Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1255 No Choice

Chapter 1255 No Choice

Troops were dispatched one after another, together with the previous four generals, Qian Niu, Mu Quan, Jia Gu, and Yang Hua each leading an army of [-] defenders.

In addition, Fang Cai ordered Luo Yun, Gu Hai, Chen Wei, and Wu Fang to lead 30 troops each. Half of the 16 troops in the city have already been mobilized, making a total of [-] troops.

Now Ren Xiao's subordinates don't have any top generals, there are dozens of first-class generals, but there are 16 people in total who can be called the main generals.

Of these 16 people, Mu Quan, Jia Gu, Qian Niu, Yang Hua, Luo Yun, Gu Hai, Chen Wei, and Wu Fang are counted as eight, and each has the right to lead an army of [-], and there are eight others.

At this moment, they are all standing in the hall, waiting to be dispatched.Their subordinates also each have [-] troops at their disposal.

After making all the preparations for attack and defense, Ren Xiao stared at the eight generals below again, and shouted: "Generals, next, each of you dispatches [-] troops, ready to join the battle at any time!"

When the eight people heard the words, they clapped their hands in agreement at the same time, turned and left.

Although it was just a small attack on the camp, Ren Xiao had mobilized the entire army so far.

After all, there are some things, it is better to take precautions before they happen.

If the outside fight goes well, he doesn't mind sending troops there again, if he can win a bigger victory, of course he wants to win a bigger victory.

If the battle outside is unfavorable, the battle tonight will cause the rebels to counterattack and attack the city, he will not be passively beaten slowly.

Of course, you have to give the opponent a hard blow to let them know how indestructible Tianyue City is.

Ren Xiao is a general, but also a generation of civil servants.

He has the blood and courage to be a general, but he also has the calmness and calculations to be a civil servant.

His style of fighting has always been steady and steady.Even some practices seem risky.

Just like today, Tianyue City has been besieged by rebels, yet he still dares to attack.Such an approach can be described as extremely risky.But in fact, everything is under his control.

His style of play is still steady and steady, at least he can make money without losing money.

"You wait, investigate again, and report again!"

After having to dispatch troops and generals again, Ren Xiao just looked at the heavily armored soldier in front of him to report again, waved his hand, and shouted.


All the soldiers got up and left quickly.

This night is destined to be an exciting night, but also a sleepless night.

In Tianyue City, I don't know how many people were awakened by the sound of swords and soldiers outside in the middle of the night, hiding at home and not daring to show their heads.

In the streets and alleys, Daqin Heijia is everywhere, moving back and forth.

The sound of footsteps and the collision of nail leaves, one after another, formed the sound of faces in the whole city, like the waves of the sea, shocking people's hearts.


Outside the east city and west city, the Fujian-Yue rebels and the Zhejiang-Yue rebels finally finished their preparations. Following an order, the two armies raised their torches and turned into mighty fire dragons, encircling the north gate from both sides. and go.

Inside the city, [-] troops, under the command of General Gu Hai, rushed up to the north city gate at the same time, occupying the city tower here, condescending, sharpening their knives and preparing their equipment for battle.

"Quick, hurry up and report to your lord, and say that the Minyue army has already packed up and headed towards the North Tower, and this general requests to fight!"

Upstairs in the East City, watching the Minyue army turn into fire dragons, General Qianniu yelled loudly, and shouted to the lieutenant beside him: "Tell General Ren Xiao that the Minyue rebels stayed in the camp with only 3 people, but they can be destroyed with one sentence! "


The deputy general took the order, rushed down the tower quickly, galloped away on the horse, and went straight to the county guard's mansion.

"Immediately report to your lord that the Zheyue Army stayed behind to guard the camp with no more than [-] troops, and the rest of them have already rushed to the north tower. This general requests to fight!"

On the other side, on the West Tower, General Yang Hua looked at the Zhejiang and Vietnam Army heading straight to the north, and gave instructions to the deputy general beside him.


The deputy general took the order and hurried to the sheriff's mansion.


"Sir, Madam suddenly has a stomachache and is about to give birth!"

In the county guard's mansion, Ren Xiao sat in the main hall and was controlling the situation on the battlefield when suddenly, an urgent voice sounded.

I saw a nanny trotting over, yelling at Ren anxiously.

"What, it's not too early to finish giving birth, and give birth at this time?"

Ren Xiao's face changed, and he shouted: "Isn't the child only eight months old, and he is not yet full-term. How could he be born at this time?"

The nanny looked anxious, and quickly shouted: "Master, Madam gave birth prematurely, it is very dangerous. Master, please go and see Madam!"

Ren Xiao got up and walked quickly towards the back hall.

But he didn't take two steps, but suddenly stopped, frowned, raised his hand and said: "At all costs, save my wife and child."

"If there is any danger, Madam is the first one. If any accident happens to Madam, I will use your name to fill it in!"

As he spoke, Ren Xiao turned his head abruptly, with a cold light flickering in his eyes, staring at the nanny, and shouted: "Remember, send someone to bring me all the best stable women in the city immediately, if something happens to Madam , tell them, he will not live anymore!"

"And the doctor, all the doctors in the city, also called me all night, ready at any time, don't let the madam suffer the slightest repayment, do you hear me!"

The nanny was stunned, a little silly, and said: "Master... master... you... don't you go and see..."

Ren Xiao said angrily: "My master asked you, do you understand?"

Momo hurriedly nodded and said, "Ming...understood..."

Ren Xiao waved his hand and shouted: "Understood, then what are you still doing? Immediately, immediately, act for me. If you dare to make Madam suffer a little more harm and pain, I will kill you!"

While speaking, Ren Xiao's eyes were already red.

He and his wife got married in the middle of last year, and now they are eight months pregnant, which is less than a month. No matter what, he never thought that they would give birth prematurely.

If he knew that it would happen today, he would never initiate a war today.

But now, with the flames of war, 30 soldiers are on standby.

On the battlefield, fighter planes are fleeting.A little carelessness can not help but lose the record, and it is even more likely that countless soldiers will die because of it.

He is the governor of Nanhai County, who patrols hunting on behalf of the sky, and sits in the southern border.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the king of the southern border.Now that the southern border is full of rebellions, these hundreds of thousands of troops are his family property.Once the family property is gone, the Great Qin Southern Territory will surely fall. "

"How can he be worthy of Qin, the emperor, and those hundreds of thousands of soldiers who were disarmed and returned to the fields, but because of his call, they joined the army again?

The wife is very important, the children are very important.But compared with Daqin Jiangshan and the lives of hundreds of thousands of brothers, which one is more important, he has no one and no chance to choose.

He is someone else's husband, someone else's father, but he is also the commander of an army of hundreds of thousands, a minister of the Great Qin Dynasty, who patrols hunting on behalf of the sky, and can be called a king.

There are too many people he can't live up to, so he has no choice but to shoulder his own responsibilities.

(End of this chapter)

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