Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1238 is Emperor Qin

Chapter 1238 is Emperor Qin

"Well, you are right. At present, the dilemma faced by the Southwest Army is really like this!"

"A handsome man doesn't know a general, and a general doesn't know a soldier. Under such circumstances, no matter who they are, they won't be able to display the power of the Southwest Army!"

"There was Zhen's beloved concubine Yinyue in front of me, there was nothing I could do, it was worth cutting it into pieces, attacking and harassing the Huns' army, and creating opportunities for Wang Lin's army to gain access!"

"Even if Wang Lin is now on the field in person, there is nothing we can do with this army. Believe it or not, if Wang Lin continues to lead the army."

"Even if his 40 troops combined the 50 southwestern army, it would really match up to the Huns' remaining [-] army. As long as they face head-to-head, one round is enough to defeat him!"

"Of course, maybe relying on Wang Lin's strength, it is possible to survive, but even if he has the ability to reach the sky, three rounds are enough to make him helpless!"

Ying Shou nodded, agreeing with Sima Xun's analysis, and following Sima Xun's words while admiring him.

"So... Your Majesty..."

When Sima Xun heard the words, he suddenly understood what was going on, and looked at Ying Shou suddenly.

"That's right, Duan Hu's original name is Aguda. He is always supported by the God of War in the southwest, and he is the top general of the two kingdoms in the southwest."

"Zeng Jing led the soldiers and horses of the Dian Kingdom to resist the alliance of more than [-] countries in the southwest, and no one can do anything!"

"In addition, that Gan Hong is also a legendary existence among the previous generation of generals in the Southwest. They also came from the Southwest. The reason why others cannot command the Southwest Army is because of people and problems, and these two people will not have such troubles!"

"As long as the two raise their arms and call out, the Southwest Army will obey orders and display unprecedented combat power. Coupled with the support of Great Qin, the right time, place and people are all there, why worry about victory?"

The corners of Ying Shou's mouth raised slightly, and he clasped his hands, the general trend of the world was under his control.

"So that's it, Your Majesty is really a natural chess player, the last general is dull!"

Sima Xun smiled wryly, he didn't expect such a simple thing, he didn't think of it at all.

Today, Daqin is at a time when talents are exhausted and needs a steady stream of fresh blood.

In the palaces of the southwestern princes, the ready-made ones are there. Wouldn't it be a pity not to use them?
Furthermore, the people from the southwestern princely residences have an unprecedented advantage over the southwestern army, and they can unleash a potential that others can't imagine.

Those who use the palaces of the southwestern princes can not only make up for the lack of talents in the court, but also resolve the crisis on the battlefield.

As for allowing the princes' mansions to regain military power, will it be detrimental to the future Great Qin?

There is no need to doubt this point. There must be problems, but everything has two sides. Maybe there will be another possibility?

Even if there is no good result, as long as the Xiongnu, Donghu and Donghu are put down.If the civil strife in Daqin is cleared up again, even if there is a rebellion in the southwest, wouldn't it be easy for Daqin to put down the chaos, as simple as finding a bag?
"It's not that you're stupid, it's just that you don't trust them too much!"

"The so-called guard against others is indispensable, but people, no matter what position they stand in, they must look at the world with what kind of eyes. Sometimes, it is better to be a little tolerant!"

Ying Shou smiled lightly, in fact, Jun Wuyou also had a lot of advice on this matter.

Although many of Jun Wuyou's actions run counter to normal people, Ying Shou likes him for that.

As long as it is used a little bit, it can be said to be beneficial to the future Daqin without any harm.

"Report to Your Majesty, King Donghu Khan has come to Bihaiyuan to see His Majesty the Emperor!"

Just as Ying Shou and Sima Xun were communicating, suddenly, a court lady came quickly and said respectfully.

Ying Shou turned his head to look. From this position, he could just see the gate of Bihaiyuan.

Looking at it, he saw Donghu Khan Wang Minshan standing in front of the gate with a sword in his hand outside Bihaiyuan, as if he was waiting for an announcement.

"Look, this King Khan is quite polite!"

Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

He praised Donghu Khan Wang Minshan for his good etiquette, but in fact, there was inevitably a little sarcasm in his words.

Born to be a king, it is of course good to know etiquette.

But today's Min Shan is not just as simple as being polite, he is simply humble and cowardly.

What is this place?
King Donghu!
On his own territory, in his own palace, as the master, the king of a country, if he wants to see someone, he has to respectfully wait for the notification outside, what is this all about?
Look at Ying Shou again, to put it mildly, he is now a prisoner, a prisoner trapped in Donghu.

As a king, it is unreasonable to meet a prisoner in his own palace and have to meet and wait for the notification.

At least in his Ying Shou's opinion, if it were him, not to mention that the other party was still carrying the identity of a prisoner, even if he didn't, he would see him if he wanted to, why bother?He didn't have any domineering aura at all, on the contrary, he looked more like a worthless and frail scholar.

"It's really polite. It's a pity not to be a teacher!"

Behind Ying Shou, Sima Xun shook his head, not knowing whether he was mocking or sighing.

As for Donghu, the so-called king, there was nothing he could do.

Donghu, who is known as the wolf clan anyway, how could there be such a cowardly king?
"Go, follow me to greet you personally!"

Ying Shou's sarcasm was sarcasm, but he also gave enough face, waved his sleeves, and led Sima Xun straight away.

When I came to Your Excellency Gao and walked to the gate of Bihaiyuan, I saw King Donghu Khan pacing back and forth in front of the gate, frowning, wondering what he was thinking deeply.It's just that there seems to be a little struggle in those eyes.

"Hahaha, the king of Khan is here, but as a guest, I am far away from welcoming you. What a sin!"

Ying Shou came quickly, cupped his hands from a distance, and laughed.

Donghu Khan Wang Minshan suddenly turned his head to look at him. The moment he saw Ying Shou, his eyes were fixed and his body trembled slightly.

"Is this the King of Qin?"

Min Shan sized Ying Shou up and down, thinking to himself, a look of reverence and envy inexplicably appeared in his eyes.

"King Qin!"

Min Shan cupped his hands and bowed to Ying Shou in a big defeat, using the meeting ceremony between scholars in the Central Plains.

This kind of meeting ceremony is actually not only among scholars in the Central Plains, but also used by kings of various countries when they meet.

Those saints and great Confucians also use it when they meet each other.

It's just that it looks normal when it's used by others, but it gives people a very strange feeling when it's used by Min Shan.

"King Khan!"

It is not surprising that there are many people who are polite, and it is also indecent to come and not go.Ying Shou stepped forward, also cupping his hands and bowing to each other, as a greeting gift.

Although Min Shan's etiquette gave people a weird feeling, it was only because he was the king of the Donghu people. As for the etiquette, it was still very standard, and Ying Shou certainly couldn't be rude.

After getting up, Ying Shou stepped forward, grabbed Min Shan's arm, and said with a smile, "King Khan, remember, it's Emperor Qin, not King Qin... Hahaha!"

(End of this chapter)

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