Chapter 1262
"I really don't know what it means. A doctor is not allowed to save people in broad daylight. If people like you don't die, why keep them?"

Ouyang Xun withdrew his hands, came to the house, looked at the corpses in all directions, looked speechless, clapped his hands and said.

He didn't seem to feel at all about killing these people.

Although he is a doctor, he only saves people on weekdays and does not kill people.But as he said, it is precisely because he is a doctor that he has long been used to matters of life and death.

Killing a few people is really nothing to him.

As for what other people think, he doesn't care.

Others basically don't know that he can also martial arts, there is no way, anyone who knows is basically dead.

He doesn't need to use force in front of those who ask for help, so others don't know.In front of the troublemaker, since force was used, there was no need to show mercy, so the other party died.

In this way, the reputation left by this doctor in the world is only the good name of a generation of masters. As for whether he kills or not, it seems to have nothing to do with him.

"Do you want to clean it up, it looks disgusting!"

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, Ouyang Xun soon fell into deep thought again.

It seems that he can't understand the appearance of corpses all over the ground, and he seems a little lazy to take care of it.

After pondering for a long time, he seemed to think of something. The corner of Ouyang Xun's mouth raised slightly, he stretched out his hand to grab the cypress beard, and said with a smile: "Didn't they say that someone will come to clean it see a doctor, then let the doctor clean it!"

Thinking about it, he didn't bother to continue doing the eight-beast pose, so he turned around and walked towards the room.

Go back to the room, wash up, and quickly walk to the side kitchen to start a fire and cook.

About half an hour later, Ouyang Xun came to the house to eat leisurely under the big tree in front of the house with steamed buns in one hand and pickled vegetables in the other.

Those corpses seemed unable to affect his appetite at all.

Just when he was about to eat his fill, he suddenly raised his head and looked down the stream, where he saw a big man in golden armor and a young man with a sick face on his back, coming step by step.

"Hey, here we come!"

Seeing the person coming, Ouyang Xun was immediately happy, got up quickly, waved and said, "Hey, here it is, come quickly!"

Look at that appearance, where is there any gesture that a master doctor should have?He is simply an old urchin, an old urchin with a childlike heart.

It was as if he had been waiting for the arrival of those two people. He was excited and happy to see them.

Hawkeye frowned, looked up at the old man, and thought, "This is Master Ouyang?"

Regarding this point, he has no doubts at all.

Outside, when everyone mentions Ouyang Xun, most of them respectfully call him Master Ouyang.

But in fact, people who have really come into contact with Ouyang Xun will secretly call him a strange person.

Why is it called a strange man?
For nothing else, an old man, over eighty years old, is still a childlike innocence, don't you think it's strange?
It looks like a naughty boy, but in fact he is kind-hearted, old and kind. Do you think it is strange?
It's nothing more than being kind, but sometimes being very domineering, don't you think it's strange?
What is a strange person?A very strange person is called a strange person.

Looking at the old man's appearance, Hawkeye directly concluded that he was the master of strange people, Ouyang Xun.

It's just that the faint smell of blood around quickly attracted Hawkeye's attention again.

He turned his head to look, and saw corpses laying horizontally not far from the stream. For a moment, he became vigilant in his heart.

"what happened?"

"Why are there so many dead people?"

Hawkeye is now in charge of the Daqin Black Ice Terrace, but in fact, his job is still a general.

People from the military are too sensitive to blood, and even more sensitive to corpses.

He could tell at a glance that these people should have just died, probably within an hour.

For a while, he was a little strange.

It is said that this is the land of the living, even if the people who come here are about to die, that strange man Ouyang Xun can bring you back.

Come here, live and die.Never heard of anyone dying here.

For a moment, Hawkeye was a little elusive, why these people died, and they were killed.

Could this be related to Ouyang Xun?

Eagle eyes looked at Ouyang Xun, and took another step towards Ouyang Xun.

He has already come to the foot of the Crying Mountain, but the mountains are high and the forests are dense. Although the dragon's blood horse and the thousands of miles of clouds are like walking on the high mountains and rivers, it is always difficult to walk without a road in the deep mountains and old forests.So he personally carried Li Yuanba up the mountain to seek medical treatment.

This walk took two or three hours, and it was abruptly delayed.

Soon after arriving in front of the thatched cottage, Hawkeye placed Li Yuanba under the big tree, cupped his hands and said, "I've met Master Ouyang before, please don't take offense if I bother you!"

Ouyang Xun grinned, as if he was very curious about Hawkeye, he walked around around Hawkeye, looking up and down.Looking at that posture, it's like a pervert looking at a beautiful woman.

For a moment, even Hawkeye, his scalp was a little numb, and there was a faint feeling of something bad.

"Hey, how do you know that I am Master Ouyang? You have seen me? Probably not, I don't have you in my memory!"

Master Ouyang grinned and said hehe.

Hawkeye was speechless, and said: "Master Ouyang, I am here to seek medical treatment today!"

Ouyang Xun waved his hands and said, "Nonsense, you are an idiot when I am an old man, can't you see that?"

"The people who come to this old man are either seeking medical treatment or seeking death. If you don't see it over there, they are all here to seek death!"

"It's just that the old man is very curious, what kind of charm do you have that can make people want to die for you!"

As he spoke, Ouyang Xun pointed to the corpses not far away.

Hawkeye was stunned, looked over, and said, "Master Ouyang, you said they came to ask for death? What do you mean?"

Ouyang Xun was a little helpless, and said: "How do I know what it means? Just now, the old man was still doing morning class, but this group of bastards, really not a thing, came to the old man, saying that someone asked for a doctor, Let the old man refuse the door, or just perfunctory or something!"

"Isn't this smashing the old man's brand? How unreasonable!"

"You said, it's fine for them to smash the old man's signboard, and dare to insult and bully the old man, it's really unreasonable!"

"In the end, it's okay for them to insult me. I don't care if they bully me. It's unreasonable for them to dare to kill me!"

After listening to Ouyang Xun say three times in a row, how could this be unreasonable, Hawkeye understood, and said, "So, you killed them?"

Ouyang Xun nodded and said with a smile: "Smart, these little bastards really think that people are easy to bully when they are old, they are really ignorant."

"Don't you know that there is a saying that Jiang is still old? Those who can fight are basically old men?"

(End of this chapter)

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