Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1252 Raid Camp

Chapter 1252 Raid Camp

The four generals gasped at the same time, and stared at Ren Xiao incredulously.

A welcome, kill him a hundred thousand rebels, and still not let him read the war?
Is this called not wanting to fight?

I'm afraid that even if you want to fight, you may not be able to do it. If you don't want to fight, what are you thinking about?

"My lord, I'm afraid this is impossible!"

General Mu Quan scratched his head. No matter how strong his fighting spirit was, he didn't think that one attack on the camp could kill a hundred thousand troops.

I'm afraid that when the war just started, the rebels from other places would immediately use it.At most half an hour, they can be surrounded.

And half an hour, how many people can they kill?
A raid on the camp, among other things, the men dared not take too much with them.At most [-] troops can be dispatched.Once there are too many people, I am afraid that they will be discovered before they get close.

And even if there were more, they didn't dare to send too many troops, otherwise the city would be empty and they would all go out to attack the camp. In a blink of an eye, Tianyue City would be occupied by others, and that would be the real loss outweighed the gain.

But to kill 10 people, it would take at least an hour, and 30 troops must be sent out, otherwise it would be impossible.

It has to be said that Ren Xiao gave them a big problem.

"Hey, the normal style of play is naturally not good, but I have a plan, listen to it, how do you feel!"

Ren Xiao grinned, as if thinking of something, the smile on his face looked so evil.

The four of them stared at Ren Xiao immediately after hearing the words.

If there is such a plan, then there is nothing wrong with fighting a war.

"Sir, please speak!"

General Mu Quan cupped his hands.

"Look at..."

Ren Xiao called the four of them in front of them and exchanged in low voices.

After he finished speaking, the four people's eyes lit up at the same time, with excitement in their eyes, eager to try.

"It's okay, my lord, this battle can be fought!"

General Mu Quan was the first to bow his hands and said.

"The end will fight!"

General Jia Gu didn't talk nonsense, Ren Xiao's words seemed to give him reassurance, and all his previous worries disappeared in an instant.

"The final general is willing to lead his troops there!"

General Qianniu got up and said without a doubt.

"The last general will definitely kill the enemy army and fuck off, hahaha!"

In the end was General Yang Hua, who laughed out loud with a happy expression on his face.

The battle has not yet begun, and he seems to have seen the result of victory.

"Okay, since the four generals think they can fight, let's go down and prepare. I haven't made a move for a long time, and everyone in the southern border has forgotten what I do."

"Now that the veterans are back and the veterans are back together, let them see what is called the Great Qin Heijia!"

Ren Xiao got up, his eyes turned cold, and he waved his hand to give an order, and the four of them left one after another.


It was night, and the sky was pitch black. Standing on the Sifang City Tower, I could see not far outside the city during class, the flames were shining, and countless bonfires were burning.

The four great generals were assigned to guard the city gate that night.

Among them, Mu Quan was in charge of the north gate, General Qianniu was in charge of the south gate, General Yang Hua was in charge of the west gate, and General Jia Gu was in charge of the east gate.

Today's square gates, each side, has [-] troops stationed at all times, just to guard against the enemy's sneak attack, ready to fight at any time.

The four great generals used the excuse of defending the city, but in fact, they had already ordered the defending army to prepare for battle.

Seeing that the night was getting later and later, the time passed by little by little, and before I knew it, it was late at night and early in the morning.

As soon as Zishi arrived, the North City Gate was secretly opened, and [-] troops walked out by night.

Outside the city, the rebel scouts responsible for monitoring the gates of all sides had already arranged for someone to kill them before they took action.

You know, the power of Daqin Black Ice Terrace is not vegetarian.Although it is impossible to cooperate internally and externally on the battlefield.

But it's still easy to use the power of the Black Ice Platform to kill a few scouts.

Without the monitoring and investigation of scouts, General Mu Quan in the city led an army of [-] to smear all the way to two miles away from the rebel camp, but they were not found.

A little closer, their movement finally attracted the attention of the enemy sentry.

However, at this moment, there was a loud shout, General Mu Quan got up, pulled out the long sword at his waist, and shouted angrily: "Brothers, kill me..."

As soon as the sound fell, the [-] troops roared at the same time, moving like a swimming dragon, and went straight to the enemy camp.


"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

In an instant, [-] troops rushed out of the enemy camp.

"Not good, enemy attack... enemy attack..."

In the enemy camp, all the rebels were shocked at the same time.

Countless people panicked, but before they could react, they saw that the Qin army rushing to the camp had already fired countless arrows, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth.

I don't know how many people were shot through by chaotic swords as soon as they rushed out of the camp.

I don't know how many people are still sitting on the ground, and before they can react, they have already fallen into the rain of arrows.

There were shouts of killing everywhere, Qin Jun seized the opportunity and caught the opponent by surprise.

Wave after wave of arrow rain continued continuously, and in a short while, more than a dozen waves of arrow rain had passed.

Of the [-] Qin army, tens of thousands of them were equipped with bows and arrows, and no one had ten feathered arrows. After a lot of random shooting, the feathered arrows were shot, and at least tens of thousands of enemy troops were taken away.

At this time, Qin Jun had already rushed into the camp.

Don't say that the rebels are not yet fully prepared, even if they are, at this moment, they can only be beaten passively.

If you want to learn Qin Jun's unscrupulous archery, you must first have enough bows and arrows.

Secondly, the Qin army has already fought with the chaotic army. At this time, they shoot indiscriminately, and Qi Fei hurts others and himself?

When the Qin army entered the barracks, it was really unceremonious, and with the sword in hand, it was killing indiscriminately.

There are thousands of people carrying oil cans full of them on their backs, and almost everyone has two or three oil cans hanging from them.

From now on in the barracks, these people immediately ran around, smashed oil cans, and then lit a monstrous fire.

The fire broke out, and the enemy camp, which hadn't fully reacted yet, was already in chaos, and the chaos was even worse.

Countless people didn't even have a chance to react, and they were chopped into meat in the first place.

The shouts of killing are everywhere, deafening, and the scalp is still numb.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, a group of rebel generals gathered. The King of Western Europe and the King of Eastern Europe each led 16 troops to form the [-] troops, stationed outside the north city gate.

The two subordinates, each with eight generals, all gathered together with the two of them at this moment.

He rushed out of the Chinese army camp and saw the battle outside.They wanted to organize the army to fight back, but found that the army had already been methodically used by the Qin army, and the sea of ​​​​fire was completely divided, and they could not organize enough combat power.

"Come back, come back... calm me down... calm down..."

The King of Eastern Europe gritted his teeth. These large armies are the only power he can have now.

Today's king of Eastern Europe is different from the king of Eastern Europe of the previous generation.

After all, Eastern Europe has long been destroyed by Ying Shou. Under Qin's kind treatment, Eastern Europe still wants to have too much appeal in its former homeland, which is simply a joke.

Once the last [-] troops under his command were dispersed, he would be completely useless.There is no qualification and hope for the restoration of the country.

(End of this chapter)

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