Chapter 1239
Ying Shou's hearty laughter made Min Shan feel a little uncomfortable.

For some reason, in front of Ying Shou, he always felt an inexplicable sense of oppression, as if facing Mount Tai, very powerless.

"That's right, that's right, Emperor Qin, it's Emperor Qin!"

Min Shan nodded, with an awkward and powerless smile on his face, he looked at his arm that was held by Ying Shou, but he didn't dare to take it back, so he could only let Ying Shou hold it carefully.

"King Khan, I have been here for a long time, but I have never masked my face. Now that King Khan is here, I can't lose my courtesy. Please come inside!"

Ying Shou grabbed Min Shan's arm, and as he spoke, he dragged him and walked towards the yard.

Soon, the two came to the garden and walked into a pavilion. Ying Shou smiled and said, "King Khan, this is Hu Dong, the kingdom of King Khan."

"According to the logic, here today, I am a guest, and I should not turn my back on the guest, but obey the master's arrangement."

"But now King Khan has let me live in Bihaiyuan. Here, I should be regarded as half of the master. Now that King Khan comes to Bihaiyuan and listens to my arrangement, it shouldn't be regarded as turning against guests, right?"

Min Shan looked at Ying Shou, then at Sima Xun who was following Ying Shou every step of the way, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and forced himself to be calm: "Not counting...not counting..."

Ying Shou smiled and said, "In that case, please sit down, King Khan!"

After the words fell, Ying Shou made a gesture of invitation.

Min Shan sat down on the stone bench beside him. Ying Shou just came to the side and sat down too.

"General, order me to go down and bring up some food and wine. It's rare for me to sit at the same table with King Khan, let's have another banquet today!"

After sitting down, Ying Shou turned his head and gave instructions to Sima Xun who was beside him.


Sima Xun clasped his hands and turned around, leaving straight away.

Ying Shou and Min Shan were the only ones left at the scene. For a while, Min Shan's atmosphere became even more awkward.

He wanted to watch Ying Shou, but he didn't seem to dare to look more, with a cautious attitude.

Ying Shou also sat quietly, but looked up and down Min Shan, as if waiting for Min Shan to speak first.

Being stared at by Ying Shou like this, Min Shan felt uncomfortable all over his body, as if there were thousands of ants crawling on his body, that inexplicable feeling made people very uncomfortable.

"Hehe, Emperor Qin, General Sima found me two days ago and said that His Majesty Qin Huang had summoned me so that I could come and see you when I have time. See you today, I don't know what His Majesty Qin Huang is talking about?"

After being stared at by Ying Shou for a long time, Min Shan finally couldn't help it, and asked Ying Shou with a very unnatural smile on his face.

Ying Shou was taken aback for a moment, and the few words that Min Shan said echoed in his heart.


Ying Shou was speechless. Can a king say such words?Even if you say it, it should be about others, how can you say it about yourself?
"Sima Xun, you are so courageous!"

Just at this time, Sima Xun had given the emperor's order and was walking back, when Ying Shou immediately scolded him.

"His Majesty……"

Sima Xun trembled all over, just as he walked into the pavilion, he knelt down on one knee and shouted hastily.

In front of Ying Shou, Min Shan also shuddered, and looked at Ying Shou with inexplicable fear, not understanding why Ying Shou was so moody, and suddenly turned on Sima Xun.

"Qin Huang, this is..."

Min Shan couldn't help but asked cautiously.

"Sima Xun, I ask you, when did I summon King Khan? And when did I say that King Khan came to visit me!"

"You are so courageous. What is King Khan's identity? How can he meet others? Even if I am the Emperor of Qin, King Khan is also the king of Donghu. How can there be any reason to summon and pay respects?"

Ying Shou shouted coldly.

As soon as this remark came out, Min Shan was immediately dumbfounded.

He also wondered why Ying Shou suddenly became angry. It turned out that it was because of this. For a while, he felt all kinds of feelings in his heart, and he didn't know how to describe it.

Sima Xun was also stunned, looked at Min Shan, smiled wryly and said: "Your Majesty misunderstood, the last general never said that His Majesty summoned King Khan and asked King Khan to come and see him!"

Ying Shou raised his eyebrows, and said, "Really, what is the so-called meeting with King Khan?"

Seeing this, Min Shan quickly took up the topic, saying: "Qin Huang, don't misunderstand, this matter has nothing to do with General Sima, I just don't understand the etiquette of the Central Plains, and said something wrong!"

"I heard that in the Central Plains, people come and go with each other, and they call it a visit, and see you. Others call it a summons, so I misunderstood it!"

"General Sima has never said that Emperor Qin is here to meet you. He just said that Emperor Qin has a request. If I have time, please let me know. I hope to meet Emperor Qin!"

During the conversation, Min Shan conveyed Sima Xun's original words almost exactly.

"Is that the case?"

Ying Shou pretended not to believe it, looked at Sima Xun, and asked coldly.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it is true!"

"Your Majesty has repeatedly warned the last general that King Khan is also a king. How can everyone trample on his dignity when he is born as a king. The last general dare not insult King Khan, so it is impossible to speak nonsense!"

Sima Xun cupped his hands and said hastily.

"So that's the case, since this is the case, then get up!"

Ying Shou nodded, and lightly raised his hand to make Sima Xun stand up.

"I said King Khan... I am polite in the Central Plains. There is no distinction between high and low in etiquette. A person with courtesy is a noble person."

"However, it doesn't matter whether you are polite or rude, sometimes, the status is high or low, and there must be a general, don't you think so?"

Turning his head, Ying Shou looked at Min Shan with a kind tone.

"What Emperor Qin said is true, it makes sense!"

Min Shan nodded repeatedly. Although he couldn't understand what Ying Shou said, he still nodded in agreement.

I have always only heard about the state of etiquette in the Central Plains, and I have never heard that there are divisions in this etiquette. Therefore, it is normal for Min Shan to be confused for a while.

"Hey, King Khan, you still don't understand what I mean! This so-called courtesy is a kind of mutual acceptance. However, as an emperor, how can you accept it?"

"A king is a king, and the whole world is under the king's feet. How can you claim to be under you when you are born a king?"

"If even the king is subordinate, what are the rest of the world?"

"You have to understand, king, you will always be on top, and it is impossible to be below!"

"In addition, only when the king summons others, only when others pay homage to the king, no king has ever been summoned by others, and no king has ever been summoned to meet others!"

"Even if this person is also a king, there is a huge difference in strength between kings and kings, but there is no distinction between high and low status!"

"Therefore, in front of me, you cannot claim to be my subordinate, and I will not claim to be my subordinate either!"

"I can obey the King Khan's invitation, but I will never obey the King Khan's summons. I will visit the King Khan, but I will never pay homage to the King Khan. This is the ceremony, the gift of the king, does the King Khan understand?"

Ying Shou smiled wryly, and for some reason, he taught Min Shan the way of being king.

Maybe it's because of the pity of this person, or maybe it's because of some other reasons.

(End of this chapter)

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