Chapter 1254
"Report, the county guard, outside the northern city, the Eastern European army and the Western European army were defeated, and they were chased and killed by our army."

"Report, please report to the Sheriff, the Anti-King of Eastern Europe and the Anti-King of Western Europe have been captured and are being escorted to the Sheriff's Mansion!"

"Report, great victory, our army has killed countless enemies, and is still chasing and killing them. General Mu Quan, please tell me when to withdraw my troops!"

"Report! Please report to the governor of the county, outside the gate of the east city, the Minyue rebels have made some moves and are preparing for battle!"

"Report, please report to the governor of the county, outside the west city, the Zhejiang Yue army has made some moves, and is preparing for battle, rushing to the north gate of the city!"


In Tianyue City, in the main hall of the Sheriff's Mansion, battle reports sounded continuously, and within a short moment, all the soldiers who came to report had already knelt down.

On the side, the generals standing on the left and right were all shocked at this moment.

Before they were summoned suddenly, none of them knew what it meant.

If Ren Xiao didn't say anything, they could only wait here.Unexpectedly, suddenly, countless battle reports came.

When everyone was shocked, there were question marks all over their faces.

"Lord Sheriff, what's going on?"

Someone couldn't help it, and finally asked.

They didn't know anything about such an important thing as starting a war.

"Hehe, generals, there is something that I didn't tell you in advance, and I hope you will forgive me. It's not that I doubt you, but there is one thing that everyone knows. Now it's not just these rebels who are against me, Daqin. "

"People in Tianmen are everywhere. Therefore, before the big event is done, this county guard doesn't want to make trouble!"

"I know everyone is very strange, what is going on, why did they suddenly start fighting!"

Ren Xiao smiled lightly, and a smile finally appeared on his face that had been stern all the time. He stood up slowly, stood with his hands behind his back, and said, "Now, let the county guard tell everyone!"

"I, a Daqin armored soldier, have been taking off my armor for a long time, and after all, I no longer have the vigor of the past. Now, when I put on my armor again to go into battle, it is inevitable that I will lose my vigor!"

"Since we are going to fight, why do we have to wait for the enemy to attack and our army to defend? Most of you are here, and most of you are old generals of my Great Qin. Tell me, when was my Great Qin passively beaten?"

"No, let me tell you, I, Daqin, have always been the only ones who beat others. There has never been a time when I, Daqin, have been beaten. In the past, my Daqin was poor and weak, and I still beat whoever I said."

"Later, my Daqin was rich, and I also said that I would hit whoever I said. Now, the whole world is my Daqin, and I, Daqin, can still hit whoever I say!"

"A group of rebels gathered together a mob to think that the world is invincible. How dare they call me Tianyue City? It's simply unreasonable!"

Ren Xiao was impassioned. While speaking, he suddenly pointed at the people below, and said, "Did you hear the shouts of killing outside? Now, I, General Mu Quan, can kill the coalition forces of Eastern Europe and Western Europe outside the northern city with only 16 troops. [-] crumbled."

"Capturing the leaders of the two bandits alive shows that the sharpness of my Daqin Ruishi has never dissipated!"

"2 people, like a tiger into a flock, chasing and killing 16 rebels. You tell me, my Tianyue City now has 30 sharp soldiers. Even if the rebels claim to be 200 million, so what? Can't beat it?"

When the generals below heard the words, their faces changed again and again, and all of them turned red for a while, which was excited.

"Millions of thieves, just kill them all!"

Someone shouted loudly, and his body was full of excitement.

"That's right, my 16 army can kill his 20 mobs and run around. Can my 200 army not kill his [-] million mobs?"

"What's more, they don't have 200 million, but our army does have 30 sharp soldiers. In this battle, our Great Qin will definitely win, Great Qin Wannian!"

"The Great Qin will surely win, and the Great Qin will last forever!"

"The Great Qin will surely win, and the Great Qin will last forever!"

"The Great Qin will surely win, and the Great Qin will last forever!"

Roars sounded one after another, and the morale of the veterans who had been disarmed for a long time and had never been in battle was instantly mobilized.

"Okay, Great Qin will surely win, Great Qin Wannian!"

"Generals, seize the opportunity, even if you can't destroy the enemy, you must first show off the majesty of my Great Qin!"

Ren Xiao sat back in his seat, slapped the table, grabbed a command arrow, threw it down, and shouted: "Command General Mu Quan, and give him half an hour to hunt down the rebels. After half an hour, regardless of the result, Immediately return to the city, and the county guard will personally greet you with a banquet!"

The command arrow fell, and the lieutenant who was ordered by General Mu Quan to report the battle picked up the command arrow, cupped his hands and said, "No!"

Then he got up, trotted away, went outside the gate, got on his horse, and went straight to the gate of the North City.

"General Gu Hai obeys orders!"

Immediately afterwards, Ren Xiao looked at a general standing below and shouted in a deep voice.

"The end is here!"

Among the crowd, a thin general walked out with his hands clasped.

"General Gu Hai, the county guard ordered you to immediately deploy [-] troops to guard the north city gate. Remember, you only have a quarter of an hour. If you don't set up a good defense within a quarter of an hour, you will be killed without mercy!"

Ren Xiao stared at the general named Gu Hai, and shouted in a deep voice.

Most of the generals present here are trustworthy, and many of them are even old brothers.

It is impossible to be so harsh on weekdays.But under the war, everything is the overall situation, at all costs.

"The last general takes orders. I would like to issue a military order. I must arrange the defense within a quarter of an hour, otherwise I will come to see you!"

Gu Hai accepted the order, turned around abruptly, and strode away.

Ren Xiao yelled: "General Chen Wei listens!"

Among the crowd, Chen Wei walked out, cupped his hands and said, "The last general will obey the order!"

Ren Xiao: "Chen Wei, the governor of this county ordered you to immediately prepare an army of [-]. Once the defenders of the west city break out, you will immediately take over the tower. There must be no mistakes!"

Chen Wei cupped his hands and shouted loudly: "Promise, the last general takes orders, and we will never let the bandits take advantage of it!"

With a big wave of his hand, Chen Wei turned around and walked away with his cloak and armor fierce.

Ren Xiao yelled again: "General Wu Fang listens!"

Wu Fang walked out, cupped his hands and shouted: "The last general will obey orders!"

Ren Xiao said loudly: "Wu Fang, the governor of this county ordered you to prepare an army of [-] immediately. Once the defenders of the east city break out, you will immediately take over the tower. There must be no mistakes!"

Wu Fang cupped his hands and said excitedly: "The final general is willing to issue a military order, and never let the rebels take advantage of it, or come and see me!"

The words fell, turned around, and walked away proudly.

Ren Xiao looked at the person below again, and shouted: "General Luo Yun listens!"

Among the generals, Luo Yun stepped forward and shouted: "Luo Yun listens to the order!"

Ren Xiao waved his hand and shouted: "Luo Yun, the county guard ordered you to immediately prepare an army of [-], and wait and see in the direction of the South City Gate. Once the south city gate's right side, the South City defenders come out, you immediately take over the South City Gate!"

Hearing this, Luo Yun cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Hahaha, don't worry, Lord Magistrate, with me, Luo Yun, I will definitely not let the rebels set foot in Tianyue City. Farewell!"

After the words fell, he turned around and walked away majestically.

(End of this chapter)

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