Chapter 1245 Words are not speculative

Hawkeye was startled, and wanted to get up to help Li Yuanba, but his whole body went limp, and he crawled directly onto the bank of the table.

The two of them fell into coma one after another, only to see figures appearing around the tea shed, there were hundreds of people.

"Hehe, I thought it was difficult to deal with these two people. There are so many of us, and the higher-ups are still telling us to be careful, it seems that the higher-ups are too caring!"

The woman, who was dressed as a peasant woman before, took off her clothes at this moment, and saw that she was wearing a strong outfit. She looked at the eagle-eyed Li Yuanba, who had passed out, with a sneer on her face, and her eyes were full of sarcasm.

"Okay, why are you talking so much nonsense? Go up, one knife at a time, look down on your head, send it to Changbai, and hand it over to Haotian!"

Suddenly, in the crowd, a burly man slowly stepped forward, holding a pair of hammers in his hands.

That's right, it's a hammer, and it can also be called a hammer.

This hammer looks like it is used for blacksmithing, but it is dozens of times bigger than ordinary hammers.

None of the hammers there were all comparable to a horse's head, which was comparable to Li Yuanba's golden hammer for beating drums and urns.

When everyone saw the big man, they immediately lowered their heads.

In front of this big man, a group of people are like children, most of them are only as tall as his waist.

Even Hawkeye, who was nine feet tall, could only reach as high as his chest in front of this person. One could imagine how tall and strong this big man was.

"What are you waiting for, go up and chop off your head!"

Seeing the submissive appearance of the crowd, the giant-like man let out an angry roar. Upon hearing this, the crowd quickly turned around and rushed towards Li Yuanba and Hawkeye.

I saw one of them, holding a machete, came to Li Yuanba's side first, raised the machete, and chopped down directly.

The knife was aimed at Li Yuanba's neck, and with one knife cut, not to mention a head, even a piece of wood could be cut in two in an instant.

However, at the moment when the strong wind blew, Hawkeye, who was unconscious beside him, suddenly sat up.


Hawkeye pouted his mouth, took a big mouthful of tea, and sprayed it out in an instant.


The big man with the machete was taken aback, but before he could react, Hawkeye grabbed Fang Tian's painted halberd standing beside him in the ground and swept it out.


With a muffled sound, the man carrying the machete spewed out a big mouthful of blood, turning into a bloody mist, and flew upside down, knocking down two or three people in a row, before he landed, his head was indeed shattered, and his whole body was limply closed eyes.

Looking at it now, his chest has collapsed.

If someone could see the inside of his body, he would be able to find that his internal organs had been completely shattered.

The sweeping power of Fang Tian's painted halberd is simply terrifying.


The people around were taken aback at the same time. After taking a breath, they jumped away one after another, holding weapons one by one, staring at Hawkeye solemnly.

At this moment, Hawkeye had already stood still, looking at Li Yuanba who was unconscious in front of him, he seemed a little helpless and a little angry.

But he didn't say much. Li Yuanba's flaws are there, as long as he is not a fool, he basically knows how to take advantage of them.

These people in front of them obviously took advantage of Li Yuanba's flaws.

This is like a three-year-old child who is easily coaxed by others.Sometimes a piece of candy or a piece of cake can coax the other party to sell it.

" didn't drink tea..."

An angry soft reprimand sounded, and the peasant woman who had served the two before was holding a pair of double hooks in both hands at this moment, pointing at Hawkeye, and said angrily.

She just watched Hawkeye swallowing tea softly, she drank the whole bowl, how could she spit it out?
"You think I'll send you a bowl of tea?"

Hawkeye sneered, stepped forward and pushed Li Yuanba, only to find that Li Yuanba was fast asleep, unshakable.


Hawkeye sighed, helpless, he knew that he might be in trouble next time.

Looking at the group of people in front of him, they were obviously masters, and there were hundreds of them every time they appeared, which put a lot of pressure on him.

In normal times, it would be fine, if you can't beat him, you can always run away, but now, he can't leave Li Yuanba alone, can he?
According to his habits, it's not like he can't do this kind of thing.It's just that he doesn't dare to do it now, otherwise the emperor will be the first to spare him.

If it weren't for the emperor's test, let alone leaving Li Yuanba alone, as long as he can save his life, it would be no big deal for him to kill Li Yuanba himself.

It's a pity that he has no choice in everything, he can only take care of it.

Especially when he saw the giant man with a body like a mountain, Hawkeye's heart sank even more.

Although he hadn't made a move yet, he seemed to be able to clearly see the power contained in the giant man's body.

That is definitely the power of Mount Tai that does not bend over the top. It is not easy to deal with it.

If Li Yuanba is safe at the moment, he is not afraid.

The point is that Li Yuanba has fallen, and he is the only one who has to deal with this giant man and at the same time everyone on the scene, and also has to protect Li Yuanba. This is the beginning of the real big trouble.

"Your name is Hawkeye?"

Just as Hawkeye was meditating, the giant man's voice sounded like thunder, exploding in his ears.

Hawkeye looked at the giant man suddenly, and said with a sneer: "Who are you, how dare you block me!"

Although his body size was not as tall and mighty as that of Nagihan, Hawkeye's aura was not inferior in the slightest.

"Hehe, Hawkeye shouldn't be your real name, right? Tell me, what's your name?"

The giant man sneered and asked questions without answering.

"So what if you are, so what if you are not? Today, I want to ask, do you want to die or live!"

Hawkeye narrowed his eyes slightly, and also did not answer the question.

"I heard that you are a talent. You founded the Black Ice Platform for Ying Shou and took charge of it. My Tianmen likes talents. As long as they are talents, I never classify them. My Tianmen accepts them all."

"As long as you kill Li Yuanba and join my Tianmen, I will guarantee your prosperity and wealth for a lifetime, surpassing the emperors of the world!"

The giant man spoke again, but threw out an olive branch.

"Hehe, I think everyone here is a master. If you can abandon the darkness and turn to the light, and return to Daqin, I would like to ask His Majesty the Emperor to play, so that you can have a bright future, otherwise, die!"

Hawkeye cast a sarcastic glance at the giant man, and also offered an olive branch.

As soon as this remark came out, the giant fell silent, and immediately after that, Hawkeye also fell silent.

The two stared at each other quietly.

The so-called not speculative words are more than half a sentence, and the two people's respective questions never got the answers they wanted.

There is no connection between the two of them at all, and no matter how much they say, it is basically nonsense.

The giant man could see that he was suspicious, but obviously he had no possibility of betraying Qin.

In this way, there is only one war.

"Since you don't want to surrender, you can die!"

After a long time, the giant man opened his mouth coldly, waved his big fan-like hand, and shouted: "Kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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