Chapter 1259

"Kill me..."

On the other side, Luo Yun and Jia Gu have a detailed division of labor. Jia Gu is responsible for dealing with the Wuyue rebels, and Luo Yun is responsible for dealing with the Yangyue rebels.

Fighting all the way, I saw that Luo Yun was bloodthirsty, leading hundreds of troops to the outside of King Yangyue's tent.

With a loud shout, the army rushed to kill, killing all the rebels outside the king's account.

Just as he was about to rush into the king's account, he saw twelve or thirteen naked women running out in a panic.

Seeing the situation outside, each of them screamed, with fear on their faces.


Seeing this scene, Luo Yun was a little silly.

Good guy, thirteen women, what happened in this royal account?
Imagine that he has a toothache. Isn't the so-called King Yang Yue not afraid of consuming himself to death on a woman's belly?
In the back, all the soldiers of the Qin army were a little stunned.

Beauty, that is a naked beauty.

If this group of men couldn't swallow their saliva after watching it, it would be abnormal.

"What do you look at? Are you here to fight a war or watch women? Kill them all!"

Luo Yun turned his head and saw that the soldier behind him was motionless, and immediately became upset.

At this time, the two sides are fighting, and you are all here to stare at the beautiful women, what's the matter?Do you want to wait until the enemy army comes to chop you up?
It really makes no sense.

It is tolerable and unbearable.

After Luo Yun gave the order, the soldiers below were still a little bit reluctant.It wasn't until Luo Yun rushed forward, cutting off all the women one by one, that everyone realized.

For a moment, everyone looked at Luo Yun resentfully.

I just feel that this general is too unreasonable, there are so many bachelors in the army, even if you take them back to let the brothers try something new.

However, the Daqin army has strict discipline. If you say that you go whoring on weekdays, that's no problem.

You say you can find a wife with peace of mind, that's fine, the army will also arrange rewards for you, let you be an example for the whole army, and teach brothers how to marry a wife.

But if you want to talk about robbing women to play in the army, then you are courting death.

Besides, what is this place?

Luo Yun is not bloodthirsty, and in normal times, these women would be released as soon as they were released, he didn't care whether they lived or died.

But now, the existence of this group of women is obviously very easy to disturb the morale of the army.

Although it may not be able to set off big waves, but the Qianli Dam collapsed with ant nests, there are some things that have to be guarded against.

The safety of hundreds of thousands of troops and the life and death of a few women are more important, as long as you are not a fool, you know how to choose.

Therefore, these women were directly doomed by Luo Yun.

"Kill me in!"

After beheading those women, Luo Yun swung his long sword and took the lead, charging into the king's account.

The crowd behind him rushed in, it's not too bad, as soon as they came in.

Good guy, I saw King Yang Yue's fat body pressing down on the two women.

The two women had already panicked, but this King Yang Yue was too fat. Looking at his body, he might weigh four to five hundred catties to say the least.

The two women tried their best, but they couldn't push him away. They could only watch Qin Jun come in naked.

The scene full of jokes made the soldiers of the Qin army dumbfounded.

King Yang Yue really enjoyed it thoroughly.

Looking at the clothes all over the floor, everyone probably understood that those women who escaped just now were probably dancing.

The two on the bed at this moment are the ones who serve people.

"Tsk tsk tsk... see clearly? A mob is a mob. With such a king leading such an army, if they are undefeated, who will be defeated?"

"Brothers, open your eyes and let me see clearly. Anyone can learn, but you can't learn this. Since King Yang Yue likes to play with women, let him die on women's bellies!"

Luo Yun clicked his tongue and smiled.

With a big wave of his hand, immediately, the soldiers under him jumped up, allowing King Yang Yue to leave peacefully just like King Wu Yue.Even to the point of death, there are beauties by his side.

The so-called death under the peony flower, even being a ghost, is what I was talking about.

"Order the whole army to strangle Yang Yue's rebels, leaving no one behind!"

After settling the matter in Yang Yue's account, Luo Yun gave another order, and the [-] troops under his command immediately launched an endless pursuit of Wu Yue's rebels.


As time passed and reports came one after another, Ren Xiao almost forgot about his wife who was still giving birth in the back hall.

It wasn't until the sky gradually brightened that the nanny appeared in front of Ren Xiao that Ren Xiao remembered that his wife was still in labor.

"How is it, how is Madam, tell me quickly, how is Madam!"

Ren Xiao, who was still calm and composed before, looked very restless at the moment, and when he stepped forward to grab the shoulder of the nanny, he shook for a while, almost shaking his bones to pieces.

It's not his fault, he's grown old, Ren Xiao is already old.

In this era, it is too normal for a man to marry a wife and have children at the age of seventeen or eighteen.Those who were earlier, thirteen or fourteen years old, and those who became fathers at fourteen or fifteen years old had everything they wanted.

Like Ren Xiao, who only started a family at the age of 50 or [-], he is simply a bad old man.

In this life, there is basically no hope of carrying on the family line. How can he not be excited when he suddenly has a child?
However, it is a joy to get a child when you are old, and it is sad for a white-haired person to give a black-haired person.

If something goes wrong with the child today, he doesn't know what he should do.

And Madam, if anything happened, he would find it difficult to forgive himself.


Mammy was so dazed by Ren Xiao's demands that she didn't have a chance to speak, she couldn't help but yelled for a long time before letting Ren Xiao stop.

"Say it quickly, what are you doing?"

Ren Xiao roared angrily.

Mammy was speechless, and said in her heart: "So concerned, where did you go just now? Now you don't give a chance to speak, and blame others!"

I was thinking in my heart, but I didn't dare to say it out of my mouth, so I could only say: "Master, Madam is fine, and the child is fine!"

Ren Xiao was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said, "What, are you all right?"


"Tell me, is it a son or a daughter!"

After the surprise, Ren Xiao hurriedly grabbed Mammy's shoulder and shouted.

"My lord, the baby hasn't been born yet!"

Mammy said helplessly.

"What? Didn't you say premature birth? How could you not give birth again?"

When Ren Xiao heard this, he suddenly became a little stupid.

Wouldn't it make people worry blindly if they will give birth in a while and not give birth in a while?

"That's how it happened. I thought it was going to be premature, but it was just fetal movement. It's just that this time it was a little serious, and the labor pain was severe. The doctors checked each and every one of them, and they said that I couldn't give birth for the time being, but I believe it won't be long. Maybe it won't last until full term!"

Mammy explained in a low voice with a bitter face.

"Oh, that's how it is. As long as there's nothing wrong, it's fine. As long as people are good, it doesn't matter if they are born early or late, they are all good!"

Ren Xiao laughed, he didn't know anything about having a baby, but now that the successes are coming, his wife and children are fine, this is great news for him.

(End of this chapter)

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