Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1266 Frontline Battle Report

Chapter 1266 Frontline Battle Report
"What, have you started to have occasional labor pains?"

In Hudong's land, in the Bihaiyuan of Donghu Wangting, Ying Shou looked at the queen sitting in front of him, and couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.


Nan Yan blushed and counted the time, and now she is nearly ten months pregnant.

Before that, apart from back pain, there was no other feeling.But in these two days, there was always a sense of labor pain.

Nan Yan is a doctor herself, and she has treated pregnant women many times, so of course she knows what it means.

When the fetus in the womb tends to mature and is about to fall, the pregnant woman's body will also respond.

When labor pain hits, it means that birth is about to happen.

However, this also varies from person to person. For some people, on the first day of labor pains, the child may be about to be born.

Some people are in pain for a while today and for a while tomorrow.Pain and pain, ten days and a half months have passed, but the child has not yet fallen to the ground.

There are even some people who started labor pains a month in advance, but the pain lasted to full term, or even exceeded the time, and the baby has not yet landed, so they can only give birth.

Otherwise, once it continues, the child's life will be in danger in the stomach.

These situations can happen to every pregnant woman.

Therefore, after listening to Ying Shou, after the initial joy, he inevitably fell into worry.

Unknowingly, Nan Yan fell into anxiety.

A doctor doesn't heal herself. She knows how to take care of her own body.But how to diagnose, this is not within the scope of her ability.

"Does it hurt a lot?"

Ying Shou pondered for a moment, and couldn't help asking with concern.

"It's not great, it doesn't feel much!"

Nanyan said with a bitter face, a little uneasy.

"It doesn't matter, this is just a sign that the little guy is about to fall to the ground, just wait a little longer. I think it won't take long, and he will slowly open his mouth. The opening is wide open, and naturally he can wait to give birth!"

Ying Shou stretched out his hand, took Nan Yan into his arms, and said softly.

Nan Yan was taken aback when she heard the words.


Nan Yan had a strange look on her face. Of course she knew what this opening meant.

But such a secret thing, even a doctor would not tell it, and the emperor is not a doctor, how did he know?

"Your Majesty, do you understand a little too much? Tell me, have you ever seen a woman give birth?"

Nan Yan couldn't help being curious and joked.

Ying Shou's face darkened, realizing that he had indeed said too much.

In this era, there is no such thing as opening the mouth, and that is what later generations say.

"Ahem, I'm not worried about the queen, I checked some more things!"

Ying Shou didn't blush, he couldn't breathe, and he just made an excuse to get over it.


Nan Yan was obviously not good enough.

"Of course it is true, you are not joking, don't you believe what I say?"

Ying Shou's face was serious, and he said very seriously.

"Well, trust Your Majesty!"

Nan Yan pursed her lips, thought of something, and said, "Your Majesty, my concubine has been preparing to show a picture of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers recently. In your opinion, where should I start?"

Ever since Ying Shou made fun of her because she didn't know how to be a female star, Nan Yan was immediately upset and kept worrying about it.

I made a great wish at the beginning, and one day, I will show off a beautiful scenery with my own hands.

During this period of time, she spent less and less time with Ying Shou, and she always worked secretly to become a female star when she had nothing to do.

It doesn't matter if you don't practice it, after practicing it, you will become obsessed with it.

Nan Yan's talent is there, no matter what it is, as long as you put your heart into it, you can basically learn it.

Not to mention too much, just talk about the principles of Chinese medicine, it is simply an existence that is complicated enough to make people despair.

Ordinary doctors, who have been studying for decades, can only be regarded as apprentices, at most they can be regarded as barely graduated.

So, a strange phenomenon appeared.Those doctors who can diagnose alone are basically in their early 40s.

As far as those with a little bit of ability are basically old men in their 60s, 70s, or even [-]s.

As for those in their 30s and [-]s, basically they only dare to diagnose and treat diseases under the guidance of their teachers.

Like Nanyan, there are very few people who are young, only in their twenties, can walk the rivers and lakes, practice medicine and save the world for several years.

Even in the entire medical family, they are all rare geniuses in a hundred years.

Such a person can even learn the basics of medicine so quickly, so it's no problem to become a female celebrity.

It didn't take long for her craftsmanship to far exceed those of the maids who taught her embroidery at the beginning, which is amazing.

It can be said that today's Nanyan, as long as she wants to, she can show whatever she likes.Its embroidery craftsmanship is not an exaggeration even if it is called a master.

What is a genius?This is the real genius.

It's like a person's innate supernatural power, which cannot be envied by others.

"Hey, what is a map of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers? Don't think about these things, take good care of yourself first. This is going to be in labor soon, and you still have the mind to take care of it!"

Ying Shou gave Nan Yan a reproachful look, and said unhappily.

Nan Yan was about to say something, but at this moment, not far away, Sima Xun came quickly, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, there is a battle report ahead!"

Nan Yan looked at Ying Shou, and then at Sima Xun.

Although she enjoys this kind of time to stay with the emperor and talk about family affairs first, she understands the truth that major events in the world cannot be neglected.

Seeing this, he didn't want to delay the emperor, so he got up immediately and said softly: "Your Majesty is busy first, the concubine is a bit tired, please leave first!"

Ying Shou nodded slightly. He liked a sensible woman like Nan Yan very much.

In other words, as long as he is a man, he will like a sensible woman.


Ying Shou waved his hand and smiled.

Nan Yan resigned and left, and soon, only Ying Shou and Sima Xun were left at the scene.

"Which battlefield news?"

Ying Shou opened his mouth and asked indifferently.

The question in this sentence is very simple. The question is whether it is the news of the Xiongnu battlefield, the news of the Yanmen Pass battlefield, or the news of the southern border battlefield.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, there is no movement on the southern battlefield. After all, the rebel army is still dispatching troops and gathering troops from all walks of life."

"Calculating the time, it will take at least ten days for the rebels to gather. Therefore, within these ten days, it is estimated that there will be no battle!"

"Over the Xiongnu battlefield, General Lie Yang is still playing around with the Donghu army. He never fights the Donghu army head-on. He just occasionally catches the opportunity and bites the Donghu army!"

"To this day, the Donghu army has run out of food. The Huns want to help, but the food and grass often cannot be delivered to the Donghu army."

"Either it was taken away by our army. Or because our army ran too fast and the Donghu army was tightly entangled, there was no way to get enough food."

"If things go on like this for a long time, I'm afraid that within a few days, the Donghu army will be exhausted to death. Therefore, nothing major will happen in this Hun battlefield for the time being!"

(End of this chapter)

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