Chapter 1246 Hundred-Man Battle Formation

As soon as the killing sound fell, hundreds of people around opened their eyes at the same time, each of them flashed with brilliance, and in the next moment, they turned into afterimages, flew up, and came straight towards Hawkeye.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The strong wind blew up and instantly turned into hurricanes, engulfing Hawkeye.

These people, everyone's speed can be said to be extremely fast, and everyone is a first-class master.

As soon as it moved, the strong wind roared and turned into one, directly forming a hurricane.

By the time the hurricane enveloped and submerged Hawkeye, these people had already slaughtered Hawkeye.

Because there were so many people criss-crossing each other, Hawkeye could only feel the flickering figures in front of him, making people dazzled.

"This is... formation..."

Hawkeye was startled, and instantly saw that this was a battle formation of hundreds of people.

Although he didn't know the name of this kind of battle formation, nor what kind of battle formation it was, he could tell that if he wanted to form a battle formation, the requirements would definitely be beyond the reach of the world.

Because this burst not only requires a hundred people, but also requires sufficient speed.And this kind of speed, to say the least, can only be achieved by first-class masters.

Hundreds of top-notch masters, with sufficient speed, criss-cross back and forth, and the strong wind can be transformed into a hurricane in an instant.In the hurricane, only the flickering figures of Dao Dao can be seen, like ghosts.

If it were an ordinary person, even a top expert would be dazzled in an instant, at a loss what to do, with nowhere to attack, and eventually die without a place to bury him.

Hundreds of first-class masters!

Moreover, they gathered into formations to deal with only one person. In this world, who else could be the enemy?
Not to mention others, I'm afraid even Ying Shou will be in danger when facing such an environment.

In this world, almost all those who can be called masters are one against ten.

A third-rate master, with one against ten.A second-rate expert can defeat a hundred with one.A first-class master can fight against a thousand with one.Top masters, all husbands are wrong.A peerless hero, no one can afford it.

Generally first-rate masters, if they face ten people at the same time, they can come and go, and they may not be able to deal with them all at any time, but ten or so people can't stop a third-rate master's footsteps at all.

Relatively speaking, second-rate masters are also unstoppable against hundreds of people, coming and going freely.

Perhaps it is almost impossible to kill a hundred people, but the power of a hundred people cannot stop one person, so he can be called a second-rate master.

First-class masters, in the camp of thousands of people, can also come and go freely.But wanting to kill thousands of people is purely a dream.

This is like a top master.Although a top expert has the courage to be undue, it is just that it is impossible for a man to stop his footsteps, which does not mean that he can kill a man.

Only a truly peerless hero can be invincible.Characters such as Xiang Yu in the past and Lie Yang today are the only ones who can be said to be unavoidable.

That is a character who can really fight against thousands of troops, not a master who flees among thousands of troops.

Except for Lieyang and the former Xiang Yu, even if they are as strong as Yuwen Chengdu, Nehaman and others, who are known as super-top fighters, they can't make it to this step.

As for people like Li Yuanba Yingshou, they have already jumped out of the ranks of masters, and it is not an exaggeration to call them gods.

Therefore, in general, if you want to deal with a top-level master, as long as there are ten first-rate masters, you can basically suppress it. If not, the two sides will have equal combat power.

In other words, ten first-class experts are basically enough to trap one top-level expert.Even with an existence as strong as Nehman's, more than 20 first-rate masters can barely suppress them.

Of course, if you can form a formation, about three or four first-rate masters are enough to deal with top masters.

For example, Sima Xun, the former top general of the Great Qin Dynasty, was once besieged by the brothers of three first-class masters in the South China Sea.

The three of them connected with each other and formed a formation.Although they were all beheaded by Sima Xun in the end, they almost trapped Sima Xun to death.

From this, one can imagine how powerful this burst is.

A powerful enough burst is enough to more than double or triple the combat power of a person.

Now, to deal with a Hawkeye, not to mention hundreds of first-class masters, they even formed a battle formation. This is not giving Hawkeye and Li Yuanba any chance of survival.

It can be said that in the face of such a hundred people, an expert like Nehman could only run for his life, and he didn't even have a chance to run for his life.

Now, even forming a large formation, the power is multiplied, completely cutting off all the retreats of Hawkeye.

It was shaking in Hawkeye's heart, and when he saw the tactics, he only felt a chill hit his back.

He turned around abruptly, and suddenly saw that the surroundings had turned into a tornado, and he was in the center of the tornado, within the eye of the tornado.

But at this time, in the tornado, a long sword popped out suddenly, and it hit his chest.

If he hadn't turned around just now, the sword would have pierced through his body directly from his back.

The sword came at a speed of seven yuan, the eagle's eyes were fixed, Fang Tian's painted halberd was swung out violently, and it collided with the long sword in an instant.

However, right here, in all directions, countless weapons protruded out at the same time, covering Hawkeye's entire body.

Hawkeye was taken aback, and he swung Fang Tian's painted halberd very quickly in his hand.

"Clang clang clang clang..."

In an instant, there were hundreds of collisions, and every time a weapon collided with Fang Tian's painted halberd, countless sparks could be sparked.

For a moment, it was as if a monstrous fire was ignited in the tornado.

In just two breathless times, hundreds of collisions made Hawkeye frightened.

It's dangerous, these people shot without mercy.

Just a few times, countless attacks were directed at his vitals, and his life could be killed in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, even though he was holding a heavy long weapon such as Fang Tian's painting halberd, his speed was nimble and treacherous. Otherwise, he might have died in the first round.

However, when Eagle Eye was secretly shocked, the hundreds of first-class masters around him who turned into strong winds were even more shocked in their hearts.

After the collision just now, everyone realized the power of the eagle eye, it was simply unstoppable.

A first-class master was in front of him, and even his counter-shock could not withstand it.

Hundreds of people shot at the same time, but he blocked it in an instant.

This reaction speed, as well as the sense of strength, simply far surpassed that of ordinary top fighters.

If he had been replaced by an ordinary top fighter just now, he would have been torn into flesh and blood long ago.

"Hawkeye, I think you are a talent, I will give you another chance. As long as you kill Li Yuanba, I will let you live immediately, and guarantee that you will live a life of prosperity and wealth, and be superior to the previous life, otherwise, you will die!"

Outside the hurricane, the giant man's voice sounded again, appearing indifferent and depressed.

However, at this time, Hawkeye didn't pay attention to it at all.He is vigilant, in all directions, and someone may make a move at any time.

"Do you still want to fight the trapped beast? Do you know what kind of battle formation this is?"

Seeing that Hawkeye didn't speak, the giant man spoke again and said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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