Chapter 1236
"What? To go to Yanmen Pass and fight for the army of Qin State?"

Dian Palace, when Duan Hu heard the news brought by Brother Wang, he suddenly lost his composure.

"Brother Wang, what does this mean? Oh, the previous battle of Xianyang was about Qin's life and death. If you want me to fight, there is no problem. For the sake of the people of Dian, I am willing to risk my life to go up!"

"But what's going on now? Does he still hope that an outsider like me can't fight the war in Qin?"

"No, I won't go no matter what!"

Duan Hua looked angry, and the whole person just sat on the ground, without the slightest demeanor of a prince, noble or general.

"That's right, big brother, the state of Qin is not good to say the least. It is the enemy of our state of Dian. Now it's nothing more than waiting for me to live under the fence. Why do they have to help them fight the war? Because of love Reason, it doesn't fit!"

On the side, Princess Duan Yao also had a calm expression on her face.

Thinking of the fact that the Qin State seized the Dian Kingdom by force, it is inevitable that I will be angry.

You know, the Dian Kingdom has always been sincere to the Qin Kingdom, but in the end it got such a result, how can it make people not angry?
"Why, look at the appearance of the two of you, today's battlefield, no matter what, you are not ready to fight, are you?"

Dian King Duan Yanshan sat at the head of the lobby, his eyes were cold, he glanced at the two younger brothers and sisters below, and said indifferently.

"Brother Wang, let's make things clear today. Just tell me, are you for Qin or Dian?"

"Are you the king of Dian or the county king of Qin? Do you want us to serve Qin or Dian!"

Duan Hu turned his head and looked directly at King Dian, aggressive.

On the side, Duan Yao also corrected her attitude and looked at her brother Wang.

He also wanted to see what choice Brother Wang made today.

Under the gaze of the two, an inexplicable pressure swept towards King Dian.

After all, he is a king, so he can't say that he gave up his country, can he?

But the general situation is gone, the country is dead, and it is not easy to restore the country?

"Okay, since you want me to speak clearly, I will chat with you today!"

"You tell me, do you want to restore the country, or are you going to help Qin!"

King Dian stood up, looked back at the two with dignified eyes.

"Of course it is the restoration of the country!"

Duan Hu said without hesitation.

"Okay, Fuguo, tell this king, what do you use to restore the country? Is it just your fists? Without enough rights, you will always be a prisoner and a puppet in Xianyang. It is ridiculous to want to restore the country!"

"In front of you, there is an army of [-] in front of you, and you are not willing to take over. How can you restore the country?"

The King of Dian sneered, and when he said a word, there was no way out.

Duan Hu trembled all over, and was instantly speechless.

That's right, what can I use to restore the country?
For a moment, he couldn't help but feel a little ready to move.

If you hold a heavy army in your hands, wouldn't it be more powerful than opening your mouth and shouting for the restoration of the country today?

"Think about it, are you going or not!"

Seeing that Duan Hu and Duan Yao were silent, the King of Dian snorted coldly, Daxiu flung him off, and left directly, leaving the two brothers and sisters looking at each other face to face.


"Uncle Gan Hong, Tu'an is not forcing you on this matter, but Tu'an has already made a choice. If Uncle Gan Hong is willing to fight, Tu'an is willing to act for Uncle Gan Hong."

"If you don't want to fight, Tu'an will personally go and refuse this matter. From now on, Uncle Gan Hong can rest assured at home for the elderly!"

On the other side, in King Zhao's mansion, King Zhao Tu'an sat at the same table with veteran Gan Hong.

The young man looked benevolent, staring at the veteran in front of him, and said solemnly.

Gan Hong is old, but facing the young master today, his expression is complicated.

He gradually realized that the kings of other families all had the ambition to restore the country, but the king of his own family didn't seem to have this ambition at all.

Relatively speaking, as a young master, I am more interested in building a career in Qin than in restoring the country.

Of course, Gan Hong also knew that the young master of his family had always been a sensible person.

Today's move can be said to be due to helplessness, or it can be said to be a repayment.

After all, in Zhao Kingdom today, almost all men have been massacred, leaving only a group of old and weak women and children.

Even if the restoration of the country is successful, it will only be an incomplete country that will face extinction at any time.

If he restores the country, he will not be able to give those people any future, let alone bring them into a desperate situation.

On the contrary, there is no benefit for Qin State to take over Zhao State. On the contrary, Qin State has to spend a lot of resources for Dian State.

To put it bluntly, the people of Zhao Kingdom, the old and the weak, women and children, are now being taken care of by Daqin. Such kindness cannot be repaid by those people. How can he, the king, not repay it?

Therefore, this young master is now getting closer and closer to the Qin State, wishing to use his own power to resolve all dangers for the Qin State in return.

However, thinking of his homeland, Gan Hong sighed again.

Do you really want to give up the idea of ​​restoring the country?
He doesn't want to, but he can't.

If even this one gave up, it would be useless for him to persist.

"Young master, don't blame the veteran for talking too much. There is a sentence that the veteran will always feel awkward if he doesn't ask clearly!"

After pondering for a long time, Gan Hong took a deep breath, and suddenly stared at Tuan with a solemn expression and asked.

"Uncle Gan Hong, please tell me!"

Tuan made a gesture of please.

"Young master, if there is hope for the restoration of the country one day, you only need to raise your arms and you can restart Dazhao. Are you willing to restore the country?"

Uncle Gan Hong stared at Tu An and said word by word.

When Tuan heard this, his eyes flickered.

Although he is young, he is not stupid, and he understands Gan Hong's thoughts as soon as he hears it.This is not going to give up, but also ready to act secretly.

"Let's play by ear!"

Tu'an did not refuse, he could not say such words, otherwise he would be ashamed to his ancestors, Uncle Gan Hong and the people of Zhao Kingdom.

But he didn't agree either, because he didn't want to involve more things.

"The veteran understands!"

Gan Hong smiled bitterly, got up and said: "Don't worry, young master, tomorrow, the veteran will go out in person, not fight for Qin, but fight for the young master, and give the young master more room for choice!"

After finishing speaking, Gan Hong suddenly turned around and left directly.

Tu'an had a bitter face, looking at Uncle Gan Hong's back, feeling inexplicably unbearable.

Is this the result you want?
In the early morning of the next day, it was just dawn, Gan Hong from Prince Zhao's Mansion, and Duan Hu from Prince Dian's Mansion, no matter whether they were willing or not, after all, they took care of themselves, went out together, and gathered in Wangfu Street.

At the same time, there were other people from the duke and earl's mansion.

After a night of deliberation, these people selected all the talents that the family could offer, and there were all kinds of people, all of them added up to a total of hundreds of people.

Everyone gathered together, they all wanted to get rid of Gan Hong and Duan Hu Qian, Wan get rid of each other, and hoped that they would take care of them on the front line.

He also told his family members to obey Duan Hu and Gan Hong's orders.

After all, they were all fellow travelers. In the end, under the leadership of Gan Hong and Duan Hu, these people finally left Xianyang and traveled day and night to the direction of Yanmen Pass.

(End of this chapter)

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