Chapter 1235
"My lords have never taken credit for their pride. This is a virtue, and worry-free is also admirable. But my Daqin clearly distinguishes rewards and punishments, how can it chill people's hearts?"

"You don't want to bother His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor with trivial matters, but how can Wuyou let His Majesty be kept in the dark because of this, and don't know anything, so that the hearts of loyal ministers are chilled?"

"If you don't ask for credit, Wuyou will take credit for you. If you gentlemen think there is something wrong, you might as well reprimand Wuyou, Wuyou has no objection!"

Jun Wuyou shook his head, speaking earnestly, as if he was heartbroken for everyone.

Good guy, when this remark came out, everyone felt a little embarrassed.

All of these emotions are handled by this person himself.

Who can blame the current situation?I'm afraid it's too late to thank you.

I still remember that just before that, everyone asked him what qualifications he had to participate in the cooperation.

Now people's backhand is a volume of imperial decree, telling you with facts, what is strength.

You waited for your devotion to your duty, but you didn't even dare to ask for credit. Let me help you solve it.

What is cooperation?
This is cooperation!
Win-win cooperation.

Each performs its own duties and win-win cooperation. Only by cooperating with each other can we become powerful.

"Hey... I didn't expect that one day, my Dian Palace would be able to command an army of [-]. The entire Dian Palace is grateful for His Majesty's gift. Of course, the whole Dian Palace is also grateful for the merits of Lord Jun!"

"However, the imperial decree clearly states that in a few days, I will go to the Generalissimo's tent to lead the troops!"

"Now Grand Marshal Wang Lin is at war with the Huns, which means that Duan Hu from the Prince of Dian's Mansion will go to war tomorrow."

"I'm in a hurry, I don't want to thank you for today's kindness, and I will try to repay you in the future. My lord, I will leave and prepare to arrange for tomorrow's expedition!"

Above, Dian King Duan Yanshan sighed, cupped his hands to Jun Wuyou, explained something, and turned to leave.

"My lord, please... My lord, go slowly!"

The corner of Jun Wuyou's mouth twitched slightly. With the words of the King of Dian, everything he did was considered to have achieved his goal.

"My lord, Gan Hong, the general of my royal family, will become my Great Qin general from now on, and I will go to war tomorrow, so I should go and prepare for him, and I will practice it tomorrow. Farewell!"

As soon as King Dian left, King Zhao also spoke.

Regardless of his young age, his mental changes are active.

Now the emperor is nominally a bestowal, but in fact he wants two generals, Gan Hong and Duan Hu, to fight.

This is the first time that the two generals follow their own kings to Daqin, and they go out to fight in a real sense. How can they be neglected?

"My lord, please... My lord, go slowly!"

Jun Wuyou didn't leave anyone behind, smiled slightly, made a gesture of invitation, and watched King Zhao Tu'an leave the hall and walk out of Yelang Palace.

This scene made other people envious, and secretly sighed, blaming his family for not living up to expectations.

If they had top fighters like Duan Hu and Gan Hong, they would be able to command an army of [-] now and gain enough voice for themselves.

Among these people who did not get the military power, King Yelang's gaze was a little calmer.

It's not that he doesn't care about military power, it's just that he knows very well that not getting something is not necessarily a bad thing, and getting something is not necessarily a good thing.

He was glad that he still had the chance to flex his muscles, but to flex his muscles, he didn't necessarily have to be on the battlefield.

He doesn't have any powerful generals under him now, and he is disabled, even if he wants to show his ambition on the battlefield, he has no chance.

Because he could see the reality clearly, King Yelang didn't have much envy.

How can we know that it is not a blessing if it is a blessing in disguise?Maybe there is a better opportunity waiting for me.

"Master Jun, I will take my leave!"

At this moment, many dukes and earls below spoke one after another and wanted to leave.

Jun Wuyou still didn't ask to stay, but stepped forward with a smile, and said: "That's right, it's getting late now, my lords, go back and rest early!"

"There is one other thing, Wuyou has to tell everyone. If the palaces of the princes are determined to serve my Daqin, it doesn't matter whether they join the army or enter the imperial court. As long as they have enough ability, my Daqin will definitely use it according to the amount!"

As he said that, Jun Wuyou quietly threw an irresistible temptation to everyone.

That means nothing more than that, if the emperor can give military power today, it does not mean that the nobles will not have the opportunity to take power in the future. The key is to see how they are done and how capable they are.

If you have the ability, the senior official of the Great Qin Dynasty, Houlu, is waiting for you.If you can't bear it, then there's nothing you can do.

"Thank you, Mr. Jun, for reminding me, we will definitely remember this kind words in our hearts!"

Everyone bowed their hands and said in unison.

"Hey, gentlemen, what do you mean by this? What are your identities, and what is Wuyou's identity? No matter how it sounds, it seems that all the nobles want to listen to Wuyou!"

"Wuyou said this without any meaning. I just wanted to tell everyone that if there are any military talents in the family, they should go back and make arrangements as soon as possible. Tomorrow, General Duan Hu and General Gan Hong will go on the road together!"

"Daqin is in an eventful time, and it is a good opportunity to make contributions. If you don't act now, when will you wait?"

"In addition, the imperial court has been affected a lot this time. Officials from all over the country, even the central government, have a lot of deficiencies. It is time to fill in the vacancies. Seizing the opportunity and flexing your muscles is the right way!"

Jun Wuyou waved his hand and said solemnly.

When everyone heard the words, their faces became solemn, and they immediately understood what Jun Wuyou meant.

"Master Duoxue reminds me, I will act immediately!"

Everyone hurriedly cupped their hands, said goodbye, and left one after another.

The so-called world is bustling with interests.

The word "benefits" does not sound very pleasant to say, and it is not humane.Some people will do everything for their own interests, and harm nature and justice.

But in fact, interests are always the theme of this world.

In this world of the jungle, only profit can drive everything.

When the interests have nothing to do with oneself, everyone has nothing to do with themselves and hangs high.

But once their own interests are involved, no matter who it is, they will move forward desperately.

Previously, when the palaces of the princes were asked to contribute a little bit of strength, everyone was like the eggplant beaten by Shuang, reluctant and limp.

Not to mention asking them to hand over the real talents in the family, that is even more impossible.

But now, there must be a brave man under the reward, and everyone rushes to it under the benefit.

Said that the palaces of princes have no talents?

This is a joke, it's just that they are reluctant to use it for Daqin.Now, I'm afraid everyone wants to smash their heads and send these talents out.

After all, no matter how talented you are, you have to be useful to be considered a talent.

Now is the time to exchange these talents for sufficient benefits.

Whether it is a person who still has the ambition to restore the country in his heart, or a person who sincerely wants to protect Daqin, he needs to have enough strength to have a choice.

And these people flex their muscles, and the rights they will gain are exactly the power they need.

"My lord, everyone is gone!"

After everyone left, Jun Wuyou looked at King Yelang, cupped his hands and said with a smile.

"I don't know if Lord Jun is planning to go back tonight, or staying in the humble house temporarily?"

King Yelang also cupped his hands and said with a smile.

After the words fell, the two looked at each other and laughed at the same time, everything was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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