Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1253 Defeat like a mountain

Chapter 1253 Defeat like a mountain

The king of Eastern Europe was anxious, and the king of Western Europe was even more anxious.

Both of them were calling, but in this chaos, their voices were as insignificant as the insignificant chirping of insects in a torrential torrent, making it hard to hear.

Even if there are some people who heard it, at this moment, they can only act as if they have never heard of it.

The Qin army had already arrived, and the rebels were in complete chaos.

Once the army is in chaos, it is not just as simple as waiting to be killed, it is simply falling down continuously in a suicidal manner.

I don't know how many people fell at the feet of our own army in pieces. They were trampled into meatloaf, and the dead could not die any more.

This attack on the camp was unexpectedly smooth.

Originally, I just wanted to catch the other party by surprise, so as to deal with the subsequent plan.

But seeing this opportunity, General Mu Quan's eyes turned red.

"Pu Chi Pu Chi..."

Swinging the long sword, he slashed two rebel soldiers instantly, and finally pierced a rebel soldier's heart with his sword.

Mu Quan drew his long sword, accompanied by a mouthful of blood, and the soldier fell to the ground.

"Kill... kill me... kill the rebels without leaving a single one!"


Mu Quan hissed and roared like he was going crazy.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

There were shouts of killing everywhere, and the [-] Qin army shook the sky.

"Quick... please help..."

Seeing that the king of Eastern Europe and the king of Western Europe could not suppress the chaos, they came to their senses one by one, and immediately roared loudly.

But at this moment, who else would listen to them?
The rebels receded like a tide, fleeing in all directions.The Qin army had already charged in this direction, like a sea of ​​flames.

With the Qin army in full swing, who would dare to be the leader?

"Let's go, my king, let's go!"

"Run away, my lord, the Qin army is coming!"

Beside the King of Western Europe and the King of Eastern Europe, their respective generals dragged their own kings and fled away.

Unwilling, the two kings were still struggling. When they found out that the situation was not good and wanted to escape again, the Qin army had already rushed to them.

"Wrap me up!"

Mu Quan yelled loudly, and thousands of soldiers surrounded him immediately, and shouted: "Put down your weapons, and invite you if you are experienced!"

The faces of the King of Eastern Europe and the King of Western Europe were instantly pale and bloodless.

A strong sense of fear welled up in their hearts, making the two of them no longer able to resist, let alone the heart to resist.


The pursuit of the rebels was still going on, and the more the Qin army killed, the more they used it, just like a wolf chasing a sheep. After catching up, they mercilessly killed them on the spot.

It is obviously impossible to try to notify other rebels to come to rescue.

However, there is no need to notify the chaos here. The other armies are far apart, and they have already seen the scene of the flames.

There was also the screams of fighting, which rang out one after another, and the fool knew that something had happened.

"What's going on, why is the north here in chaos?"

Outside the east city gate, 20 troops under the command of King Minyue gathered and besieged here.King Minyue, who had already rested, rushed out of the camp immediately when he heard the report from below.After looking at it, I was immediately taken aback.

"The that something happened to the camps of the King of Eastern Europe and the King of Western Europe, and they were attacked by the enemy!"

A rebel soldier trotted over and reported loudly.

"What, the Qin army sneak attack? How many people are there in the Qin army? Go and find out, what is the strength of the Qin army in Tianyue City?"

When King Minyue heard this, he immediately shouted loudly.

At this time, as a friendly army, he never thought of going to rescue the Eastern European Army and Western European Army immediately, but thought of attacking Tianyue City.

If the Qin army attacked with all its strength and sneaked up on the rebel camp outside the north city gate, he would not be polite, and would rush into the city at this moment and seize everything.


As soon as the soldier heard this, he immediately left with his hands in his hands.


"Report, please report to Your Majesty, the Qin Army is fighting with our East and West European Army outside the North City Gate, and it is the Qin Army who attacked the camp!"

At the same time, there were also soldiers coming to report to the guard at the west gate, in front of King Zheyue.

Now among the princes and kings of Baiyue, the kings of Zheyue and Minyue are the most respected and the oldest.

There is no way. When the countries were exterminated, although they did not kill all the royal families of the countries, except for the kings of Minyue and Zheyue, they were controlled from the beginning.None of the kings of other countries survived.

Those kings and descendants raised their arms and shouted, although their appeal is not small, but it is already considered invincible to form an army of [-].

Like the King of Minyue and the King of Zheyue, there are very few people whose appeal still exists.

After the two came back, they raised their troops to rebel, and immediately gathered 20 troops each.If all the others in the back are gathered together, 30 is probably more than enough.

"Investigate and report again, find out for me, there is still Qin Jun in Tianyue City!"

Zheyue King Lu Nan's choice was exactly the same as that of Minyue King. With a loud shout, he also looked at Tianyue City.

As for the other side, that is outside the south gate, because it was besieging the city with the rebels in the north.

But after all, one front and one back, one south and one north, it is difficult to face each other.Therefore, for a while, they didn't find that outside the east gate, there was already chaos.

"Report... Your Majesty, Tianyue City is heavily guarded and has a large army stationed there!"

"Report, Your Majesty, the Qin Army has [-] soldiers and horses in this sneak attack on the northern camp. At this moment, the Eastern European and Western European armies have been killed without any power to fight back. Please help!"

Lu Nan, king of Zhejiang and Yue, and Weng Baishou, king of Minyue, each occupied one side, and received the report from the following at the same time.


"The 16 Qin army defeated the [-] army?"

"Are you kidding, are those two bastards vegetarian?"

When Lu Nan heard it, he was immediately happy, because he was so angry.

With 2 horses, 16 troops were defeated. This is simply the most absurd thing in history.

However, things have happened, and it is useless to be angry.

"By the way, troops have been dispatched at the North City Gate, so how is the defense at the North City Gate?"

Thinking of something, Lu Nan suddenly asked.

Even though he learned that the west city gate guarded by him was still guarded by an army, Lu Nan still did not give up the idea of ​​entering Tianyue City.

If he can find an opportunity and enter Tianyue City in one fell swoop, he will be able to seize the opportunity and destroy the Qin army in the future. In this land of Baiyue, no one can compete with him anymore.

"Report to Your Majesty, the defense of the North City Gate is empty, and there is no defender!"

The following sergeant quickly reported.

"Okay, come here, call the army and send troops to rescue the Eastern European and Western European armies!"

The corner of Lu Nan's mouth twitched slightly, and a sneer appeared.Suddenly there was a loud shout, and the order went down, and the army was ready for battle.

At the same time, outside the east city, the behavior of Weng Baishou, king of Fujian and Yue, was exactly the same as that of Lu Nan.

After finding out that the north city gate was empty and unguarded, it was immediately decided to rescue the Eastern European and Western European armies.

Of course, on the surface it was a rescue, but in fact, anyone who was not stupid would know that once they went outside the northern city and seized the opportunity, they would not care about the life and death of the Eastern European rebels and Western European rebels at all.

Entering through the North City Gate was their only purpose.

Of course, this kind of thing will not be announced, and it may not be successful.After all, everyone is not stupid, it all depends on the opportunity.

As for the rescue of the rebels in Eastern and Western Europe, that is a must, even if it is a show.

(End of this chapter)

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