Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1265 Conditions

Chapter 1265 Conditions
"Let me bury it?"

Lu Bu was unhappy, but thinking about it, it seemed that this was really the case.These people are here to make trouble for me, and they killed them all for me, so I can't let an old man work hard to bury them, right?

Thinking about it this way, although he was still a little unwilling, Lu Bu still buried all those corpses with his own hands.

This busy work, most of the morning has passed, and it is noon.

Ouyang Xun has been sitting quietly, not intending to see a doctor at all.

When Lu Bu came back from his work, he said, "Okay, can I see a doctor?"

Ouyang Xun waved his hand and said, "Don't look at it, just take him back!"

As soon as this remark came out, Lu Bu immediately became angry, and shouted: "Old man, you are playing tricks on me!"

Looking at it, if Ouyang Xun couldn't give him a satisfactory explanation today, he would have to tear Ouyang Xun apart.

Lu Bu's memory can be erased, but his arrogance can never be erased.Likewise, his character can never be erased.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Lu Bu and Cao Cao were always the same kind of people.

Cao Cao is not as good as Lu Bu in terms of martial arts, and Lu Bu is far inferior to Cao Cao in terms of strategy, but they both have one thing in common, that is, I would rather lose the world than the world.

How did the name of Lu Bu's family slave come from?

Go to one and kill the other, just for what you want.

Where did Cao Cao's name come from?

People who are good to themselves will be killed if they say they are killed, just to survive for themselves.

So, two people are the same, never willing to suffer.

Now, it is unreasonable for Ouyang Xun to dare to play tricks on him.

"Boy, the old man said, do you want the old man to treat this person, or to treat you?"

Ouyang Xun glanced sideways at Lu Bu and said speechlessly.

"What do you mean?"

Lu Bu said coldly.

"Didn't you see it? He just fell asleep, what's wrong with him?"

"If everyone falls asleep and has to be seen by a doctor, then why don't the doctors be so busy?"

"The old man suspects that it is not him who is sick, but you. You have to work so hard to seek medical treatment for such a thing?"

Ouyang Xun looked at Lu Bu like a fool.

"Impossible, if you fall asleep, how can you not wake up, this is poisoning!"

Lu Bu insisted.

"You're talking nonsense, boy, the old man asks you, are you a doctor, or is this old man a doctor?"

"If you can't trust the old man, why come to the old man? Since you came to the old man, why doubt the old man?"

Ouyang Xun was furious, feeling that Lu Bu was contemptuous of his medical skills.

Could it be that with his own ability, he couldn't tell whether he was asleep or poisoned?
Isn't that insulting?
"You said he fell asleep, so what's going on?"

Lu Bu didn't want to talk to Ouyang Xun, so he could see that this old man didn't have the slightest demeanor, and he was all-rounder if he said it.

"That's right, when you encounter something, you must humbly ask for advice!"

"Come on, the old man told you, you heard clearly. Your companion, he is not poisoned, he just drank a kind of medicine called Thousand Days Sleep!"

"Of course, it's an exaggeration to say it's a thousand-day sleep, but after eating, it's normal to sleep for ten days and a half a month. When you get enough sleep, you'll wake up naturally!"

"Do you know that this thousand-day sleep is a product of the Heavenly Gate. Then Haotian must take it every time before retreating!"

"Things that even Haotian uses, do you think they can be harmful? It can't be that the old guy is bored and wants to die, right?"

Ouyang Xun was very satisfied with Lu Bu's softness, and explained patiently.

"That said, it makes sense!"

"No wonder, it's clearly in a deep sleep, but I can't wake up. So it's not poisoning, it's just trapped in a dream!"

Lu Bu probably understood, and was suddenly at a loss.

If there is no way to make Li Yuanba wake up quickly, then the emperor's order will be delayed.

"Master, is there a way to make him wake up sooner?"

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Bu asked.

"It's not that there is no way. It's just that the old man has a condition. As long as you agree, the old man promises that within three days, he will wake up!"

Ouyang Xun rolled his eyeballs slightly, and said with a half-smile.

"What conditions?"

Lu Bu didn't like to beat around the bush and asked directly.

"It's very simple. When I observe this person's appearance, the old man looks three parts like a human and seven parts like a ghost. Although there is no abnormality under observation, in fact, there are some congenital problems!"

"This kind of trouble, the old man likes it the most. If the old man makes him wake up, you have to promise the old man and let him stay. How about waiting for the old man to treat his illness?"

Ouyang Xun got up, raised his head and chest.

"Didn't the master say that he is not sick? If that's the case, why treat him?"

Lu Bu wondered.

"The old man did not say that he is not sick, but that he is not in any physical condition and does not need to be treated. But if the old man guessed correctly, this child's intelligence is just like a child's. This is not a congenital defect, and What is it?"

"This old man has always loved difficult and miscellaneous diseases. This is indeed a trouble for this old man. Therefore, this old man must solve it, otherwise he will feel unhappy!"

As soon as Ouyang Xun opened his red mouth and white teeth, he was unceremonious and asked for someone directly.

"What? This..."

Lu Bu hesitated again, and of course he would be happy to let Ouyang Xun help Li Yuanba cure his illness.If he succeeds, it will be easy for him to do business in front of His Majesty in the future.

But think about it, there are still tasks to be done now, where can I sit down and recuperate with peace of mind?

"you are not willing?"

Ouyang Xun's voice suddenly turned cold, and he said coldly.

"Master misunderstood, Lu Bu didn't mean that!"

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that there are some problems that must be resolved. In this way, after he wakes up, he will follow me to do one thing first. When he comes back, how about handing it over to the master?"

Lu Bu waved his hand and said hastily.

"Well, it makes sense. For you people, state affairs are the most important thing. If that's the case, the old man can agree to your request!"

"In this way, the old man will start now and let him wake up as soon as possible. After waking up, you go to work first, and when you come back, immediately hand him over to the old man!"

"You have to be clear, in this world, no one dares to break promises to this old man. If you dare to go back on your word, this old man will definitely make you go away!"

Ouyang Xun was very reasonable, thought for a while, and said solemnly.

"Since this is the case, Lu Bu is here to thank Master, and please start immediately!"

Lu Bu was overjoyed and hurriedly urged.

"Okay, bring him in!"

Ouyang Xun didn't talk nonsense, got up and gave instructions, and went back to the thatched cottage alone.

Outside, Lu Bu carried Li Yuanba, who was sound asleep, into the thatched hut, and put him on the bed.

Ouyang Xun walked over and started treatment immediately.

It is said to be treatment, but in fact it is to use acupuncture techniques to push the uterus and activate blood, driving Li Yuanba's body to be in an active state, and quickly digest the medicinal properties of Thousand Days Sleep.

As long as the properties of the medicine are fully utilized, it will be like a drunk who has exhausted his alcohol and will naturally wake up early.

(End of this chapter)

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