Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1240 1 Swords

Chapter 1240 A Sword
"Thank you, Emperor Qin, for your tireless teaching. Min Shan... I thank you. I just don’t know, what is the matter that Emperor Qin invited me here today?"

Min Shan got up, bowed his hands again, and behaved very politely.

"It's about etiquette, not teaching!"

Ying Shou shook his head, and couldn't help but sympathize with Min Shan.

It is really pitiful to have the identity of a king without the life of a king.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, to be born as a king is to be superior in itself, why is it pitiful?
Min Shan himself was incompetent and cowardly, and that was only his problem, and had nothing to do with his original identity.

But in fact, virtue does not match and is often pitiful.

The so-called virtue here is not only a person's virtue, but also represents a person's strength, which brings prestige.

That's what it means to be respected.

First of all, you have to have enough strength to have the most prestige.Only enough prestige can control enough status.

A person who has no strength and no prestige has to bear enough status. This is like a person who has no godhead but has to bear the pressure of God, living like a puppet.Sooner or later, he will only be crushed by the general trend of the world.

If this kind of people can't be called pitiful, who else in the world is more pitiful than them?
Min Shan is the poor puppet who has no godhood but has to bear the glory and pressure of God, has no prestige but has to bear the responsibility of the king.

In the face of such a puppet, it is useless to say more.

With a sigh, Ying Shou didn't intend to continue teaching.

He didn't teach others how to be a king. On the contrary, what he wanted was to take the other party's throne.

The reason why they met for the first time was because they were both in the same position.

The so-called high places are unbearably cold, Ying Shou knows very well how much pressure he has to bear in this position.

There are very few people in this world who can sit on an equal footing.After finally meeting one, it is inevitable that I feel a little sorry for the other's misery.

After regretting, what should I still do, what else to do.

"That's right, it's about etiquette, not teaching!"

Min Shan nodded quickly and followed Ying Shou's words.He has no opinion at all, basically he accepts whatever Ying Shou says.

"King Khan, is this sword handy for King Khan?"

Ying Shou shook his head, he had no intention of continuing to discuss etiquette, but turned his attention to the long sword in Min Shan's hand, changed the subject, and said with a smile.

"This sword..."

When he mentioned the sword, Min Shan's eyes lit up immediately, and he seemed to be in high spirits.

In the last moment, the expression in his eyes was still cautious, not daring to act recklessly.

But when he looked at the sword in his hand again, there was an inexplicable sharpness in his eyes.

This sharpness is not too strong, but even so, it still makes people yearn for it.

It seems that as long as this fierceness is still there, no one in the world can stop it.

If you want to say when Min Shan is like a king, maybe at this moment, he has the aura and look that a king should have.

"Qin Huang, this sword is the most precious gift that this king has learned in this life. I came here today not only to visit Qin Huang, but also to thank the gift of the sword that day!"

"I will keep this love in my heart. If one day, Emperor Qin needs me, just look at me, I will spare no effort to repay the gift of the sword that day!"

Min Shan stared at the sword in his hand, speaking plausibly.


With a clear sound, he suddenly pulled out the long sword three inches, looking at the shiny silver sword, his eyes were sharper than ever.

"Okay... okay... It seems that this sword is deeply loved by King Khan... So, I am relieved!"

Ying Shou nodded, looking at Min Shan at this moment, he felt an inexplicable sense of relief.

How could he fail to see that what Min Shan wanted was never a knife or a sword, but the dignity a person should have.

He loves this sword so much, in fact, what he loves is never the sword itself, but the dignity that this sword brings to him.It was the sword that proved him, let him know that he was still a man, alive.

Sometimes, a person needs to prove that he is alive.

This kind of proof does not mean that you can breathe, talk, or walk.It is the right to choose independently.A person who doesn't even have the right to choose independently can only be regarded as a puppet at best, a walking dead puppet, it can't prove that he is still alive.

And this sword just proved Min Shan himself.

"Qinhuang, this king once said that the sword is with the people, but the sword destroys the people. This sword is my life from the day I get it. Of course, this king loves it!"

Min Shan withdrew his long sword and looked at Ying Shou with a slightly fiery look in his eyes.

"Hehe, these words came from King Khan's mouth, which makes me feel that King Khan is not a king, but more like a swordsman and a general!"

Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, gaining a deeper understanding of Min Shan.

"If possible, this king would rather be a swordsman or a general than carry thousands of miles of mountains and rivers on his back."

"It's a pity that there are some things that are destined to have no chance to choose from birth!"

Min Shan sighed, unknowingly, he had relaxed his mind and body, and was no longer on guard against Ying Shou.

"So, in the eyes of King Khan, this world has never been an honor, but a burden!"

Ying Shou laughed.

"Well, it's a pity that it's still the same sentence. Some things, after all, you have no choice. There are too many people involved. Even if you go forward with a heavy load, you can only grit your teeth and bear it!"

Min Shan nodded, and when he mentioned this matter, his expression was sad.

"That's the case, if one day I seize the land of Donghu, how should King Khan deal with himself?"

"Now, Daqin and this Donghu are fighting. On the battlefield, there has never been a draw. The winner is the king and the loser is Kou."

"As the emperor of Daqin, I will never tolerate Daqin's failure, what does King Khan think?"

Ying Shou changed the subject, and suddenly changed to another topic, directly cutting into the theme of "He Tianxia".


Min Shan's body trembled, his eyes fixed, and he stared at Ying Shou suddenly. After looking for a long time, he suddenly shook his head and smiled, and said, "Qin Huang, it's not that this king looks down on you, Qin Huang."

"Qin Huang's ability certainly makes me admire him, but if I say that Qin Huang can take my Donghu Jiangshan, I really don't believe it!"

"Anyone can take away the land of Donghu, but Emperor Qin can't do it!"

These words said that it was not that Min Shan was unwilling to be domineering and wanted to take over his own world, but that he had such thoughts in his heart.

In the past, ever since Ying Shou came to Donghu, he had been envious of Ying Shou.In the end envy turned into respect and gratitude.

Even so, he is a king after all, even if he is just a puppet king, he still does not want to lag behind others and puts on his own airs.

But when he came to pay a visit to Ying Shou today, and after seeing Ying Shou for real, all his pretensions were in vain.

When the two kings met, Ying Shou's aura completely crushed his poor self-esteem and made him understand the difference between himself and Ying Shou.

(End of this chapter)

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