Chapter 1257


The two armies collided thoroughly.

The rain of arrows covered the sky, and the war horses turned into sights, and directly returned the rebels to their baskets, and directly styled them from the middle.

That's split from head to tail, not interrupted at the waist.

The collision between the two is like the collision between a rock and a clod of soil. In an instant, the stone has smashed the clod of soil to pieces.

It is also like the collision between the ax and the wood. When the ax goes down, the wood splits instantly.

At this moment, the rebel army had no power to fight back in front of the Qin army.

The demoralized rebels were so frightened when they confronted the vanguard that their hands were trembling. How could they have the strength to hold their weapons and charge forward?

After the vanguard was defeated, the rear army was even more vulnerable. A fire dragon was directly smashed to pieces by a thousand cavalry from the Great Qin Front Army.

When the Qin army arrived in the rear, and raised the butcher knife, it was a massacre.



"Pu Chi Pu Chi..."

The screams continued, and countless rebels began to flee in all directions, or were beheaded to the ground.

It doesn't matter if you don't run away, after running away, there are still some fighting spirits who are rushing forward.

As a result, they collided with the fleeing rebels in front of them, and they were crowded together, and the formation suddenly became chaotic.

Before the Qin army had fully exerted enough massacre power, these rebels killed each other and trampled on themselves, causing countless casualties.

After Qin Jun saw this, his morale was boosted even more.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The sound of shouting and killing was deafening, and every soldier of the Qin army was tearing their hearts out, as if they were venting the stuffiness in their chests.

The sound of shouting and killing frightened the chaotic rebels even more.

A one-sided massacre completely unfolded outside the West Tower.

At the same time, on the other side, outside the East City Gate, this scene was also happening.

As the Minyue army left and the gates of the city opened, the Qin army rushed into the enemy camp in one go, massacred [-] rebels, lit a monstrous fire, and swept every corner of the enemy camp.

Immediately afterwards, the Qin army led by General Qianniu completely collided with the main force of the Minyue rebel army.

The same mob, the same vulnerable.

The Qin army rushed into the enemy army with such force that it broke apart, trampled on each other, and fled in all directions, causing countless casualties.



"My lord, the morale of our army has been greatly boosted. The Zheyue rebels are vulnerable and have been dispersed. They are being chased and killed by our army!"

An urgent report sounded, and the messenger of Yang Hua, the guard of the West City, arrived, and he knelt down on the ground with an excited face.

Still small eyelids twitched suddenly, and a smile finally appeared on his face.

Just about to speak, but at this moment, there was another urgent call from outside.


"My lord, the Minyue rebels are vulnerable, they have been dispersed by our army, and they are chasing and killing them!"

As soon as the words fell, General Qianniu's messenger broke in with a happy expression on his face.

"it is good!"

Ren Xiao slapped the table and said with a smile: "Great victory, what a great victory!"


The sudden emergency report dispelled the sullenness in many Ren Xiao's hearts and made everyone laugh.

"My lord, General Wu Fang has led an army of [-] troops to garrison the West Tower!"

"Master Cavalry, General Chen Wei has led an army of [-] to garrison the east gate!"

At this moment, two figures rushed in again, shouting loudly.

"No need, order General Wu Fang to lead an army of [-] troops out of the city, join forces with General Yang Hua, and make sure to slaughter all the enemy troops!"

"Order General Chen Wei to immediately lead the army to the outside of the east city, join forces with General Qianniu, and do our best to expand the results of the battle!"

Ren Xiao waved his hand and gave a soft drink.

Sure enough, the good news came, and the opportunity to expand the results of the battle came.How can Ren Xiao, who has been prepared in advance, let it go?

With an order, soon, the Dongcheng Gate and the West Citymen each committed another [-] troops, and combined with the army that had been killed in front, they launched an unprecedented massacre against the rebels.

Immediately afterwards, Ren Xiao sent another order, and the gate of the north city was opened wide. General Gu Hai, who had been firmly guarding the tower of the north city for a long time, immediately led an army of [-], and followed him.

Launched a more ferocious pursuit and massacre of the Eastern European rebels and Western European rebels who had already been killed and fled in all directions.

With the overall situation set, no one would have thought that Ren Xiao would dare to send troops without authorization in the face of the siege of 80 million troops, as if he had taken the courage of an ambitious leopard.

That's all, it was just a raid on the camp, but it brought unprecedented effects.

So the battle of 2 people has become a battle of 6 people, and now it has become a battle of 12 people.

With 12 people, the three sides fought, and each side had [-] troops. It can be said that they are invincible and invincible.

And when the armies of all parties were fighting, Ren Xiao did not sit idle and continued to deliver orders.

In the direction of the north city gate, the fight had been going on for a long time. By this time, most of the rebels who could escape had already fled into the forest and were unable to continue their pursuit.

As for those who cannot escape, Mu Quan's [-] troops plus Gu Hai's [-] troops are enough to wipe them out one by one, there is no need to continue to send people to help.

On the other hand, outside the east city gate and west city gate, the battle had just started not long ago, so it was the best opportunity to massacre the enemy.

Ren Xiao had no intention of letting go of his mobile phone at all. After successively dispatching Wu Fang's army and Chen Wei's army to assist in the massacre outside the east and west cities, he sent an urgent order to order the two chief generals in the city to lead an army of [-] each, and head towards the east and west gates. out.

In an instant, the army participating in the battle jumped from 12 to 16.

In addition to only [-] troops at the north gate, the Qin army at the east and west gates had already gathered [-], and the killing was truly earth-shattering, with ghosts crying and gods howling.

At the same time, Ren Xiao sent another order, three generals, each leading 2 troops, stationed on the three major towers in the east, west, and north.

At this point, the Qin army in the city was almost dispatched. Apart from Jia Gu's [-] troops who were going out to prepare for the battle, and Luo Fang's [-] troops who were going to replace Jia Gu's [-] troops, there were only six of the other three generals left. Wan Dajun is the last strength of the Qin army.

At this moment, outside the Sifang City Gate, other city gates were already in full swing, but the South City Gate was still the same, and there was no movement at all.

"How could it be, why is there still no movement at all?"

Jia Gu stood at the head of the city, looking at the rebels outside, speechless.

Now, the Wuyue rebels and the Yangyue rebels gathered outside the south city gate, each with 20 troops, and the combined army was [-].

At this moment, other places have already been fighting earth-shatteringly. Here, the two armies acted as if nothing had happened.

"General, do you think that the so-called King Yang Yue and King Wu Yue have seen through the master's plan and refused to send troops?"

Beside General Jia Gu, the lieutenant asked cautiously.

(End of this chapter)

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