Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1251 Ren Xiao's Thoughts

Chapter 1251 Ren Xiao's Thoughts

"Hahaha, you're right, you're right, a bunch of mobs who can't even get enough to eat, and want to rebel, it's hard to beat them!"

The middleman laughed loudly, and for a while, the previous cloud dissipated a lot.

"Hey, don't be too happy. Although there are mobs outside, but the enemy is outnumbered, you can't act carelessly!"

"So, follow me, generals, and follow me to the four city gates to have a look!"

Seeing everyone laughing, at the first place, Ren Xiao raised his hand, interrupting everyone's interest, and said in a deep voice.


Everyone nodded and followed Ren Xiao to the top of the city to watch the situation outside.

Walking through the city walls one after another, rushing back and forth, unknowingly, three or four hours have passed, and the sky has become dark.

Just as Ren Xiao led the crowd to the gate of the north city, he saw a soldier trotting towards Ren Xiao, and whispered in his ear that he didn't know something.

After listening, Ren Xiao's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Really, they have already made a move?"

The soldier shook his head and said: "Not yet, the general said that the rebels must attack Tianyue City first. As long as Tianyue City can hold for ten days, the opportunity will come!"

Ren Xiao nodded and said with a smile: "Understood, let's go down!"

Hearing this, the armored soldier folded his hands and withdrew.

"Lord Sheriff, what is it that makes Lord Sheriff laugh so happily?"

Seeing this, all the generals behind couldn't help laughing.


It was rare for Ren Xiao to joke around for a while, but in fact, he really played it off and didn't mean to tell everyone.

"Let's go, go up the tower!"

Then, with a big wave of his hand, Ren Xiao led all the generals directly to the North Tower.

Standing on the city tower, looking around, I saw countless camps in the dark, five miles outside the city.

Although there are many camps, most of the rebel soldiers still have no place to stay and can only sit on the camp.

It's autumn, and the north is already biting cold, but in the south, it still gives people a feeling of scorching summer.

Even though it was dark, it was still so hot that people were sweating all over.What's more, it's too hot to sleep at night.

Therefore, as long as it doesn't rain heavily, you can rest outside at night and don't be afraid to hang out.

It's just that in the middle of the night, living in the mountains, it is inevitable to encounter snakes, insects, rats and ants.Life was not easy for the soldiers either.

For example, right now, quite a few people slap themselves, or scratch them here and there.

The South in this era is different from the South in later generations.

The south in later generations is a representative of economic development, but at this time, it is a representative of backwardness.

Whether it is the economy or anything else, the South is basically in the stage of being crushed.

Here the mountains are high and densely forested, the heat is unbearable, and miasma is everywhere.

At night, there are countless snakes, rats, and mosquitoes.For ordinary northerners who came here, basically the first few months would be miserable, and even tortured to death.

Even the former Great Qin Heijia had been tortured like this when he set off to conquer Baiyue.The army tortured to death by the natural environment here is no less than one hundred thousand.

One can imagine how cruel the environment here is.

It's also fortunate that these rebels are basically Baiyue people, otherwise, how could they have endured such suffering?
"Look downstairs in Beicheng, there are probably 20 troops at least!"

Ren Xiao observed the situation outside and couldn't help but say.

"Sir Qi, that's right, there are 20 troops outside the northern city. Now the rebels have gathered, and the number has reached 76."

"Except for the Dongcheng Tower, which is surrounded by only 16 troops, the other three towers are all blocked by 20 troops. The situation is getting worse and worse for us!"

A general named Jia Gu stood behind Ren Xiao, cupped his hands and said.

"Is it?"

Ren Xiao took a deep breath, frowning, not knowing what to think about.

Previously, when the rebel army had not gathered too many, they basically only dared to set up camp eighty miles away, and did not dare to fight against Tianyue City.

Today, the rebels have gathered nearly 80 people, which seems to have given the rebels enough courage.

It's just that at this moment, we are outnumbered, and it is obviously impossible to try to take advantage of it.

But after observing the square towers again, an inexplicable fighting spirit still sprouted in Ren Xiao's heart.

"Oh, I see!"

Ren Xiao gritted his teeth, waved his hands, and said, "You go down first, by the way, General Jia Gu, General Qianniu, General Yang Hua, General Mu Quan, you four stay here, I have something to order!"

Hearing this, the rest of the people clasped their hands together and retreated.

Surrounded Jia Gu who had spoken before, and three other generals.

"I don't know what orders the governor has?"

The four generals stayed behind and looked at Ren Xiao after the others left.

"You four come here!"

Ren Xiao led the four of them into the tower, Ren Xiao took the first place, and said: "Four generals, I have an idea, I think it is better to take the initiative to fight than to be passive."

"Therefore, I want to fight a battle first today. I don't know what the surrounding generals want?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the four people changed at the same time.

"The Lord of the county government wants to send troops to attack now?"

General Yang Hua cupped his hands.

"That's right!"

Ren Xiao nodded, not denying that he did have such an idea.

"My lord, is this inappropriate? Now that the enemy is outnumbered, once we are besieged layer upon layer, our army will undoubtedly be defeated. If there is a little carelessness, once the enemy army finds an opportunity to rush into the city, Tianyue City will fall this day." Already!"

General Jia Gu said worriedly.

"That's right, my lord, this matter has to be discussed in the long run!"

General Qianniu hurriedly said.

"My lord, if you have any plans, don't hesitate to talk about them. As long as you can keep Tianyue City intact, the general will be able to bear the outcome of the battle. Even if you let the general risk his death, he will go. At least fight Have fun, maybe you can make a fortune!"

Finally, when General Mu Quan spoke, he was full of fighting spirit.

He didn't mean to say this, everyone knows that among all the generals, he will always have the strongest fighting spirit.Whenever there is a big war, you must be the first.

As for the so-called earning a fortune, it is actually quite understandable.If you kill one, you don't pay, but if you kill two, you earn one. Of course, it's a fortune.

With his means, it is not a problem to kill dozens or hundreds of people.

"Hey, do you generals know why I left the four of you alone?"

After seeing that everyone had spoken, Ren Xiao pressed his hands together and looked at the four of them.


The four looked at each other, puzzled.

"This battle is not a real battle. Either we don't fight, or if we fight, we will catch the opponent by surprise. We must fight quickly, and we must not think about fighting, otherwise the gain will outweigh the loss!"

Ren Xiao said in a low voice.

When the four of them heard this, they immediately understood.

"My lord means to attack the camp, let's make a sneak attack first?"

General Qianniu hurriedly shouted.

"That's right, but even if you attack the camp, you must show enough prestige. Tonight, not to mention too much, killing him [-] rebels is my minimum requirement. What do you think?"

Ren Xiao slapped the table and said with a sinister smile.

(End of this chapter)

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