Chapter 1234
"Hahaha, I kept you waiting for a long time!"

Yelang Prince's Mansion laughed loudly.

In the middle of the night, other people's homes had already rested, but Jun Wuyou ran here and there.

At this time, in the palace, everyone has not left, they are all waiting for him.

Seeing that he had been away for a long time and did not return, everyone was waiting anxiously. When they suddenly heard his voice, they all turned their heads to look at him.

But I saw a black scroll in his hand, look at it, what is it if it is not an imperial decree?

"My lord, what do you mean by asking me to wait here and back again and again?"

King Yelang narrowed his eyes, stared at Jun Wuyou, and said coldly.

"That's right, don't forget, I'm the king, even if it's just the king of idleness, but waiting for you, isn't it too disrespectful to me?"

King Dian sneered, his tone aggressive.

He wanted to see what cards Jun Wuyou could get after leaving.

"Hey, the two princes are serious!"

"Everyone, don't look at Wuyou with strange eyes!"

"That's right, it's really unreasonable for Wuyou to ask everyone to wait here, but what everyone is waiting for today is not Wuyou, but an imperial edict issued by His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor himself!"

Jun Wuyou waved his hands, and without talking nonsense, he got straight to the point, and said, "Everyone, why don't you kneel down to accept the order?"

When everyone heard this, their faces changed.

Accept the purpose?

Although they all saw the imperial decree, they didn't realize what was going on for a while.

"The minister waits for the order!"

After reacting, King Dian was the first to take the lead, knelt down on the ground, and received the imperial edict.

"My lord, my legs and feet are inconvenient, so I can't kneel down to greet you, so there should be no problem?"

King Yelang bowed his hands, and in his situation, even if he wanted to kneel down to greet the imperial decree, he couldn't kneel down, so after everyone kneeled down, he seemed to stand out.

"It's okay, it's okay, I understand!"

Jun Wuyou waved his hand, unfolded the imperial decree, and read aloud: "Follow the heavens, the emperor called. In the battle of Xianyang, all the palaces tried their best to fight all their wealth and protect my capital."

"I am very pleased to hear that. Our great Qin has such a loyal minister and good general who throws his head and blood. Why worry about the great Qin's prosperity and the world's prosperity?"

"Today, thinking of your meritorious service in the palaces of the princes, I have issued an order that all princes, dukes and uncles will be promoted to the first rank!"

As soon as Jun Wuyou finished speaking, everyone below was overjoyed.

This is an official promotion.

It sounds like there is nothing wrong with entering the first class.After all, everyone's titles are there. Even if they become knights, a prince is still a prince, a duke is still a duke, a marquis is still a marquis, and an earl is still an earl.

From this point of view, it doesn't seem to be of any benefit to everyone, whether it is a noble or not, it is basically the same.

But in fact, a hidden signal here is completely different.

Previously, in everyone's opinion, his position in Daqin was basically the same.

Everyone has already made plans, either to restore the country, or to spend the rest of their lives in Xianyang City in peace.

Who would have thought that one day, everyone would have the chance to become an official?
What does this opportunity mean?
That means, in the future, everyone can continue to intervene in the matter of Daqin, and make contributions.

You know, they are all former kings of various countries, or descendants of royal families.To put it bluntly, they are not even counted as surrenders.

The surrendered minister is capable, and there is still a chance to show his hands and feet. With the surrendered king, who will give him a chance to show his hands and feet?What if on that day, during the process of stretching his hands and feet, he suddenly rebelled?
In this way, the importance of this imperial decree can be imagined.

This precedent means that the emperor has promised them to make contributions and is ready to let everyone have a go.

This is their chance, how can they not be happy?
Even King Dian and King Yelang were shocked in their hearts.

This news was not insignificant to the two of them.

"The minister waits for the order!"

Everyone kowtowed and shouted to accept the order.

"Hey, wait a minute, I haven't finished reading yet!"

The corner of Jun Wuyou's mouth raised slightly, and he suddenly called out.

Everyone's face turned black, what does this mean?Didn't finish reading, why are you panting?
I stopped for most of the day, and I didn't see you continuing to read!
However, everyone did not speak, and still lay on the ground and listened quietly.

"In this battle, King Yelang and King Dian conspired, King Zhao gathered the power of all the kings, and ordered Duan Hu from Prince Dian's Mansion, and Gan Hong from King Zhao's Mansion to be invincible among thousands of troops, making great contributions!"

"My Great Qin will be rewarded for meritorious deeds, and punished for my demerits. In view of this, Duan Hu of the Prince of Dian's Mansion is specially appointed as our Great Qin Huwei General, commanding a hundred thousand soldiers. Gan Hong of King Zhao's Mansion is named Hongwu General, commanding an army of [-]!"

"From now on, the two generals will rush to Generalissimo Wang Lin's tent, take over the military talisman, and fulfill their duties for our Great Qin, expanding the land and opening up the territory, hereby!"

Jun Wuyou's voice sounded again, reading out all the following content.

After everyone finished listening, their bodies trembled with excitement.

20 troops, 20 troops!

Qin Huang actually gave it as he said, without any fear because of their identities.

What kind of trust is this?
You know, they are the kings of all countries!

Could it be that Emperor Qin is not worried about their rebellion at all?
"The minister waits to thank the emperor for his kindness!"

Everyone kowtowed and got up one after another.

In the end, Jun Wuyou handed over the imperial decree to the owner of the room, King Yelang.

"My lords, everyone should understand the meaning of the imperial decree, right?"

"Just now, you were worried about gathering people to become powerful and attract people's fear. Now, my Majesty the Great Qin Emperor issued an imperial edict."

"Not only will you be given the opportunity to gather people to become powerful, but the 20 troops are in the hands of the princes' residences. I don't know if this momentum is big or not?"

Looking at the people who stood up, Jun Wuyou said with a smile on his face.

"Lord Jun, what's going on here? Could it be that those officials in the court asked for credit for me?"

Suddenly, a person below asked.

"Yes, we have never asked for credit for this matter!"

Someone responded.

This point, everyone is not lying, after all, their situation is here.

Qin State asked them to contribute, how could they refuse?How dare you not do your best?
Therefore, after the Battle of Xianyang, everyone is eligible to ask for credit, but they dare not ask for credit at all.

Just kidding, asking the emperor for credit, isn't that courting death?
What will the emperor reward them with then?Give them troops, or land?
In view of this, everyone let go of this matter with a tacit understanding, not daring to mess around.

But they didn't expect that all of a sudden, they would get the imperial decree and become nobles one after another.Even Emperor Qin directly gave heavy troops.

Although the 20 troops fell into the hands of Dianwang Mansion and Zhaowang Mansion respectively, it seems that it has nothing to do with other people.

Others also suffered a lot, but apart from becoming a noble, they have no benefit, but they are still excited.

Because this means that they will also have the opportunity to hold heavy troops in the future.The meaning of this can be imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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