Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1250 The Danger of Tianyue City

Chapter 1250 The Danger of Tianyue City

"What, how dare you intercept news from Guantiantai!"

"Do you have staff on the rooftop?"

When the giant man heard this, his eyes immediately turned cold.

He is Bai Yunzun's personal protector, if it weren't for the fact that the person who killed this time had a very high reputation.

It is said that he used to move freely among millions of troops, and killed 30 troops without leaving any of them, and he almost didn't need to take a shot.

It can be said that he is a loyal supporter of Bai Yunzun.

Now, this task, Bai Yunzun has made it very clear that it must be strictly guarded against secrecy.

In other words, unless Bai Yunzun intends to reveal it, no one will get the news.

Doing this is actually to guard against being stopped by Haotian.

The news that even Haotian was able to hide, but now Shantong learned of it, the first thing he thought of was that the cave had planted people inside the Tiantiantai.

"Is that so, do you think that if I want to get any news, I have to go through the viewing platform?"

Shan Tong smiled and gave the giant man a sarcastic look.

Inside the Tianmen, the rules are strict, everyone does their own thing, and no one dares to interfere with those who should not be involved.

Even if he placed patience inside the observation platform, he would not admit it unless he was looking for death.

Within Duze Tianmen, anyone can invade other people's authority, and sooner or later, they will not be able to control everything?
In this way, how can Haotian control the entire Tianmen?
Except for Haotian, no one dared to act rashly.

However, the reason of Shantong is also reasonable. After all, with his ability, it is too easy to obtain some news that ordinary people do not know from other channels.

Otherwise, how can it be called an eight-faced black fox, clever and changeable?

Thinking of this, everyone did not suspect him.

"You want to participate in dealing with this person!"

The giant man asked coldly.

"Any comments?"

Shantong shrugged and smiled.

"Don't you want to go to Baiyue and preside over the Battle of Baiyue secretly?"

The giant man asked again.

"Boring, it's just an offensive and defensive game played by a group of fools, let it go for a while, that's all."

"A mere Ren Xiao, back then I was able to let him flee everywhere with ease. Today, with a single word from me, I can also make him have nothing and die without a place to die!"

"Since you want to play, let's play the big one. If you can't finish playing Ying Shou, you have to play Ren Xiao, doesn't it seem boring?"

Shan Tong curled his lips and said, pointing to the direction where Li Yuanba and Hawkeye left just now, and said with a smile: "Do you know where this road leads?"

The giant man was puzzled, and said, "What, is there a problem?"

Shan Tong shook his head, stepped forward, jumped up high and gave him a brain twitch, and cursed: "You idiot, you don't even know where the enemy is going, so how do you deal with it?"

"Are you still planning to wait for the news from Tianmen to determine the enemy's next move?"

The giant man was furious and shouted: "Dan Tong, how dare you..."

Shan Tong raised his head, it seemed that he was looking up at the giant man, but in fact he was very contemptuous, and said: "Why, you dare to fight back? Even if Bai Yunzun is here, you have to give me three points, you dare to try!"


The giant man gritted his teeth angrily, but he was speechless.

What Shan Tong said is correct, even if Bai Yunzun is here, he has to give way to Shan Tong, if he dares to act recklessly, he may be looking for death.

"See it clearly, big fool. This is within the territory of Yandi. Not far ahead, there are several forked roads. One of them leads to the direction of Zhaodi, and the other leads to the direction of Qidi!"

"As far as I know, about three hundred miles ahead, there is a Crying Mountain in the territory of Zhao. There is a master doctor Ouyang Xun on the mountain. This person is a hermit."

"When someone visits, he will not refuse anyone who comes. He will give advice to anyone who asks for medical skills, but he never goes down the mountain, but has been studying medical skills on the mountain."

"If I'm not wrong, you should give Li Yuanba a thousand-day sleep, right? Tsk tsk, every ten days and half a month, I'm afraid I won't be able to wake up!"

"Ordinary people can't find out the existence of this thing at all. Even those master doctors who can know about this thing, I'm afraid there are not many people. But Ouyang Xun may be one of them!"

"At this moment, Hawkeye must have thought that something happened to Li Yuanba. According to people's first reaction, he should go to Ouyang Xun for help!"

"Even I know the whereabouts of Ouyang Xun, not to mention that he is in charge of the Black Ice Terrace, so it is impossible not to know. So I dare to conclude that his destination is the Crying Mountain!"

"In this way, big fool, you immediately send a message to the vicinity of Crying Mountain, and have people prepare immediately to kill Ouyang Xun in advance of Crying Mountain. Then move on, stabilize him first, and wait for a while. If you arrive, you can take it in one fell swoop, how about it?"

Shan Tong had a smile on his face, but when he spoke, he had a posture of mastering everything, making it impossible to doubt any of his judgments.

"you sure?"

The giant man said coldly.

"Believe it or not, be careful not to handle things well, Bai Yunzun is looking for trouble, but don't behave like I didn't warn you!"

Shan Tong curled his lips and said in disdain.

"All right!"

The giant man pondered for a moment, and believed in the single-pass ability.

Immediately, he walked aside, and the celebrity immediately conveyed the news.

Thus, a conspiracy against Crying Mountain began.


"My lord, the governor of the county, the rebel army has surrounded Tianyue city layer by layer. Look at this soldier, within three days, there will be a battle!"

In the land of Lingnan, the county town of Nanhai County, and Tianyue City, a voice sounded.

I saw a general who hurried to the main hall of the Sheriff's Mansion and cupped his hands.

"What, within three days, there will be a battle!"

In the main hall, there were various generals standing at the moment, and their faces changed upon hearing the words.

Today, an army of 80 million has gathered outside the city.There are still various rebels who have not yet arrived, about half of them.

This layer of pressure has made Tianyue City almost unable to breathe.

At this moment, when they heard that a war was about to start, everyone became vigilant.

"The thieves are quite courageous, and they dared to completely surround my Tianyue City before the rebels were all here. It's really beyond their control!"

Sitting in the first place, Ren Xiao heard the words, with a gloomy face, he said coldly: "How long will there be enough food and grass in the city?"

Someone below hastily replied: "My lord, the governor of Baiyue, the food and grass from all over Baiyue are basically gathered in my Tianyue City. If there are no accidents, it can last for two or three years casually!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

For a moment, everyone looked at Ren Xiao.

Someone laughed and said: "It's still the county guard who is wise. When the court was in chaos, he immediately started collecting food and grass from all walks of life."

"Otherwise, it would be a problem for half a month to supply food and drink for so many people and soldiers with the original food and grass in Tianyue City. Now, there is no need to worry about food and grass at all!"

Someone answered with a smile and said: "That's right, there is food in your stomach, don't panic in your heart. As long as you stick to it for a while, the bandit army outside will collapse without fighting. With this group of mobs, they can't even eat enough, and they want to turn the world upside down." , it's ridiculous!"

(End of this chapter)

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