Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1248 Hawkeye's Selfishness

Chapter 1248 Hawkeye's Selfishness

"Check... check it hard for me... no matter where these two people go, no matter whether they live or die, chase them back!"

In the depths of Changbai Mountain, at the current Guantiantai News Headquarters, the elder Guantiantai was furious and gritted his teeth.

After issuing the hunting order, he also learned that besides Li Yuanba, the other person sent out by Qin Huang was the leader of Heibingtai, so he immediately cherished his talents.

The strength of Tianmen has never been unreasonable.

The expansion of Tianmen's influence has already covered the entire world.

This so-called whole world is not the so-called world in the Central Plains.

Tianmen has always looked at the whole world from the perspective of God. On the contrary, the world in the eyes of people from all over the Central Plains, and even in the north, is actually only as big as a palm.It is not too much to say that they are watching the sky from a well.

The Central Plains Great Qin is very big, but compared to the real world, it is still pitifully small.

The reason why Tianmen is strong is precisely because of the hundreds of years of expansion, it has continuously absorbed talents from all over the world.

Not to mention too much, let's just say that in today's Great Qin, nearly half of the masters and talents are almost swallowed by Tianmen.

Today's Great Qin represents the entire Central Plains.

Where is the Central Plains?A hundred schools of thought came out together, each with its own teachings.But no matter what the doctrine is, it is all about the whole world.

Perhaps propriety, righteousness, benevolence, wisdom and trust, in the eyes of many people, are just the essence of Confucianism.But in fact, even other companies have similar practices.

Therefore, it is even more difficult for Tianmen to recruit talents in the Central Plains and betray the Central Plains.

But even so, nearly half of the masters and talents in the Central Plains are in Tianmen's waves. From this point, it can be seen how powerful Tianmen's methods are in this regard.

As for existences like the Xiongnu and Donghu, they have long been completely infiltrated by Tianmen.As long as Tianmen is willing, the two countries can fall apart at any time.

This is true of Donghu and Xiongnu, how can other places be an exception?

The reason why Tianmen's method of attracting people's hearts is so powerful is not because of anything else, but because of Haotian.

Haotian, in the true sense, has achieved immortality, and is also the master of Tianmen.

Haotian doesn't need to do anything, just a promise is basically enough to make anyone work for him.

In life, all worries and worries are nothing more than survival.Worry about your own survival, or worry about the survival of future generations.

And people who can be valued by Tianmen basically have great abilities. No matter where they go, they can basically eat well without worrying about their own survival.

But what about future generations?

At this time, the conditions of Tianmen are very critical. Anyone who joins Tianmen can repay the future generations of three generations of worry-free.Not only can survive, but also have no worries about food and clothing.

If the Lord of Tianmen will also change his dynasty, such a promise is of course useless.But Haotian will not die.And as long as he is alive, the promise is useful, so why don't people in the world know it?
Therefore, Tianmen's recruitment of talents is basically one-on-one, and people can refuse such temptations.

This time when he attacked Li Yuanba and Hawkeye, the Elder Guantiantai was out of love for talents, so he ordered again, hoping to recruit Hawkeye back.

He is already old, a person who can build the Black Ice Terrace in just two years and stand side by side with Guantiantai, if he can recruit into Tianmen, wouldn't he be the best successor candidate for Guantiantai?
But he didn't expect that in the end, the recruitment failed, and the two escaped instead. How could the elder Guantiantai not be angry?
Since you can't recruit them, kill them!


The deacon below listened to the order and immediately sent the order down.

In the northern part of Daqin, in a small town.

The only inn in this small town, said to be an inn, is actually a small homestay.There are only two or three guest rooms inside.

In one of the guest rooms, Li Yuanba lay quietly on the bed.I don't know what a good dream I had, but there was a happy smile on my face, and my saliva was drooling.

On the bed, a doctor was feeling Li Yuanba's pulse.

After a long time, the doctor let go, stood up, looked at Hawkeye standing behind him, frowned, shook his head, and sighed.

"what happened?"

Hawkeye's eyes turned cold, and he grabbed the doctor by the collar, showing an unprecedented fiery temper, and shouted angrily.

When Ying Shou was by his side, he was the leader of Daqin Heibingtai, a respectful and obedient head of news.But after leaving Yingshou, he seemed to be a different person.

He became domineering and majestic, and at the same time he became irritable, like a devil, frightening people.

"General...Jun, this...this son...he...he is fine..."

The doctor looked at the person in front of him with a face of fear, and stammered in a trembling voice.

"What, no problem?"

"What are you kidding? You can't even wake up from a beating. You tell me it's okay?"

When Hawkeye heard this, he was furious, feeling that the doctor was playing tricks on him.

"General... General, really... this young master is really fine..."

"His pulse is normal, he has neither any symptoms nor any signs of poisoning... Please... please redeem Xiao Xiao's incompetence, I really can't find the cause of the problem!"

The doctor had a mournful face and was very helpless.

"No signs of poisoning?"

Hawkeye frowned, and couldn't help but glance at Li Yuanba.

In fact, he has a fiery temper, but he is not a fool.

That's all for a moment of anger, but after a careful look, there is indeed no sign of Li Yuanba being poisoned.

That appearance, clearly fell asleep.Not even a painful expression, but also smiling so happily, how can it be the performance of poisoning?
Even if he passed out and couldn't express the pain of poisoning, this body should express it.For example, his complexion is livid.

However, it may also be because Li Yuanba's appearance itself is not good, he looks like a tuberculosis, and people can't tell it at a glance, which is normal.

"get out!"

Seeing the doctor seemed to be really helpless. Although Hawkeye was angry, it was not to the point of killing people indiscriminately.Otherwise, after going back, he himself would not be easy to deal with.

I saw his arm forcefully, and directly threw the doctor out.

The doctor stumbled and got up quickly, and Huang trotted outside in a hurry.

After the doctor left, Hawkeye let out a deep breath, went back to the edge of the bed, looked at Li Yuanba again, frowned, and fell into deep thought.

Do you want to send someone to summon His Majesty the Emperor?
This was a question that came to Hawkeye's mind at the moment.

Heibingtai's eyes are all over the world, and there are also people from Heibingtai in this small town.

He could invite people to see him immediately if he wanted to.

But after thinking about it, he didn't want someone to convey the current situation to the emperor immediately.

"No, the emperor must not know about this matter. Otherwise, it will be difficult to explain!"

"This is the first time His Majesty has sent me to take action. If I am stopped before I arrive at the destination, and the news of running around tells the emperor, I will have no chance to take action in the future!"

After contemplating for a long time, Hawkeye suddenly made up his mind and muttered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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