Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1242 Declare war on Tianmen

Chapter 1242 Declare war on Tianmen

"So you suspect that Tianmen sent someone to take action at this time?"

Ying Shou listened quietly, there was no need to avoid Min Shan in front of such a big event.

"That's right, not only Weichen, everyone suspects that this is what Tianmen did secretly!"

"After investigation, let alone a radius of a hundred miles, even within a radius of five hundred miles, there is no Xiongnu reinforcements. Without reinforcements, it is impossible for Mouton to cause such great damage to our army!"

"Besides, even if there are reinforcements, if the three thousand Qingqi want to break through, it may not be possible that none of them will be able to escape!"

"In the end, it was discovered that apart from the corpses of our army, there were no other corpses, or even fragments. This can only prove that the one who attacked our army was not a reinforcement, but a real master. And it was not just a To be a master, at least ten top fighters are needed. Otherwise, even ten top masters will be in vain!"

Hawkeye offered his body, with reasons and evidence.

In front of Ying Shou, Min Shan couldn't help but look Hawkeye up and down, but found that Hawkeye was wrapped in a black robe, so he couldn't see his face clearly.

For a moment, Min Shan couldn't help being curious about what kind of identity this person was, and how strong he was, so that he could come and go freely in the Donghu royal court, and no one could find out.

"I understand, in today's world, no matter whether it's the Xiongnu or the Donghu, including Anqin, it's impossible to come up with ten top generals. Even if they can, it's impossible to gather together just to save one person ,Right?"

Ying Shou nodded, responding to Hawkeye.

"Your Majesty's order, so there is only one answer, and it is that Tianmen can't stand it anymore!"

Hawkeye's voice was hoarse, and his manner was respectful.

"How sure are you that it is what Tianmen calls?"

Ying Shou asked coldly.

"Ninety percent sure!"

Hawkeye replied without thinking.

"Okay, don't say [-]% sure, even if it's [-]%, [-]% is enough!"

Ying Shou's eyes turned cold, and he shouted: "The clowns in Tianmen are really desperate, and they are getting more and more rampant. Since you want to break the rules I set, let them know what the rules are!"

"Hawkeye listens to the order. I will give you a team of dragon-blooded war horses to lead your younger brother Li Yuanba to kill the southern border immediately. On the first day of arriving in the southern border, I will take off the head of that old boy Weng Baishou first!"

"The next day, take Nalu Nan's head!"

"On the third day, kill that Yuan Hong!"

"On the fourth day, kill that sign!"

"Isn't the southern border known as the nineteenth princes? Let me kill one a day!"

"A group of rebels dare to rebel against me. They really think that they can act recklessly with the support of the Heavenly Gate. It's really audacious!"

"In addition, I sent a message to Tianmen, if you want to continue playing, you can come here in a good manner. Whoever attacked and killed my Daqin soldier that day, immediately tied up and sent to me. Otherwise, I will kill him every day Princes, until you finish killing them!"

As soon as these words came out, Min Shan shuddered all over, and looked at Ying Shou in disbelief.

What does it mean?
This is preparing for a real fight with Tianmen.

Although Min Shan is very clear about the current war against Daqin, it is all the result of Tianmen's manipulation.

But from Min Shan's point of view, Daqin could only swallow his anger when facing Tianmen, and was beaten obediently, and he had no choice but to fight back.

But acting in front of the meeting, there is no need to do this, and he didn't pay attention to Tianmen at all.At this time, he blatantly declared war on Tianmen, looking for death!
Not only Min Shan, but Sima Xun also shuddered.

But he was not shocked, nor frightened, but excited.

The emperor finally couldn't help but declare war on Tianmen.

He always knew that the emperor wanted to find a chance to give Tianmen a blow.

Previously, the defeat of Master Kunlun in the battle for the marriage was the beginning of Ying Shou's counterattack.

Now that Tianmen has given such a handle, if the emperor doesn't catch it, he won't be the emperor.

The emperor has always been a person who sets the rules and is also a person who obeys the rules.If you behave well, everything is easy to talk about. If you dare to break the rules, the emperor will not mind teaching you what the rules are.

Declaring war today is imperative.

"Wei Chen takes orders!"

The one who was happier than Sima Xun was Hawkeye.

Ying Shou was the only person who knew Hawkeye's identity so far.

As the leader of the Black Ice Platform, others only regarded him as a spy chief, but everyone ignored one point, or rather, everyone didn't know one thing.

Today's black ice platform in Daqin is not the black ice platform in former Qin Dynasty.

Today's Great Qin's Black Ice Terrace was established in the early days of the eight hundred camps.

In the history of Yingshou's previous life, during the Three Kingdoms period, there was an invincible army named Sanqian Baima Yicong.With the strength of 3000 people, the barbarians were beaten to escape.

However, even Sanqian Baima Yicong can only hold a candle to the trapped camp in the Three Kingdoms period.These eight hundred camps are the first army of the Three Kingdoms.

Hawkeye, as the leader of the eight hundred camps, is he a simple person?
He was originally an invincible general of a generation, but now he can only be reduced to a person who collects information and runs errands everywhere, how can he be reconciled in his heart?
Now that he finally had the chance to make a move, he was more excited than Sima Xun.

"Sima Xun, let's go, order Li Yuanba to leave immediately, don't neglect!"

Ying Shou turned his head and gave Sima Xun instructions.


Sima Xun bowed his hand and left with Hawkeye.

"King Khan, didn't you say that when I confronted the Heavenly Gate, it was tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg? Today I will show you that the so-called Heavenly Gate can only be subdued in front of me. If he refuses to accept it for a day, I will beat him." One day. If he refuses to accept for a year, I will beat him for a year until he begs for mercy!"

As soon as Sima Xun and Yingyan left, Ying Shou looked at Min Shan and said with a smile.

Min Shan lost his composure, and his heart was fluctuating. He thought that Ying Shou would be tough in his mouth, but in reality he would be afraid of Tianmen, but he didn't expect that he would declare war when he said he would declare war.

Where does this mean the slightest fear?
It turns out that in my own eyes, there are people who cannot conquer the omnipotent Tianmen.

At this moment, Min Shan didn't know whether to say that Ying Shou was bold or reckless, or that Ying Shou was powerful.


On that day, two war horses rushed out from the Donghu King's Court. They were extremely fast, coming and going like the wind.

Others often only see two shadows flashing by, and the two war horses have already galloped into the distance.

With such a speed, it can be said that it can travel thousands of miles a day and eight thousand nights. It is not the dragon blood horse of the Great Qin Emperor and the Wanliyun of Li Yuanba, who else's horse can have this speed.

After receiving the decree from Sima Xun, Li Yuanba, a combat madman, suddenly went crazy.

It was finally time to fight, and for a moment, Jinglian ignored his wife and child who were about to give birth.

I have to say that this kid is out of his mind.

Although Chunxiang wanted to keep her, but the emperor's imperial decree could not be disobeyed, so she had to be careful and be careful.

(End of this chapter)

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