Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1249 Eight-faced Black Fox

Chapter 1249 Eight-faced Black Fox
"Come on!"

Hawkeye walked to the door and suddenly shouted loudly.

"Guest officer..."

A middle-aged lame man walked over with a limp.

This is the owner of this homestay. He was originally a soldier on the battlefield. He became disabled due to fighting in the early years, became a lame man, and then retired.

I found a daughter-in-law and opened a homestay here.

In these years, life has been considered stable.

Hawkeye dared to stay here because he knew the family was innocent.

At this time, his wife was shopping outside, so he could only let him limping to greet the guests.

"I ask you, what is this place?"

Hawkeye pointed to the lame middle-aged man and asked.

"Oh, the guest officer said this place! This place is called Mingfeng Town, and there is Tuoming Mountain not far in front."

"Because of the proximity to Chidao, when there was no war, there were a lot of pedestrians. Unfortunately, with the war, the imperial court has become stricter. Even business is hard to do, so the whole town looks deserted!"

The crippled man was obviously used to dealing with anyone. When the guest asked, he immediately introduced everything that should be said later, and basically didn't need the guest to ask him a second time.

"Well, I see, you go!"

Hawkeye nodded in satisfaction and waved his hand.

"Hey, good!"

The lame middle-aged man responded, turned around and was about to leave.


Suddenly, Hawkeye called out and said, "This is a reward for you, take it!"

The lame middle-aged man turned his head, and Hawkeye took the thumb-sized gold nugget with him and stuffed it directly into his hand.

"Guest officer!"

The lame middle-aged man was taken aback, and hurriedly called out, only to find that they had been closed by Hawkeye.

The lame middle-aged man frowned, looked at the gold in his hand, and neither cried nor smiled.

Sui was a little pleasantly surprised, but he didn't get paid for nothing, and the family gave him all the rent. At this moment, he was suddenly given so much money, and he, an honest person, didn't know how to accept it for a while.

Although I have received rewards before, but the front is always based on Qin Banliang, who will be generous with gold as a reward?

Shaking his head, the money has already been collected anyway.The generosity of the guests can't refute the face of the guests, can they?

Immediately, he could only turn around and leave.

Hawkeye returned to the room, frowned and pondered for a moment, and muttered to himself: "Mt. Tuo Ming!"

"This place is almost out of Yandi, not very far from Zhaodi. About three hundred miles away, there is a crowing mountain. It is said that there is a master doctor there, why don't you ask him to have a look?"

As he said that, the eagle's eyes lit up, and he immediately paid attention.

When he came to the bed, he picked up Li Yuanba who was still unconscious on the bed, and rushed out of the room.

"Where is the war horse!"

With a loud shout, the war horse neighed.

The dragon blood horse and Wan Liyun came galloping, Hawkeye placed Li Yuanba on Wan Liyun's back, turned over to the dragon blood horse, scolded, and walked away.

"Hey, guest officer!"

The lame middle-aged man had trouble with his legs and feet, and when he walked out, he was already far away, so he could only yell loudly, but he couldn't keep him.

After leaving the town, he quickly ran on the road.

The galloping horse galloped towards the land of Zhao and headed straight to the direction of Crying Mountain.

At this time, the sky has gradually darkened.

Not far from the town, a group of chasers came here when they saw two war horses galloping away.

The first person was the peasant woman who dispensed medicine in the tea shed before, and shouted: "Look quickly, is that Li Yuanba and the others?"

Others have already noticed it.

There is no way, not to mention that the speed of these two horses is outstanding, but to say that there are basically no people on this official road.Even if two random horses run out, they can attract people's attention.

"What are you waiting for, chase!"

Najuha snorted coldly, took a step, and chased after him directly.

Regardless of his size, he looks like a tank and is very bulky.But when it runs, the speed is really not covered.

Every step he takes is basically equal to two or three steps taken by ordinary people.

And his steps are very fast, even if it is an ordinary first-class master, he may have already taken two or three steps before taking one step.

This quick foot lift is not arrogant, and it naturally brings an advantage in speed.

However, he had just taken two steps when he heard a voice not far away, shouting, "Slow down!"

This figure, as if born with a certain amount of magical power, makes people can't help but obey.

The giant man paused, turned his head to look, and saw a man in black coming with his hands behind his back.

This person is not in the team, but he knows it.

Seeing the man in black, the giant frowned slightly, and said coldly, "Dan Tong, what are you doing here?"

The rest of the team, those hundreds of first-class masters, also looked at the person coming.

The moment they saw the person coming, everyone secretly gasped.

"It's the eight-faced black fox, one-way!"

Everyone almost instinctively read Dan Tong's nickname.

Shan Tong, this name may not be very famous in the eyes of others, but it is a very famous existence inside Tianmen.

It is said that he was once the second character of Shan Shouyuan, the general of Zhao State.

This Shan Shouyuan is said to be a general, but in fact he is just a general who guards the gate.In the early years, he had been guarding Yanmen Pass for Zhao Guo to prevent the Huns from entering.

But later, when Qin State defeated Zhao State and destroyed Zhao State, he killed his whole family, young and old.

Since then, he has vowed revenge.

In his revenge plan, he was discovered by Tianmen, and Qin died because of him.

Others only said that the former Qin Dynasty was destroyed by the rebels from all walks of life, but few people said that without Zhao Gao, Qin would not have perished.

However, even those who knew about Zhao Gao didn't know that it was Dan Tong standing behind Zhao Gao.

When Shan Tong joined Tianmen, he was only 17 years old.The first strategy is to drop meteorites from the sky to destroy the luck of Qin.

The second strategy, the elixir of life, destroys Yingzheng's luck.

The third strategy is to control Zhao Gao and change the dynasty.

The fourth strategy is to secretly instigate the former nobles of various countries to rise up and overthrow the former Qin Dynasty.

So far, in just a few years, the prosperous Great Qin Dynasty was completely wiped out in his hands.

Since then, the people in Tianmen have given him a nickname, the eight-faced black fox.

The so-called eight-faced black fox is surrounded by all sides, and does not give the enemy the slightest chance of survival.Count whoever dies, without exception.

"Hehe, it's me... Look at you, you can't even deal with two people, and you have to run back and forth, it's a bit troublesome!"

Shan Tong came with his hands behind his back and said with a smile on his face.

"so what?"

The giant man said coldly with a gloomy face.

"It's nothing, I just heard that Bai Yunzun wanted to compete with the emperor of Qin, and I was a little itchy, so I came here. Since you are so difficult to deal with, it seems that I can really have a game! "

Shan Tong waved his hand and said with a smile.

The Bai Yunzun he was talking about was none other than the elder of Tianmen who was in charge of Guantiantai.

(End of this chapter)

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