Chapter 1237 Debate
"What news do you have today?"

In the land of Hudong, in the Bihaiyuan of Donghu Wangting, Ying Shou stood on the high pavilion, looking into the distance.

From this position, you can see the entire Donghu Royal Court at a glance, which can be said to be far away from a high stand.

"Your Majesty, according to today's news, the generals of the royal residences all rushed to the direction of Yanmen Pass on the second day after receiving the imperial edict!"

Behind Ying Shou, Sima Xun stood respectfully and responded in a low voice.

"Okay, from today onwards, my power of Great Qin has gone a step further!"

Ying Shou nodded, looking very satisfied.

"Your Majesty, there is something I don't know whether to say or not!"

Sima Xun frowned, some things had been kept in his heart for a long time, even though he was not a talkative person, he still felt a little uncomfortable.


Ying Shou turned his back to Sima Xun and said indifferently.

"Your Majesty, after all, these people are the remnants of all countries. Is it too dangerous to let them regain military power this time? It's too late to regret when something goes wrong in the end!"

Sima Xun took a deep breath and said in a solemn tone.

This point is probably not just his Sima Xun's thoughts. On the day when the princes' houses were about to leave, on the day when the officials of the Manchu Dynasty heard the news, everyone was shocked. The first thought was the same as Sima Xun. No different.

"Hehe, I think the papers from the imperial court should have been delivered, right? Is this question the same as many papers?"

Ying Shou smiled, turned to look at Sima Xun, and said with a friendly expression.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the papers of the ministers have indeed been delivered, and many people are opposed to this!"

"After all, there are not a few kings who still want to restore the country. Once there is a big mess, it will be out of control. This military affairs is the most important weapon of the country, and it should not be given casually!"

Sima Xun didn't hide anything, and cupped his hands.

"Hey, it makes sense, how can you give the country's most important weapon casually?"

"But one thing, I wonder if the general has thought about it?"

Ying Shou shook his head, walked to the side and sat down, sighing.

Sima Xun stepped forward and said, "I don't know what His Majesty said?"

Ying Shou raised his head and said, "Tell me, I'm in my 30s now, how long can I live?"

As soon as these words came out, Sima Xun trembled all over, quickly fell to his knees, and said: "Your Majesty, the general is terrified..."

These words really startled Sima Xun, anyone who came here would probably be taken aback.

In front of others, the emperor has to shout long live, and make unreasonable comments about the emperor's death. Isn't this courting death?
"Don't panic!"

Ying Shou waved his hand and said, "Based on my current situation, it may take four or fifty years at most, or two or thirty years at least, so I should still be able to survive, right?"

"You said, if in 20 years, I still can't influence the kings and let them serve my Great Qin wholeheartedly, why should I force them to stay? Let them return to the country, won't everyone live in peace, everyone is good?"

As he spoke, Ying Shou sighed, and said, "General, sometimes this person has to take a long-term view. It's better to be close than sparse. The relationship between people can only be achieved when driven by interests and sacrifices." harmony!"

"Do you think that trapping all the kings in Xianyang will curb their ambitions?"

"As long as they seize the opportunity, they will still do what they should do and continue to do what they should do. Instead of trying to contain them, it is better to give them a chance, a chance to choose, so, wouldn't it be better for everyone?"

Sima Xun listened quietly, half-understood, and could only sigh in his heart, the emperor's heart was really beyond what others could imagine.

In the face of rebellious officials and thieves, others will try their best to kill them in the cradle.

This His Majesty is very good, not only is the emperor's grace supporting the other party, but now he is also giving the opportunity to others for nothing, thinking of using the glory of the Great Qin to influence the other party.

Don't worry about the failure of the probation, others will return to the country.

On the contrary, in his eyes, it is not worth mentioning whether others succeed in restoring the country.

"General, you have finished your question. There is something I would like to ask for your opinion. Can you answer one or two questions?"

Seeing that Sima Xun was silent, Ying Shou suddenly spoke and changed the subject.

"Your Majesty, please tell me, the general will know everything and say everything!"

Sima Xun nodded and said hastily
"Tell me, this time the battle with the Xiongnu, the battlefield is hundreds of thousands of miles away, from the land of Zhao to the hinterland of my hometown in Qin State. How do you think the southwestern army fought this battle?"

Ying Shou asked with a smile.

"It... depends on how you look at it. It stands to reason that the Southwest Army fought bravely, which is indeed remarkable. At least in the confrontation with the Huns, they won every battle and never lost! "

"But looking at it from another direction, it's not like looking back at all. Although they will win every battle, they are all small victories, and they can't even be counted."

"A 40 army against a 50 Xiongnu army, there has never been a real battle, just harassment!"

"This way of fighting led to the fact that the Xiongnu army drove straight in, almost destroying the Guanlong area of ​​my hometown in Daqin. Fortunately, at the critical moment, Generalissimo Wang Lin led his troops to help, and the internal and external cooperation. In the end, the generalissimo's [-] troops were the main force. Destroy the army of the Huns, destroy them once!"

"If it weren't for the Generalissimo, I'm afraid that my Daqin hometown would be gone by now!"

Sima Xun pondered for a moment, judging the battlefield between the Southwest Army and the Huns from various aspects, and the final evaluation was almost entirely due to Wang Lin alone.

"Well, it makes sense, but has the general ever thought about what caused this situation?"

Ying Shou nodded, agreed with Sima Xun's opinion, and asked again.


"Actually, it's no wonder the Southwest Army. After all, the Southwest Army was originally a collection of armies from various countries in the Southwest."

"To put it bluntly, it's just a group of miscellaneous troops. If they are separated, their combat power may be stronger. If they are screwed together, their combat power will be reduced instead!"

"In addition, the commanders and generals in power of the southwestern countries have basically been replaced, which has made the situation even more serious!"

"To put it bluntly, the imperial concubine personally commands an army of 40 troops, although the imperial concubine's ability is undeniable."

"But in the army, the soldiers don't know the general, the general doesn't know the soldier, and even the soldiers don't know each other."

"Under such circumstances, the coordination is limitless, the advances and retreats are inconsistent, and orders cannot be prohibited. The combat power of these 40 bear soldiers cannot be fully utilized at all, at most two or three out of ten!"

"Speaking of which, their guerrilla warfare with the Xiongnu is really helpless. If such a large army wants to face the enemy head-on, it may take a while before they will be defeated and flee. There is no chance of winning at all!"

When mentioning the reason for this matter, Sima Xun pondered for a moment, and then explained clearly the various difficulties and helplessness faced by the Southwest Army.

(End of this chapter)

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