Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1270 Insulting Haotian

Chapter 1270 Insulting Haotian
"It's still the same thing, I've tried it before, do you really think this can stop me?"

Lu Bu sneered, staring at his surroundings solemnly.

He didn't dare to shoot at will. Although he escaped by chance before, he didn't encounter the blow of Benlei in the wind and thunder battle after all.He didn't know where this so-called lightning strike would come from.

If you take the lead in doing it yourself, and someone seizes the opportunity, the consequences will be disastrous.

When the two armies are at war, the so-called strike first is the strongest, which has never changed through the ages.

But sometimes, if you strike first, you are not necessarily strong, but will reveal your flaws.

Once the opponent catches the flaw, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Hmph, if you can stop it, you can try it!"

The giant man stood outside the hurricane, and said coldly: "Trap him for me, and I'll kill that Li Yuanba first!"

When Lu Bu heard this, his face changed immediately, and he roared angrily, "How dare you!"

After the words fell, Lu Bu could no longer calm down.

Who is Li Yuanba?That is the younger brother who is most favored by the emperor.

Now he and Li Yuanba are working hand in hand at the same time, if the task is not completed, Li Yuanba will lose his life.He believed that the emperor wanted to scratch him alive.

All in all, now, one's own life can be lost, but Li Yuanba's life must not be lost.

"If you want to stop me, break the battle formation first!"

The giant man sneered, turned his head to look at Ouyang Xun, and said coldly, "Tell me, where is that sick guy at the moment!"

Ouyang Xun shrank his neck, and pointed to the inside of the thatched hut knowingly, without any hesitation, he said, "No, it's inside!"

Hearing this, the giant man walked towards the hut without any hesitation.


However, at this moment, in the eye of the hurricane battle formation, Lu Bu suddenly yelled, flew up, and said angrily: "The demons are dancing!"


The next moment, he waved Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, bringing a strong wind all over the sky, and colliding with the surrounding tornadoes.

"Boom boom boom..."

Countless crackling sounds sounded in an instant, and the violent wind collided like thunder and bombardment, constantly exploding.

At this moment, nearly a hundred people seemed to be one.Their strength seems to be condensed together.

No matter how fast Lu Bu made his move, nearly a hundred people could use their means to block it at the same time.

No matter how strong Lu Bu is, he still can't break through this hurricane formation.

Amidst bursts of crackling sounds, Lu Bu saw swords, lights and swords flickering around, as if lightning struck from all sides.

It is worthy of the wind and thunder battle formation, under the outbreak, it really has the power of wind, thunder and lightning.

After some collisions, Lu Bu did not have the slightest advantage, but was bombarded by a steady stream of forces.

Power came from all directions, following Fang Tian's painted halberd and leaping into his hands, it made his arms tremble, and the tiger's mouth almost split open.


Lu Bu gasped. He had personally broken through this battle formation before, so it was certain that the power was not so powerful at all.

Why at this moment, the power of this battle formation seems to be more than three times stronger than before.

This sudden pressure made Lv Bu extremely anxious, and there was almost no way of escape.

At this time, the big man had already rushed into the thatched hut. Seeing Li Yuanba who was still sleeping soundly, the big man showed a ferocious face, and said with a sneer, "Li Yuanba, it is rumored that he is the number one expert under Ying Shou. He once fought in an army of millions. Go, kill 30 troops without a single survivor. Today I want to see if you can still escape in my hands!"

After the words fell, the giant man raised the hammer in his hand without any hesitation, aimed at Li Yuanba's head, and smashed it down.

This is a hammer, which is usually used to strike iron.

You can't even hold iron under this hammer, let alone a human head?
If the hammer were to go down, one could imagine what would happen to Li Yuanba, basically he would definitely die.

Not only will he die, but he will die miserably, with his brains bursting out, which is too horrible to look at.

However, just when the hammer was about to hit, suddenly, a loud shout sounded: "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Stop, you give me an assistant immediately!"

As soon as the words fell, a figure outside the door suddenly appeared, Ouyang Xun rushed out, came to the bedside, and lifted Li Yuanba up.


The giant man's speed was obviously not as fast as Ouyang Xun's.Even though Ouyang Xun came later, he dragged Li Yuanba away in front of him.

And his hammer didn't fall until this moment.

After a roar, the bed was instantly smashed to pieces by him with a hammer. Its power was so powerful that it was simply daunting.

"you wanna die!"

Seeing that the blow was missed, the giant man suddenly became furious, turned his head to look at Ouyang Xun, and shouted coldly.

"Hey, boy, what are you, how dare you talk to this old man? Do you know who this old man is?"

When Ouyang Xun heard this, he immediately became unhappy: "I tell you, boy, there has always been an unwritten rule with this old man."

"Anyone who sincerely seeks medical treatment, the old man has no reason not to save him. Anyone who dares to take the life of the person that the old man promises to save will be against the old man!"

"You dare to do something that even the god of death can't do. Is this looking down on the old man?"

As he said that, Ouyang Xun looked angry, as if his majesty had been provoked.

"Old guy, be sensible, get out of here immediately, otherwise, you will die without a place to bury you!"

The giant man glared angrily, and said through gritted teeth.

"Hey, are you trying to scare the old man? You don't care who the old man is, tell the old man to just go away? You heard it clearly, the old man is Haotian's father."

"Ask Haotian, if he dares to deny this old man's father. You can ask Haotian, will he let you do nonsense!"

Ouyang Xun sneered, raised his head, and said with an old attitude.

It has to be said that according to seniority and relationship, he is really Haotian's father.

It is simply unreasonable for a group of Haotian's subordinates to dare to attack him.

"How dare you insult Haotian?

However, these words became a humiliation to Chi Guoguo in the ears of the giant man.

This is not only humiliating him, but also humiliating the entire Tianmen, and even Haotian.

No one in the world knows that Haotian is immortal?If he wanted to be Haotian's father, he would be hundreds of years old now, to say the least?
It's really unreasonable for this person to dare to be so crazy.

In his rage, the giant man didn't hesitate at all, his figure flickered, and he directly chased and killed Li Yuanba and Ouyang Xun.

However, at the moment when the giant man rushed out, Ouyang Xun also swayed, his body was like a sword piercing through the sky, his speed was extremely fast, he dodged in an instant, and rushed out of the hut.

When the giant man rushed to his previous battle position, he suddenly found that the building was already empty.

This Ouyang Xun's speed was too fast, so fast that even this giant man couldn't see clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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