Chapter 1264
"Hey, boy, don't talk about this, tell me, what's your name!"

While chatting, as if he didn't want to continue the topic just now, Ouyang Xun changed the subject and asked Hawkeye.

"Here, my eagle eye, I have seen the master!"

Hawkeye was silent for a moment, and said his name.

"Hawkeye, this old man has heard of this name before. You are the commander of the Black Ice Terrace of Qin, right?"

Ouyang Xun looked like an old man who didn't go out but knew what was going on in the world, smiled and looked at Hawkeye and shouted.

"How did Master know?"

Hawkeye was startled, you know, there are very few people in this world who know of his existence.

If he doesn't come out to do business this time, it may be difficult for even Tianmen to trace his existence.

Why does Ouyang Xun seem to be very familiar with him?

"Look, are you ignorant again? Who is this old man? In this world, what the old man wants to know has never escaped the old man's eyes?"

"But it's not right to think about it. The word Hawkeye sounds weird. It shouldn't be your real name. Tell me, what is your real name?"

Ouyang Xun questioned Hawkeye with a look of breaking the casserole and asking the end.

"Master, I will be called Hawkeye!"

Hawkeye said without hesitation.

"Look, you are not telling the truth again. Let me tell you, there are few people in this world who can lie in front of this old man without being discovered. As long as this old man looks at you, he will instantly know whether what you are saying is true or not. talk!"

"Tell me, what is your real name?"

Ouyang Xun asked with a dissatisfied expression.


Hawkeye was a little hesitant, and for some reason, he really felt like he had nowhere to hide in front of Ouyang Xun.

It seems that everything about oneself can be seen through by the other party.Lie, there is no chance.

"You don't want to say it, do you? Forget it. If you don't say it, you won't say it. It's just that the old man has always had a habit. If others are disobedient, the old man doesn't care about him. You, the patient, take it away yourself, the old man is dead!"

Seeing Hawkeye's reluctance to say anything, Ouyang Xun's temper immediately turned up, he hummed twice, turned around and was about to leave.

"Hey, master, I said, I said..."

Hawkeye was speechless, this master was really eccentric and didn't dare to provoke him.


Ouyang Xun was not polite, as if you insisted on talking.

"My surname is Lu, my name is Bu, and my name is given first!"

Hawkeye held Fang Tian's painted halberd and cupped his hands.

"Lu Bu, Lu Fengxian!"

"Hey, that's a good name!"

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Xun nodded in satisfaction.

This eagle eye is none other than Lv Bu and Lv Fengxian, the commanders-in-chief of the first army of the Three Kingdoms during the Three Kingdoms period and the [-] camps in history.

The so-called Lu Bu among men and Chitu among horses are talking about him.

Of course, it is impossible for people in this era to have seen or heard of Lu Bu.

However, with such a master, Ying Shou only asked him to be the leader of the black ice platform, which is of course very meaningful.

"Hey, the name is not bad. It's just that the old man looks at you, you are not bad at first glance, but the more you look at it, the more you don't like it. I always feel that you are rebellious, something is not right!"

Ouyang Xun, who was quite satisfied before, suddenly changed the subject while speaking, and suddenly said to Lu Bu with a little disappointment.

When Lu Bu heard this, something was wrong immediately.

What do these mean?
What have you done?Why is it that the more you see yourself, the more you don't like it?

Still rebellious, who did you rebel against?
He didn't know that after being summoned by Ying Shou along with the [-] camp, his past memories had disappeared completely.

Of course, he couldn't betray the master Ying Shou.

But what kind of person Ouyang Xun is, it depends on the person's ability.

Lu Bu's power is undeniable.But the infamy of the slaves of the three surnames in history is not for nothing.

For him, backlash against his master is just like a routine, so easy.

If it wasn't for this, he wouldn't be just a leader of the Black Ice Platform now.

Of course, although the leader of the Black Ice Platform is not an official position, in fact, he still has enough rights.At least in this world, no one dares to provoke him.

The so-called under one person, above ten thousand people, this sentence can also be applied to him.

At least, in the entire Great Qin, no one except the emperor dared to order him.It was always only when he gave orders to others.

"Master, I've told you everything you want to know. You can't take your word for it. You said you would help me!"

Lu Bu was a little anxious.

Although Ouyang Xun's sudden change made him a little upset, it didn't matter. The most important thing at the moment was to save Li Yuanba first, otherwise he would not be able to do business with the emperor.

"Who told you, the old man is done asking?"

Hearing this, Ouyang Xun was a little dissatisfied.

"What do you mean?"

Lu Bu didn't understand.

"This old man is asking you a few questions. If you answer this way, this old man guarantees that the patient you brought is safe and sound. How about it?"

Ouyang Xun changed the subject again and said with a smile.

"what is the problem?"

Lu Bu asked.

"Tell me, how is she doing?"

Ouyang Xun looked serious and asked seriously.


Lu Bu was a little puzzled, he didn't even know anyone, how could he answer the other party?

"Xue Ning, your emperor's concubine, the old man's granddaughter!"

Ouyang Xun pouted.

"What, Concubine Xue, who is your granddaughter? The woman you mentioned is Concubine Xue's mother?"

When Lu Bu heard this, he was taken aback and shouted hastily.

"Don't talk nonsense, answer the old man quickly!"

Ouyang Xun urged.

"Oh, to report back to Master, Concubine Xue is very good and she is raising a baby in the palace. It will not be long before she will give birth to a prince for His Majesty!"

Although he didn't understand what was going on, Hawkeye still replied seriously in order to let Ouyang Xun save people quickly.

"Is about to give birth?"

"That's right, from the moment I got the news, it looks like it's almost full term!"

"Oh, I really didn't expect it. In a blink of an eye, the old bachelor is about to have a great-grandson!"

With a sigh, Ouyang Xun was very moved, and went to the side to sit down.

"Master, are there any questions?"

Lu Bu followed and asked.

"No problem!"

Ouyang Xun shrugged.

"Then you can be cured?"

Lu Bu urged.


Ouyang Xun refused politely.

"What do you mean, are you kidding me?"

When Lu Bu heard this, he quit immediately.

This old man is clearly teasing himself.

"Who teased you?"

"Yes, this problem is gone, but there is one more thing!"

"Have you seen those corpses? Putting them there is a sight to behold. Besides, these people are here to harm you. The old man slaughtered them for you. You can't still watch the old man bury them hard?"

"Go, find a place, and bury them all!"

Ouyang Xun pointed to the corpses by the stream, and gave Lu Bu instructions with a look of dismay.

(End of this chapter)

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