Chapter 1241
In front of Ying Shou, Min Shan instinctively felt overwhelmed.

This feeling is like a rabbit meeting a tiger all the time, it seems to come from the suppression of the blood, the natural suppression.

Therefore, he has a fear of Ying Shou, but fear is one thing, and it doesn't mean that some thoughts in his heart can be circulated.

If the world belonged to him, Min Shan, he might not be Ying Shou's opponent, and if Ying Shou wanted to seize it, he would have nothing to do.

But in fact, this country has never belonged to him, Min Shan, he is just a minister with a crown.

Of course, this country does not belong to Nehman. Although Nehman is known as the uncrowned king, in fact, he is still just a puppet at the mercy of others.

After seeing the power of some people, not to mention Min Shan, even Nihaman could only bow his head and surrender, without any resistance.

No matter how strong Ying Shou was, Min Shan could hardly believe that Ying Shou would be their opponent.

"Oh, what King Khan means, the land of Donghu will never be within my reach?"

Ying Shou raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"That's right, there are some things that I don't know if Huang Qin knows or don't know, but here, I advise Qin Huang to do it for himself. In this world, there is a force that cannot be resisted by human power!"

"This force is now enveloping Donghu. It is absolutely impossible for Qin Huang to seize food from the tiger's mouth!"

Min Shan nodded, speaking earnestly.

"What if I can do it?"

Ying Shou's eyes froze, of course he knew what Min Shan was talking about, it was nothing more than Tianmen.

If he didn't even have the strength to fight against Tianmen, why would Ying Shou dare to sweep the world?

It is undeniable that this Tianmen is so powerful that it makes people unable to resist.I am afraid that in the countries under the control of Tianmen, everyone has the same idea as Min Shan.

But Ying Shou won't have any, not to mention more, now the neck of Tianmen is in his hands.

Even if Tianmen wants to attack him, he has to look forward and backward.Otherwise, with the flames of war, both sides will suffer, and Tianmen will not get any benefits at all.

"If Emperor Qin can do it, I swear to kill Emperor Qin!"

Min Shan was silent for a moment, then suddenly, looking at Ying Shou with firm eyes, he said.

"Hehe, I'm also surprised. Since in the eyes of King Khan, this country is just a burden, and I have resisted for King Khan. King Khan is not grateful to me, so why should I have trouble with me?"

"Could it be that all the previous statements are just insincere words of King Khan. In fact, King Khan is still a king, and he is reluctant to part with these thousands of miles of mountains and rivers?"

With a sarcasm on his face, Ying Shou said deliberately.

"That's not the case, it's just that some things are definitely not as simple as Qinhuang thought. In the face of that power, Donghu's thousands of miles of mountains and rivers cannot be obtained by himself, and he will never allow others to obtain it."

"If the Emperor Qin seizes it forcefully, it will definitely attract a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. By then, the entire Donghu will be turned into a hell on earth!"

"The state of Qin is now in a state of war, but its tragedy is still nothing compared to the situation in this dream!"

"This king is not talented, but he is still the king of Donghu. If I watch my Donghu people be completely slaughtered, and watch thousands of miles of mountains and rivers turn into hell on earth, this king will not bear it either!"

"And if my subjects and relatives all perish because of Qin Huang's selfish intentions, how can I let Qin Huang go?"

Min Shan shook his head, and said frankly, "This king knows that Emperor Qin is powerful, and even with all the power of Donghu, he is no match for Emperor Qin, let alone mere mere king!"

"But there are some things that have to be done, even if it means death!"

Ying Shou looked at Min Shan amusedly, and had to say, apart from Min Shan's identity, this person was impressive.

I don't know whether the title of Wang raised his social status, or the title of Wang concealed his aura.

After completely letting go, although this person does not have the aura of a king, he also has an indomitable edge.

If he could be a general, it would be more suitable for him, but it is a pity that he became a king.

Everyone said that the king is domineering, but sometimes, the king is often the one who needs to restrain his edge the most.

Min Shan's edge was completely sealed by the title of king.

Therefore, in Yingshou's view, the value created by Min Shan as a general may be thousands of times greater than that of him as a king.

The so-called perform their own duties, each doing its own thing.In this world, there has never been any waste, just because some people can't find the corresponding point after all, and can't show the brilliance they should have.

Just like some people, who are obviously suitable for doing business, but want to serve as soldiers to fight.Some people are suitable for court, but they want to do coolies.The situation itself does not match, how can the value of cause be brought into play?
"Hehe, I understand it!"

"King Khan said, it should be the so-called Tianmen?"

"I should also understand what King Khan is worried about!"

"Nowadays, Donghu is all puppets of Tianmen. If I want to seize this world, Tianmen will definitely drive all the people of Donghu to resist. And if these people don't listen to orders, in order to kill everyone, Tianmen will massacre!"

"This should be what King Khan said, hell on earth?"

A thought flashed through his mind, and Ying Shou looked at Min Shan with a half-smile and said.


Min Shan was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Qin Emperor knows?"

"Since he knows about Tianmen, why does Emperor Qin need to hit a stone with an egg?"

In Min Shan's eyes, this Tianmen is an existence that manipulates the way of heaven in the dark, and whoever dares to contend with it will be courting death.

No matter how afraid he was of Ying Shou, no matter how powerful Ying Shou was, he still didn't think Ying Shou would be Tianmen's opponent.

"Striking an egg against a rock?"

"Hehe, it turns out that in the eyes of King Khan, I, Daqin, hit a stone with an egg against the Tianmen who dared not even see anyone!"

Ying Shou had a sarcasm on his face, and he didn't know whether he was mocking Min Shan's ignorance or Tianmen's pretentious power.

Just as he was about to continue talking, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared not far away.

It was a black shadow, walking quickly, and in an instant, he had already walked behind Ying Shou, and respectfully said: "His Majesty the Emperor, it seems that the people from Tianmen have made a move!"

Ying Shou raised his eyebrows lightly, without turning his head, he knew who it was.

"Tianmen shot, what do you mean?"

Ying Shou asked coldly.

Tianmen took action against Daqin, which was already known to everyone, and he didn't think it was necessary for Hawkeye to report deliberately.Now that Hawkeye is here, it is destined that this matter will not be so simple.

"Reporting to His Majesty the Emperor, my army was chasing and killing the Xiongnu Shan Yu Maodun in Zhaodi. Three thousand Qingqi have surrounded Maodun. We could have taken it down!"

"Even if you can't take it down, just wait for the army behind to arrive, and Mao Dun and Jia Yi will not escape!"

"But when the chasing army arrived, they found three thousand Qingqi, none of whom were spared. They were all lying in a pool of blood, not even one escaped alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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