Chapter 1258
"Fart, even the two old bastards, the King of Minyue and the King of Zheyue, can't see through it, just relying on those two brats, can they see through it?"

"I still don't believe it, you go tell the adults, let the adults try to use the power of the Black Ice Platform, check to see what's going on, do you want to send troops!"

General Jiagu looked unhappy, today is a good opportunity to make meritorious service.Everyone else is fighting in full swing, so you can't let him hold back here, can you?
The Huns below were all looking outside eagerly.

Now, the veterans who have been disarmed and returned to the field may only have this chance to go to the battlefield. If they don't get any credit for their farts, wouldn't it be a pity in the future?
The most important thing is that if you don't seize this opportunity and inflict heavy damage on the enemy, if there is a change in the future, it will be related to the lives of hundreds of thousands of veteran brothers.

As the chief general, Jia Gu couldn't let him go.


Hearing the words, the lieutenant bowed his hands and promised, then turned and left.


"What, there is no movement yet!"

When Ren Xiao got the report, he was also a little silly.

"Could it be that those two brats really saw through our army's plan?"

Ren Xiao muttered to himself, but soon, this idea was refuted by him.

"Impossible, even Weng Baishou and Lu Nan didn't realize it. I don't believe these two brats have figured it out so quickly!"

It has to be said that Ren Xiao's thinking is exactly the same as that of Jia Gu.

Below, Lieutenant General Jia Gu looked at Ren Xiao dumbfounded, and said to himself, "These two are indeed brothers who have worked together for many years, and they think exactly the same!"

"In this way, you go back and tell Jia Gu to let him stand still and wait for me to discuss and find out the enemy's situation before sending an order to him!"

After pondering for a moment, Ren Xiao suddenly said to the lieutenant general.


The lieutenant promised, turned around and left.

After the deputy general left, Ren Xiao immediately called for the Iron Eagle Swordsman of the Black Ice Platform who was in charge of the news channel here, and with an order, the Black Ice Platform immediately started to operate.

It has to be said that the speed of the Black Ice Platform is still very fast. It didn't take long for the news to come.

"My lord, don't doubt about the South Gate. The South Gate is where the sons of King Wuyue and King Yangyue sat. After Wuyue and Yang Yue were defeated, these two boys became captives and laborers, working hard day and night. , there is no good life to live!"

"Now, raise the banner and call for one hundred thousand troops each. There is something in your hand, and you can't hold back. You eat and drink all day long. Before the battle, the two of them were already drunk!"

"Many generals are also stumbling around, without any response. There are piles of news reported one after another, but no one pays attention!"

Iron Eagle Swordsman came to the main hall, stood aside, and bowed to Ren Xiao.

"What, so drunk that you haven't woken up by this time?"

When Ren Xiao heard it, he was immediately happy.

I thought these two boys had seen through their plan, they were enjoying their feelings too much, and they didn't know where it was at all.

"Come here, send an order to General Jia Gu, let General Jia Gu and General Luo Yun join forces, go out of the city, attack Huanglong directly, and destroy the Wu Yue and Yang Yue rebels for me!"

Shaking his head, Ren Xiao shouted loudly, and the military order came out.

Soon, on the upper floor of the South City, Jia Gu and Luo Yun's army who were preparing to substitute in the city got orders at the same time.

The gate of the city was opened wide, and two armies, totaling 4 people, rushed out of the city.


"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Shouts of killing erupted everywhere, instantly alarming the Yang Yue rebels and Wu Yue rebels outside the city.

The rebels on both sides were taken aback and began to stop the resistance one after another.

However, the coaches and generals of the two armies are almost still in their dreams.With the following people, there is no appeal.Even if resistance can be organized, it will be on a small scale.

The army of the two sides collided, the rain of arrows covered the sky, the horses flew, and the lights of swords and swords instantly killed the rebels into chaos.

"No, my lord, the Qin army is here!"

"My lord, the Qin army is coming!"

In addition to the tents of Wu Yue and Yang Yue, as well as the tents of the generals, there were people kneeling at this moment.

However, most of the generals are still snoring earth-shatteringly at this moment.

Good guy, the sound of fighting outside didn't alarm them at all.

On the other hand, some generals who were light sleepers and not so drunk were alarmed immediately.

But when they ran out to take a look, they saw mountains of corpses and seas of blood everywhere in all directions.

Countless arrows rained down, and the Qin army was not polite. Wherever they passed, gods blocked and killed gods, and Buddhas blocked and killed Buddhas.

Everything that stands in the way, no matter what it is, will be swept away.

At the same time, the fire was not polite, and countless arsonists directly burned the camp to the sky.

"This this……"

Those generals who had reacted saw this scene, and instantly became sober.

But at this moment, where do they still have the slightest fighting spirit?

Facing the ferocious Qin army like a tiger, he was so frightened that his first thought was to run away.

Run as far as you can, anyway, you can't stay anymore, staying is courting death.

So a group of generals who reacted began to gather their men in a panic and evacuated from behind.

As for more generals, their buttocks were burned, and they were still sleeping with their heads covered.

Especially Wuyue Wangzhang and Yangyuewangzhangzhong.

I saw the king of Wuyue, staring at the word "capture" on his forehead, completely naked, holding two people on the left and right.

Good guy, that's really one dragon and four phoenixes, so happy.

"what happened!"

Maybe it was too noisy outside, the four beauties were finally woken up, they rubbed their eyes, raised their heads, and looked around in puzzlement.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, you can see the flames outside the tent.

Suddenly, a scream sounded.



A figure flew close to the camp, and a huge cut was cut on his body.


Seeing the bloody gash on the Wuyue soldier, the four beauties panicked, and hurriedly pulled the quilt aside, trying to cover up their whiteness.

However, it was too late to cover up at this time.

I saw Jia Gu rushing in personally leading dozens of soldiers. Seeing this scene, Jia Gu was speechless.

"Good guy, it's really comfortable to sleep!"

Jia Gu shook his head and said with a smile.

"Come here, kill them all, leave no one behind!"

While speaking, Jia Gu mercilessly gave an order, and dozens of soldiers behind him stepped forward and killed him directly.

He didn't even spare those four beauties, and directly chopped them into several pieces with a knife.

As for King Wuyue in his drunken dream, he died peacefully. He probably didn't understand until he died, why he went to the underworld for no reason.

"Pass down the order, strangle with all your strength, and leave no one behind!"

After the king's account was settled, Jia Gu immediately ordered the [-] troops under his command to massacre the Wuyue rebels relentlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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