Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1260 8 Beast Figures

Chapter 1260 Eight Beast Figures

For a while in Tianyue City, Ren Xiao originally planned to come to the camp just once to see if he could take advantage of it.

In his words, try every means to kill [-] enemy troops to boost his prestige.

But I didn't expect that it doesn't matter if you don't fight, once you fight, you won't be able to hold back.

Good guy, 20 troops rushed out of the Sifang City Gate, and all the rebels who surrounded Tianyue City fled in all directions, and the Qin army chased and killed them all the way.

Originally, it was only a one-night battle, or a one-night battle that was not needed, but in the end, they chased and killed the enemy for three days and three nights.

It wasn't until the end that the soldiers were exhausted and there was nothing they could do, so they gave up chasing.

When counting the results at the end, the glorious record made the army participating in the battle so excited that they couldn't sleep.

In this battle, 58 enemy troops were wiped out, and 76 Baiyue rebels were wiped out. Only less than 20 were left, and they no longer knew where to flee.Even if you want to get together, there is basically no chance.

In other words, the Baiyue rebels were directly wiped out by half after this battle.

The remaining half has not yet arrived, but based on today's battle, even if the other half comes and morale improves, everyone will not be afraid anymore.

The celebration was in full swing, a celebration banquet, sweeping the whole city.

Even Ren Xiao himself never imagined that he would be able to fight such a brilliant battle in his lifetime.

Although there is a lot of luck involved in this battle, luck is often a part of strength sometimes, isn't it?

If what he is facing this time is not a group of mobs, but an existence like the army of the Huns and the army of the Donghu.It is certain that it is difficult for him to achieve such a victory.You can't even dream of such a good dream.

It doesn't even need to be the existence of the Xiongnu army and the Donghu army. Even if it is the army of hundreds of countries, he can't take advantage of it like this.

It's a pity that these gathered rebels are only mobs after all, and compared with half of the regular army, the difference is not 01:30.

Even the armies under King Minyue and King Zheyue were no exception.It can only be said that there are more people.As for combat power, that's it.

What's more, these rebels have no one to preside over them, and it's just that they can't form a single line. Among them, there is no qualified coach to sit in the central army, so they are even more like a group of live targets.

As long as there is a qualified commander, as long as any army can condense and form an effective resistance, it is impossible for the Qin army to win such a victory.

It's a pity that if there is no one, there is no one, which is one of the reasons why the rebels from all walks of life were defeated.

What's more, like King Yangyue and King Wuyue, if they didn't open their eyes until they died, then the defeat was not wronged at all.

There are too many factors that are beneficial to Daqin in this battle.Thinking about it for a while, Ren Xiao felt that if he couldn't win such a record in this battle, his life would be considered in vain.

Of course, these are things to follow.

The return of the army, the celebration banquet, the afterthoughts, etc., are all things that will come later.

At this moment, Qin Jun is still chasing and killing wildly.


When Ren Xiao ran towards the gate of victory with his face on his face, the sky was already bright on the other side, in the territory of Zhao.

Early in the morning, a group of mysterious people suddenly came to Crying Mountain.

Crying Mountain, a holy land of fairy mountains, has beautiful scenery.

Allure the city, the rising sun emerges, and the purple air comes from the east.

Everything is attached, and the green mountains and green waters are like paintings, so beautiful.

Next to a stream in the mountains, a thatched hut was built.

In front of the thatched hut, above the stream, on a large flat rock, an old man was lying on the rock, making a look like a tiger pouncing on it.

This pose looks easy, but when you actually put it on, you will find that the meridians all over your body are stretched, as if you want to tear people apart.

I saw the old man's complexion flushed for a while, and the skin all over his body gradually turned red, like an old iron.

He held on to this posture for a quarter of an hour, and he had already sweated so much that his clothes were completely wet.

And just a quarter of an hour later, when he turned around, he looked like a puppy peeing.

This posture was a bit unsightly, but the moment this posture stretched out, only a crackling sound could be heard from his whole body.

Good guy, it seems that all the bones in his body have been crushed and fused together again.

This pose is obviously more strenuous than the previous pose.

After supporting for a moment, his body was already trembling.

But he still held on for a quarter of an hour, and then changed his posture again.

Another weird pose was posed, but this time it was not just frozen in one pose, but a series of movements.

That is the posture of a galloping horse.

His back is straight, his neck is straight, and his face is raised forward.Standing straight with both hands and feet, he kept rising and falling on the stone.

Perhaps very few people have done this pose, and even if they did, it was only possible for them to do it when they were children.

Relatively speaking, children's muscles and bones are softer than those of adults, and it is easier to pose in any pose than adults.

But even for a child, when he poses in such a galloping posture, his whole body will feel severe pulling pain, let alone an old man.

Sure enough, soon, the old man was covered with fog, as if his whole body was burned.

The sweat came out, was evaporated by the body temperature, evaporated and came out again, over and over again.

Seeing that another quarter of an hour passed, just when he was about to change his posture.

Suddenly, the old man raised his eyes, raised his hands, stood up abruptly, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked around in all directions.

Not far away, a dozen people came from the upper reaches of the stream at the same time, looking down at the old man from a high position.

"You are Ouyang Xun!"

Among the crowd, I saw the first person holding a long sword in his arms, looking down at the old man below with a high posture.

"It's the old man. I don't know if you all came to my crowing mountain suddenly. What's the matter?"

The old man cupped his hands and said kindly with a smile.

"Hehe, it is said that this Ouyang Xun is a master of the generation of doctors. Today, it seems that he is crazy, like a beast. What are you doing?"

Another sneered.

Ouyang Xun stared blankly, and said: "Young man, don't talk nonsense if you are ignorant. This is the picture of the eight beasts that I have recently researched and created. Practice it, it can drive away all diseases and strengthen your body!"

When everyone heard this, they laughed out loud, full of sarcasm.

"Now learn how to pounce from a tiger, how to piss, and how to run like a horse. This can also strengthen your body. Then what fun is there in being a human being? Just be an animal."

Some people laughed so hard that they looked at Ouyang Xun as if they were crazy.

No one took Ouyang Xun's words to heart, and didn't take the picture of eight beasts seriously.

"Why, is it funny!"

Ouyang Xun's eyes turned cold, and he said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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