he looked up and down at Shu Suntong.

He found that the old man in front of him had changed, really changed.

Not only has his face become older, but even his behavior style, or some beliefs have gradually changed.

The former Shusun Tong, as a great Confucian of a generation, is the teacher of the world, so he can be upright and upright.

If you let him know what Jun Wuyou did, he will definitely burn with anger.But now, not only is he not angry, but he speaks for Jun Wuyou.

This change is not insignificant.

"Hehe, it seems that during this trip to Yandi, Master Taifu has changed a lot!"

Zhang Liang didn't answer, but shook his head a little, and sat down on the main seat next to Shusun Tong.

After all, he is the owner of the Shangshu Mansion. Although Shusun Tong also took the seat, he only sat on the right hand side. At the moment when the master stepped forward, he was only sitting on the left hand side.

"Has the old man changed?"

"Maybe, maybe not!"

When Shu Suntong heard the words, he smiled lightly, not only recalling the past in his mind.

Once, he was a former doctor of Qin Dynasty. Because of Zhao Gaoquan's power over the government and the public, the court was full of civil and military affairs, and there were not many upright people, all of whom were killed by Zhao Gao.

As a Confucian student, he was a great Confucian of his generation, but in the end he chose to compromise.

When everyone else proved that he was upright, he was the only one who joined forces with that Zhao Gao, bearing countless infamy, and finally found a chance to kill Zhao Gao.

However, at this moment, the strength of the former Qin Dynasty is exhausted, and he cannot be retained.

Later, when he met His Majesty the current emperor, he could finally express his ambitions, but he never thought that the good times would not last long, and in the blink of an eye, Great Qin was once again in flames of war.

The world has changed, how can he remain unchanged?

But in fact, has he really changed?
he does not know.

Maybe I have really changed, and I am indifferent to the death of hundreds of thousands of people.Or maybe he hasn't changed, but just sees the reality clearly, depending on the situation.

"I don't know what Master Taifu thinks about Lord Na Jun?"

Zhang Liang cupped his hands and asked with a smile.

"A hero in troubled times, a capable minister in prosperous times!"

Shu Suntong's eyes were fixed, and his voice was low and dignified, giving such an evaluation.

"Oh, my lord actually gave him such an evaluation?"

Zhang Liang was startled, but he didn't expect that Shusun Tong would be so outspoken.

In fact, this evaluation was not given to Jun Wuyou by Zhang Liang?

"With my own strength, I can change the ending of this world. In the blink of an eye, the situation changed into the Great Qin Dynasty. Does Zifang feel that he is not worthy of such an evaluation for such a character?"

Shu Suntong looked sideways at Zhang Liang and asked back.

"Yes, in the blink of an eye, let me merge the inside and outside of Daqin. If Daqin survives this catastrophe, the situation will change drastically, paving the way for a new Daqin in the future. If all the organs are exhausted, the world will have to follow His way is gone."

Zhang Liang smiled wryly, and had to admit Jun Wuyou's ability.

He asked himself, some of Jun Wuyou's actions were simply beyond his reach.

This person is not only a counselor, but also a politician who has never been seen before or since.He is fully capable of subverting a country's court.

You know, before this, this court was still the court of Great Qin.Even if the Great Qin unified the southwest and the south.

But above the court, there is still nothing in the southwest or south.

But now, Jun Wuyou is forcibly pulling those people from the southwest closer to this pool of water. It should be to muddy the pool of water. This is entirely to allow guests from all over the world to participate in politics.

Who would dare to do this kind of thing in the past dynasties?

Swallowing other countries and allowing the kings of other countries to participate in politics is tantamount to asking for trouble.If you are not careful, you may have to be placed in Vanke's position.

Of course, it was such a dangerous thing that Jun Wuyou did.

This is really not afraid of death. Once the emperor's suspicion is aroused, he can die in an instant without a place to bury him.

But now, the emperor has no doubts, the only result is that he succeeded.

Of course, he succeeded, but it didn't mean that the danger didn't exist.

While the dangers exist, the benefits are also obvious.

This approach is enough to show the mind of the Great Qin, and it can also greatly speed up the speed of the integration of the Great Qin with the countries in the Southwest.

For example, if you want to completely win the hearts of the people in the Southwest, it will take at least two or three generations, and more than a hundred years of hard work.

After all, only if this generation is dead, and the next generation, or the next generation, all receive the favor of Daqin, can it be possible to devote themselves to Daqin.

But now, taking the lead in integrating the royal families of these countries into the Great Qin, as long as there is no accident, at most ten years, the future troubles of all countries will surely disappear.

That's the benefit.

After all, in the final analysis, even the king is willing to be a courtier of others, and he has done his best. Those subjects, what else do they have to say?

Prestige, virtue, is thus displayed.

"Yeah, I'm afraid that in the future, the road of Daqin will have to go on according to his plan. I just don't know, whether the civil and military affairs of the court can be accepted!"

Shu Suntong nodded and sighed.

"Don't worry, Grand Tutor, the courtiers are not vegetarians, how can we let him turn the clouds and rains all by himself?"

"Even if the ministers can let it go, His Majesty the Emperor will not let it go. Now everyone is just filled with righteous indignation. When I come to my senses, based on what I know about Xiao He, he will accept it and change his mind."

"Jun Wuyou is acting smoothly now, it's just because Xiao He didn't make a move!"

"Once Xiao He makes a move, Xiao He can only do it. In this court, it is not his turn to overthrow the cloud and rain alone!"

Zhang Liang waved his hand, and while speaking, he actually regarded Xiao He as Jun Wuyou's only opponent.

"Oh, the old man always thought that Zifang was Jun Wuyou's only opponent, but never thought that Zifang actually thought that Xiao He was his opponent!"

Uncle Suntong was a little surprised when he heard this.

"Hehe, Master Taifu was joking. If this Jun Wuyou joins the army, he must be Zifang's biggest opponent, but he has already made a choice, and his ambition is not here."

"On the contrary, the court is where he can flex his muscles. Therefore, his opponent can only be Xiangguo Xiao He, not Zifang!"

Zhang Liang smiled, and said frankly at this moment.

Many things may not be seen clearly by others, but he, Zhang Liang, can see them clearly.

Facing Jun Wuyou before, in the final analysis, he was caught off guard by Jun Wuyou's secret means. When he came back to his senses, how could he not understand Jun Wuyou's intention?

Even what Jun Wuyou is going to do next, he has already predicted.

Daqin's military division is not joking.

On the battlefield, he can strategize and win a decisive victory thousands of miles away.After such a chaos in the Great Qin Dynasty, he had teamed up with Wang Lin to create a bright future at the very beginning.

With such ability, how can Jun Wuyou be able to manipulate it at will?
It's just that the general trend is on Jun Wuyou's side, and he is going to follow the trend.

(End of this chapter)

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