Chapter 1244
"Look ahead!"

Hawkeye's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and raised his chin towards the distance.

Li Yuanba turned his head to look, only to see the smoke from the kitchen not far ahead of the road.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Li Yuanba looked puzzled, unable to see what the problem was.

"Along the way, there is no human habitation for nearly [-] miles. According to the logic, there is no human habitation within [-] miles ahead!"

"Furthermore, I didn't see any caravan passing by on this road, which is enough to prove that this road should have been in this state in recent months!"

"After all, since Daqin suffered disasters, it has been difficult for caravans and business from all over the place!"

"And on this road, as far as I know, there are no people at all. Even if there are, there are some tea sheds."

"Nowadays, there are no people, so what's the use of opening a tea shed by the side of the road?"

"Don't you find it strange that there is so much smoke coming from the kitchen?"

Eagle eyes flickered, and said in a deep voice.

As the leader of the Great Qin Black Ice Platform, the information flow in this world is basically under his control, especially in the Great Qin territory.

To put it bluntly, he is a thousand times more familiar with the world of Great Qin than the emperor Ying Shou.

Even those generals who study maps all day long cannot compare with him.

To put it bluntly, his existence, in this world, is equivalent to a navigation satellite for future generations.

During this journey, it was impossible for him not to care about the path he was going to go through. Hawkeye knew almost everything he would encounter along the way.

But not far in front of him, he encountered smoke from cooking, but it was out of his control.

The so-called abnormality must have a demon, which instantly aroused his vigilance.

"There are...some people do it, what's so strange?"

Li Yuanba was speechless. In his opinion, the smoke from the kitchen was too normal.

If there was no more smoke in the world, what would others eat?
Hawkeye was stunned when he heard it.

After glancing at Li Yuanba, he was immediately speechless.

What are you thinking about?Isn't it a joke to analyze the situation with this person?
The situation of Li Yuanba is well known in the world.He is a fool himself, although he can be called a monster, he is invincible in the world.However, his intelligence is not complete, just like a three-year-old child.

Before he even stuttered when speaking, although he can speak a few words smoothly now, it is difficult for him to become a normal person, let alone a person who can analyze the situation.

Tell him these things yourself, it's nothing to do.

He blamed himself in his heart, Hawkeye shook his head, he was too lazy to say more, and said: "Maybe I'm overthinking, let's go!"

With that said, Hawkeye rode his horse and continued on.

Li Yuanba curled his lips, looking puzzled.After holding the two hammers in one hand, he stretched out his hand and scratched his head, galloped his horse again, and chased after him.

He didn't go far, and sure enough, he saw a tea shed by the side of the road, and the smell of rice wafted over him, which immediately made Li Yuanba swallow a mouthful of saliva.

I started to rush this early in the morning, and it is now afternoon, and there is still not a drop of water or rice.

"Hey, Hawkeye, you see there is something delicious ahead, why don't you eat something before you go!"

Li Yuanba licked his lips, looking ready to move.

Hawkeye glanced at him, did not reply, and continued to gallop forward.

However, just when the two of them came to the tea shed, a middle-aged woman rushed out of the tea shed, stopped in the middle of the road, and shouted: "Oh, finally a guest. Two guests, this roadside tea house , if you don’t go to the village and don’t go to the store, why don’t you have some food and drink first, and slowly go on the road?”

Li Yuanba and Yingyan quickly reined in the rein of the woman.

"Go away!"

Hawkeye was not polite, and coldly shouted at the woman.

"Hey, what is the guest officer doing? He is so kind, why doesn't the guest officer appreciate it!"

The woman had a resentful expression on her face, and she was about to pull the two war horses towards the tea shed.

"Get out...or die..."

As soon as the woman came to the front, she hadn't grabbed the reins of the two war horses, but she saw Fang Tian's painted halberd turned into a golden light in Hawkeye's hand, and it was placed directly on the woman's neck with incredible speed.

The woman trembled all over, and was shocked. In an instant, her face changed, and she was bloodless.

"Keke, keke... what are you doing, officer? I... I have a good heart..."

The woman was frightened and cried, looking at Hawkeye's eyes, full of fear.

"Hey, I said Hawkeye, what are you doing? Why are you bullying people!"

Li Yuanba was upset, he gave Hawkeye a look, and said angrily.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. If you want to eat, after waiting fifty miles, there is a town in front of you. It's not a problem to eat and drink in the town!"

Hawkeye replied in a deep voice.

"No, I'm just hungry, and I'm going to eat here again!"

"Besides, why are you bullying people when they call me to eat? Seeing that the aunt is crying, I want to eat here!"

Li Yuanba's petty temper came up.

Once this little temper came up, even the emperor couldn't subdue it, let alone Hawkeye.

While talking, I saw that Li Yuanba had turned over and dismounted, grabbed the woman, and said with a smile: "Hey, don't cry, ma'am, let's eat, we want to eat..."

The woman was comforted and calmed down a lot, just now she pulled Li Yuanba and walked towards the tea shed.

Hawkeye hurriedly raised his hand, wanting to stop it, but it was too late, so he could only sigh and followed.

When they came to the teahouse, Hawkeye and Li Yuanba sat down, and Li Yuanba immediately yelled: "Hey, ma'am, do you have anything delicious here? Give it to me quickly, I'm hungry!"

The woman was respectful, with a smile on her face, but she had a benevolent look.

"Okay, wait a minute objectively!"

The woman responded and left quickly. A pot of tea and two teacups were soon delivered.

"You two guests, we need to wait for a while for this meal. Look at the busy appearance of the two guests. I'm afraid they have been traveling all the way, and they should be thirsty. Drink some tea first, and the food will be served later. , it’s never too late to eat, okay?”

The woman stepped forward, pouring tea for Li Yuanba and Hawkeye, and consoling and persuading them.

"Okay, okay, I'm thirsty too!"

Li Yuanba nodded quickly, picked up the tea, and drank it down in one gulp.

On the side, Hawkeye glanced at the woman, remained silent for a moment, and did not intend to speak. He picked up the tea bowl and drank it down in one gulp.

"Hey, those two guest officials are drinking slowly, I will come as soon as I go!"

Seeing this, the woman smiled even brighter, turned around and left.

Li Yuanba poured tea for himself again, drinking from one bowl to another.

Just as he was still waiting for the delicious food to come up, when he had just drunk the third bowl of tea, he suddenly felt dizzy and fell down on the table in front of him.


At the last moment, Li Yuanba seemed a little uncomfortable, and couldn't help but yelled at Hawkeye.

(End of this chapter)

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