Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1256 The sword is unsheathed

Chapter 1256 The sword is unsheathed
The flames of war broke out in Liaoyuan, and the shouts and killings outside the city shook the sky and the earth.

In the main hall of the Sheriff's Mansion, Ren Xiao frowned, feeling tormented.

At this moment, every minute and every second seemed as long as thousands of years in his impression.

The news of the wife's child has not been implemented for a moment, and his heart is always tugging, carrying, worrying and fearing.

Can a premature fetus be born smoothly?Can the lady's body withstand the harm caused by premature birth?
What is the situation now?

Is it good or bad?

he does not know!

He dare not ask!
He dare not look!
Because outside, Mu Quan's army, which was still fighting in the enemy's hinterland, was still fighting the bandits in Pingming because of his order at this moment, and had not yet returned.

He had to wait here for the news of Mu Quan's [-] troops, otherwise, if he missed it, perhaps the [-] brothers would have to die outside the city.

Therefore, he didn't dare to ask what happened in the back hall, he was afraid that he would be unable to bear it and leave here.

The only thing he can do now is to wait, wait for the news from the front line, and wait for the news from the back hall.

The combination of inside and outside, and the restless waiting in his heart, made Ren Xiao fall into unprecedented pain.


"My lord, outside the west city gate, the Zhejiang Yue army has already rushed towards the north city gate, and the camp is only guarded by [-] rebels. General Yang Hua asked for orders to send troops to destroy the rebel camp in one fell swoop, killing the rebels by surprise!"

During the long wait, Ren Xiao woke up with a loud shout.

Ren Xiao looked down, and saw Yang Hua's lieutenant kneeling down on the ground.

"Command General Yang Hua, ready to fight!"

After the words fell, he raised a command arrow and threw it directly in front of the lieutenant general.


The deputy general agreed, picked up the command arrow, and left in a hurry.

As soon as he rushed to the gate, he collided with the guard of the east gate, General Qianniu's lieutenant general, and the two passed shoulder to shoulder.

"My lord, outside the east city gate, the Minyue rebels have assembled and are heading towards the north gate. General Qianniu asks for orders to fight, and kills the Minyue army by surprise, and directly attacks Huanglong!"

General Qianniu's lieutenant quickly rushed into the hall, cupping his hands and shouting.

"Hmph, you two old fellows are really restless. Since you guys insist on courting death, then I'll do whatever I want for you!"

Ren Xiao sneered, and shouted: "Command General Qianniu, the county guard is ready to fight, and he must kill every single piece of the enemy's army!"

After saying that, Ren Xiao raised a command arrow, threw it directly, and landed in front of the lieutenant general.


The deputy general took the order, picked up the command arrow, and left quickly.

Soon, the east gate and the west gate were opened one after another, and [-] troops each rushed out.


"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Outside the west city, a mighty army rushed out like a torrent.

At this moment, although there are only [-] troops left in the camp outside the city, the Zhejiang Army is already ready to fight.

As soon as they heard the movement, [-] troops gathered, lit torches, and frantically rushed towards the Qin army.

At this moment, it is obviously impossible to carry out a sneak attack like the previous attack on the enemy at the North City Gate.

The armies of the two sides collided quickly, and arrows rained all over the sky.

However, the rebels are rebels. After Daqin took control of the southern border, the resources of the southern border have basically been integrated by Daqin.

Now, all the combat equipment, bows, crossbows and arrows, armor, knives, guns, swords and halberds are basically placed in Tianyue City.

It's ridiculous for these rebels to compete for resources with the Qin army.

In terms of numbers, they can occupy an absolute advantage, but in terms of resources, the Qin army can crush dozens of them casually, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is hundreds of thousands of miles away.

For example, at this moment, out of the [-] troops from the west city of Great Qin, at least [-] were equipped with bows and arrows, and another [-] soldiers were equipped with war horses.

Look at the rebel army, which is also 2 people, equipped with bows and arrows, no more than a thousand people, and I'm afraid it's about four or five hundred at most.As for the war horses, I am afraid that there are only a few dozen of them.

As soon as the two sides collided, facing the overwhelming arrows of the Qin army, countless rebels were instantly shot and killed into sieves, and the dead could not die again.

On the other hand, the Qin army was well equipped, with tens of thousands of people shooting bows and arrows, and nearly ten thousand people held up shields to guard against enemy arrows.

After several consecutive rounds of shooting, the casualties of the Qin army were almost negligible, but the rebels had fallen in large numbers.

The Qin army held up the torches and turned them into fire dragons.

After the bow and arrow were suppressed, the two sides collided together.

The Qin army rushed forward with thousands of people, and instantly divided the rest of the rebels who participated in the charge.Qin Jun rushed up from behind, watching and killing indiscriminately.

A battle turned into a massacre in an instant.

The movement here quickly attracted the attention of the Zheyue rebels who had already left six or seven miles ahead.

"No, it's a hit!"

When King Zheyue discovered the situation here, he saw that the remaining rebels had been slaughtered, and a monstrous fire had already ignited in the rebel camp.

It was too late to say all of this, and it was soon. At this moment, the [-] Qin army had already prepared for battle again, and went straight to King Zheyue, the army that was heading towards Beicheng.


"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

After a shot, the Qin army opened the door happily, their morale was greatly boosted, and the sound of shouting and killing was loud, like thunder rolling from the sky, carrying mighty power, with a team of 2 people, it turned into a torrent of dragons and went straight to the rebels.

"Bastard, it's unreasonable!"

"Kill me back!"

King Zheyue's eyes were red. He wanted to take advantage of it, but he never thought that if he didn't take advantage of it, he would feel ashamed instead.

Now that the camp is being held, if he doesn't give some indication, then what is it?
With an order, the army began to turn around one after another, heading straight for the direction of the Qin army.

However, this army is just a mob that has just been assembled, and it is fine without any formal unified training.

Now that the camp has been taken away, the [-] defenders who stayed behind didn't even resist a single face-to-face, and were directly killed by the Qin army.

That invisible pressure directly enveloped everyone's heart, making the remaining 18 troops have no will to fight at all, and it can be said that their morale is complete.

2 people can't bear the massacre in less than half a quarter of an hour, so what about the 18 people?Can it withstand it, or how long can it last?
The human heart is like this, it is inevitable to be afraid and fearful.

And fear is a big taboo in the army. Once it is born, morale will be lost and the battlefield will be defeated.

At this moment, there are more than 18 Qin troops and [-] Zheyue rebels. One side of the sword hides its front.

One side's equipment was shabby, and they were caught off guard. Even the place where they stayed was taken away by others, and their morale was low.

Comparing the two, the arrow is like a sharp sword, colliding with a pair of scorpions.

The sword is not very long, nor is it very large.There are a lot of bad things, but when the two collide, the result can be imagined.


There was a burst of shouting and killing, and the armies of both sides were getting closer and closer, and the closer they were, the more emboldened the rebels were.

(End of this chapter)

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