Chapter 1263
"You mean, they're here to deal with me?"

Hawkeye frowned, and he also understood that these people were here to prevent Ouyang Xun from helping him save others.

"Otherwise? It's not to deal with you, is it still to deal with the old man?"

"Don't be joking, okay, this old man has been kind to others all his life, and has never had any grudges with others. There is no grievance or enmity, and people come to trouble this old man, do you believe it?"

Ouyang Xun curled his lips, there was something he didn't say, anyone who had a grudge against him was basically slaughtered by him, and there was nothing he could do to trouble him.

"Hey, by the way, do you know who they are?"

Thinking of something, Ouyang Xun looked at Hawkeye curiously and asked.

"how could I know?"

Hawkeye pouted.

"really do not know?"

"No, I feel that you have something to slow me down. Tell the truth, the old man doesn't like others to lie!"

Ouyang Xun had an expression of "I don't believe you", squinted his eyes, looked at Hawkeye and said.

Hawkeye felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by him, looked at Li Yuanba at the side, and said in his heart, there is no other way but to tell the truth.

"It should be from Tianmen!"

Hawkeye said casually.


"Oh, you got into a fight with the people from Tianmen? It's amazing. You can still live if you got into a fight with people from Tianmen. What kind of thing are you, so powerful?"

When Ouyang Xun heard it, he was immediately happy.

It seems that in his eyes, the gate of heaven is like a god.No, it should be the same existence as the Palace of the King of Hades.

The so-called King of Hades wants you to die on the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch?If you fight against Tianmen, basically few of them will end well.

"Do you know Tianmen?"

Hearing what Ouyang Xun said, Hawkeye was a little surprised.

As far as he knows, there are not many people in this world who know about Tianmen.If it weren't for Tianmen's frequent attacks on Daqin, few people in the whole Daqin would know the existence of Tianmen.

This Ouyang Xun is just a hermit, he doesn't go out of the door, he doesn't step in the second door, his knowledge is quite wide.

"Hey, you don't know this, right? In this world, how many people can understand this Tianmen better than this old man?"

"It's not that the old man is bragging with you. Thinking back to when I was young, the old man even snatched a woman from the head of Tianmen!"

Ouyang Xun chuckled, with a proud look on his face.

"The head of the Tianmen?"

Hawkeye was a little dumbfounded, what is this all about?
"You are ignorant, aren't you? The head of Tianmen is known as Haotian. That kid is really arrogant and calls himself the God of Haotian."

"Good guy, that's not taking the world seriously. In the past, when the old man fell in love with a woman, he had to snatch it from the old man. If he hadn't been a hindrance, why would the old man still be a bachelor now!"

Ouyang Xun sighed, and when he mentioned this matter, he was full of melancholy.

"So you didn't win?"

For some reason, while chatting with this Ouyang Xun, Hawkeye felt inexplicably relaxed, as if two old friends were chatting.Unknowingly, he was led astray by the other party.

"How should I say this, it should be considered a win or lose!"

Ouyang Xun was a little embarrassed and waved his hands.

"Winning is winning, and losing is losing. It is said that life is like chess, but it is not true chess. How can there be a winner or loser? Is it possible to play two games in a row?"

Hawkeye laughed a little.

"What do you know kid?"

"The old man did not snatch that woman back then, but he was not much better off. In the end, the woman married someone else anyway!"

Ouyang Xun was dissatisfied, and at the end, he was a little humble, shaking his head and said: "Although the relationship between that woman and him is still very ambiguous, at least they have no husband and wife status!"

When Hawkeye heard it, he was immediately happy.

Does Ouyang Xun of love have such a relationship with Haotian of Tiantianmen?
I really didn't expect that Haotian still has a woman he can't get, and he can only have an affair.

But he didn't know that although Ouyang Xun was a person who couldn't hide things in his heart, he still didn't say some things that were too embarrassing.

It was true that Haotian had no relationship with that woman back then, but that doesn't mean that Haotian couldn't get that woman.

It's not that the woman's husband is so powerful that even Haotian would shy away from him, on the contrary, that man can only be submissive in front of Haotian.

After marrying that woman, that man never had a chance to touch her.

Later, when the other party gave birth to a child, when he found out, he was forced down by Haotian, unable to resist at all.

That man was none other than Shanyu Modun of the Huns.

As for why he wants to give his own woman a title with other people, but he is unwilling to give his own woman a title.

In fact, besides Haotian, only Ouyang Xun knew a little bit about this.

Although Na Haotian claims to be immortal, in fact, he spends most of his time recuperating in the ice palace, and rarely appears in this world.

He didn't want to leave any burden on himself, or in other words, he didn't want to leave any handle on himself.

In the eyes of Tianmen, everyone knows that Haotian owns the whole world.

But in fact, when you really count it, you will find that Haotian actually has nothing.

If you want to seize Haotian's weakness and threaten Haotian, it will be even more difficult, as difficult as going to the blue sky.

This is Haotian's painstaking efforts over the years. In the final analysis, it is to cut off all the red threads in the world of mortals and not give anyone any chance to take advantage of them.

"But after all, that woman has nothing to do with you in the end!"

Hawkeye looked at Ouyang Xun amusedly, and joked.

"So what? I can't rob him of a woman, so why can't I rob his mother-in-law? I didn't let the old man back then, but when the old man became his father-in-law, how dare he not give up three points?"

Ouyang Xun pouted his neck, and said with some pride.

"What, you..."

Hawkeye was completely dumbfounded, what do these mean?
"Hey, I didn't expect that!"

Ouyang Xun looked terrified, and said, "Speaking of which, it happened 30 or [-] years ago."

"To be honest, although the old man likes that woman, but think about it carefully, this old cow eats tender grass and will not eat it after all. On the contrary, her mother is good. She is much younger than the old man!"

"If you don't get the girl's heart, the old man will get his mother! So, the old man is also Haotian's father. You say, with this relationship here, can the old man not understand this Tianmen?"

Hawkeye secretly clicked his tongue when he heard this, and realized that the person in front of him was really out-and-out... Shameless!

You know, in this era, rules and etiquette are very particular.

You are a man, courting someone's daughter to get married to no avail, instead you go to get someone's mother's attention.

This kind of thing is unbelievable when you think about it, how can those famous and decent people do it?
I'm afraid that there are hundreds of schools of thought, and no young disciple can do this kind of thing.

This is the only one, no wonder he is called a strange person.Really strange!

(End of this chapter)

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